Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


Active member
Sep 23, 2004
The city should test all of its employees as far as I'm concerned.

Any illegal drug use - you're fired. I have zero problem with that as I endure the same scrutiny in my work a day world.
That would have probably prevented Smitherman from working.


Jan 31, 2005
I think they should test for any drug that might be smoked in a glass pipe. Could have been crystal meth, heroin, somehting marijuana based just to name a few.
The guy who took the video gave specific information that it was crack. If it wasn't crack, then the whole story is falling apart, and at that point, why belabour it?

It may in fact have been a hash pipe, they look a lot like a crack pipe, and it's something that some huge percentage of the population would be OK with. So I wouldn't test him for pot, because really who cares if he smokes pot. Crack is a whole different story.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The guy who took the video gave specific information that it was crack. If it wasn't crack, then the whole story is falling apart, and at that point, why belabour it?

It may in fact have been a hash pipe, they look a lot like a crack pipe, and it's something that some huge percentage of the population would be OK with. So I wouldn't test him for pot, because really who cares if he smokes pot. Crack is a whole different story.
Sure. The part about him getting high with some low-life drug dealers and making racist slurs about his own high school football team is not really relevant to his character, is it?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Yes there are more discrete ways to get and smoke hash in this city than going to the apartment of Somalia crack dealers and sharing a pipe with them.

Tuesday's council meeting should be interesting, to say the least. I know if I was a councilor that Ford had insulted/threatened/berated/yelled at in the past, I'd be sharpening up the proverbial knives. It would be so easy, too. For instance:
"I have a question for the was your weekend? " and then make the motions of taking a hit off a pipe.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
If I were Ford I'd buy the video & destroy it. $200k is chump change for him!
How do you think that would work?! Are you assuming that Somali crack dealers are honourable people?

Hello, angiec27, welcome to 2013, and an era in which it is possible to record video on a cellphone and then to make what are called "digital copies" of that recording. These digital copies can be stored in various ways such as SD memory cards, on a PC, in 'the cloud', in Dropbox, etc. These digital copies can then be shared online through various means, either as embedded videos or as files that others can download to watch at their leisure.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
What happens in 8 days Phil? Do they release the vid to the highest bidder?
It says on their site:

This campaign will only receive funds if at least $200,000 is raised by Mon 27 May 11:59PM PT
But I think that would be foolish. They should just pay out whatever amount they managed to collect, even if its less then $200,000. Either way, sooner or later that video will come out


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
If I were Ford I'd by the video & destroy it. $200k is chump change for him!
Don't think that's chump change for Ford. Sure he has a family business that he and his brother have inherited but they're not in the ultra rich category. He can afford it but it will hurt, life will go on.

There's another point to consider, if Ford does buy the video and destroys it, that's pretty well saying he did do crack cocaine and is guilty as charged.

Why he doesn't come out and make a statement that he didn't do it just adds more fuel to the gossip crowd. Just look at this thread at all the people making assumptions, imagine the whole city and world assuming things, just gets worse for him the longer he doesn't come forward with a statement.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I'm in Vegas right now. Talking to a lot of people who know I'm from Toronto. Not a peep about this here. The media may have picked it up but mostly they could give a rats ass about it. When I see I video I'll believe it. Till then the timing with the casino vote is very suspicious to me. That and the Godfrey sacking.


Old but still rock hard
Apr 6, 2013
Ford is a looser!!! A big one to boot.....Anyone supporting this cow is a major fool. Last year when he started his weight loss program. I said to my self what a moron..... This guy, how in the hell did he get into politics???


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
They should just pay out whatever amount they managed to collect, even if its less then $200,000.
Think that people are pledging the money only if $200K total is reached. If it does not reach $200K, no money can be collected. Would be interesting to know how they are going to move $200K across the border. Telling customs the money is to pay off Somali drug dealers is not going to go over well.

Unless I missed something, none of the reporters asked when this crack smoking video was taken. Would be an obvious question, especially for professional reporters, and effortless to view the time stamp on the video using the phone. If they had a time and date the video was taken, it would be easy to check if Ford was in public, or missing during that time.

When the ass grabbing story started to fall apart, people tried to change the story to a drug use story. The crack smoking video is too convenient.


Old but still rock hard
Apr 6, 2013
If I were Ford I'd by the video & destroy it. $200k is chump change for him!
Ford has money??? Sure if you live like a crack head. Basic home in a old neighbour hood. No home improvements. Just has his inheritances. Lucky bastard that way. But his time is over. A joke in all of north America. He put Toronto in a bad light!!!


Old but still rock hard
Apr 6, 2013
Think that people are pledging the money only if $200K total is reached. If it does not reach $200K, no money can be collected. Would be interesting to know how they are going to move $200K across the border. Telling customs the money is to pay off Somali drug dealers is not going to go over well.

Unless I missed something, none of the reporters asked when this crack smoking video was taken. Would be an obvious question, especially for professional reporters, and effortless to view the time stamp on the video using the phone. If they had a time and date the video was taken, it would be easy to check if Ford was in public, or missing during that time.

When the ass grabbing story started to fall apart, people tried to change the story to a drug use story. The crack smoking video is too convenient.
It doesn't matter when picture or video was taken.... You did drugs you're a looser anyways. He's a Loser before or after. Drugs use will never be forgiven. It's the lowest of the low you can go.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
It doesn't matter when picture or video was taken.... You did drugs you're a looser anyways. He's a Loser before or after. Drugs use will never be forgiven. It's the lowest of the low you can go.
How can when the video was taken not matter? If the time stamp on the video says Feb 12, at 12:20pm for example, and Ford was in council at that time, than the video is fake. However, if Ford was missing for that time, than it would not look good for Ford. It is an obvious question that is effortless to check, and that the reporters did not question the date/time is suspicions or incompetent. Could be the reporters did not ask the time/date, because they did not want to know.

If the video is fake, than the last thing people would want to give is a time and date, as they would have no idea where Ford is at all times.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Think that people are pledging the money only if $200K total is reached. If it does not reach $200K, no money can be collected
I think thats a stupid rule on their part, and I also dont think they'll get to $200K

Would be interesting to know how they are going to move $200K across the border. Telling customs the money is to pay off Somali drug dealers is not going to go over well
Paypal account?? Or maybe $200K is too large a sum for paypal

Unless I missed something, none of the reporters asked when this crack smoking video was taken. Would be an obvious question, especially for professional reporters, and effortless to view the time stamp on the video using the phone. If they had a time and date the video was taken, it would be easy to check if Ford was in public, or missing during that time
I believe Gawker said video was shot 6 months ago. So that would be around Christmas time.

Which makes you wonder why they waited 6 months to go public with it


New member
Jan 5, 2012
I think thats a stupid rule on their part, and I also dont think they'll get to $200K

Paypal account?? Or maybe $200K is too large a sum for paypal

I believe Gawker said video was shot 6 months ago. So that would be around Christmas time.

Which makes you wonder why they waited 6 months to go public with it
The individual selling the video claimed it was taken within the last 6 months. It could have been taken a month ago for all we know.

In one move, the owner stops the video and draws the device back into his pocket.

"You took this?" I ask.



"Within the last six months."

"You're sure it's crack?"


"You've seen him smoke crack before?"

"Yes. Gotta jet."

And he is gone.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
What we know about the mayor's time within the past 6 months was in a G&M article:
Rob Ford’s parking records show he is spending less time at City Hall than a year ago, a sign the mayor is choosing to log fewer traditional office hours.

The records, obtained by The Globe and Mail through a freedom of information request, show the number of hours the mayor’s vehicle was at City Hall dropped sharply from early 2012 to the summer, a trend that has continued into 2013. In January, 2012, the mayor’s vehicle typically arrived before 10 a.m., and he often left the parking lot around 7 p.m.; this January, on days when there were no council or executive meetings, his trademark SUV did not pull in until noon or 1 p.m. and it often drove out mid-afternoon.
I think thats a stupid rule on their part, and I also dont think they'll get to $200K
No way they'll hit $200,000 unless Gawker decides to match the contributions or kick in the remainder. So then what happens, the video goes away? :frusty:

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The individual selling the video claimed it was taken within the last 6 months. It could have been taken a month ago for all we know
It could have. But 2 guys in that picture are wearing winter jackets. So it was probably taken between December and March

No way they'll hit $200,000 unless Gawker decides to match the contributions or kick in the remainder. So then what happens, the video goes away? :frusty:
The video will eventually come out I think.

At some point the guy will wanna cash in, even if it doesnt reach $200K
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