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Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


New member
Jan 5, 2012
It could have. But 2 guys in that picture are wearing winter jackets. So it was probably taken between December and March

The video will eventually come out I think.

At some point the guy will wanna cash in, even if it doesnt reach $200K
Its my understanding that the picture did not come from the actual video. If you read the Gawker article, the individual who owns the video would not release even a screen capture which is why John Cook from Gawker had to travel to Toronto.

Its a long weekend across Canada, but the Indigogo account is still closing in on $77,000 http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/rob-ford-crackstarter This video needs to be seen by the public, especially by those who actually live in Toronto. This is our mayor afterall, and if he is addicted to crack cocaine, he needs to be removed from office and encouraged to seek treatment by his family.


Jan 31, 2005
Sure. The part about him getting high with some low-life drug dealers and making racist slurs about his own high school football team is not really relevant to his character, is it?
To you and me sure. Ford Nation won't care unless he was smoking crack.


New member
Sep 6, 2006
Boy getting caught on tape smoking crack is really dumb. Thank god no mayor of my nation's capital city ever did this. (Please note this is meant as a joke..I know Toronto isn't the capital of Canada. It's Ottumwa or something.)


New member
Aug 29, 2009
What if the tape is a complete fraud?

The hatred by some people in Toronto towards Ford is so huge that it would not surprise me that the tape is a fake.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
What if the tape is a complete fraud?

The hatred by some people in Toronto towards Ford is so huge that it would not surprise me that the tape is a fake.
Gotta ask if a couple of Somali coke dealers have the skills to make a credible fake tape. They have to recruit a Ford look-alike and teach him to speak exactly like Ford and then write him a script. Or else they have to input about a huge amount of CGI, itself probably worth dozens of thousands of $$$$$.

Chances are Ford is sooooooo fucking stupid that he actually went and did crack with these guys and then let himself be filmed.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
There are already cracks appearing in the Toronto Star's version vs. Gawker's version.

Gawker claims somebody in the background goaded Ford by saying "Pierre Trudeau was a faggot!". The Toronto Star, whose reporters have also seen the video, say that it's Justin Trudeau being called a faggot.

The Star also has Ford himself, and not the voice off-screen, making the "faggot" remark, though that's not how Gawker remembers it. So either the Star or Gawker didnt hear it right.

See here: http://gawker.com/for-sale-a-video-of-toronto-mayor-rob-ford-smoking-cra-507736569


The Toronto Star, whose reporters have also seen the video, say that it's Justin Trudeau—Pierre's son and the leader of the Liberal Party in Canada—and not Pierre getting called a "faggot." It's hard to keep all these Canadians apart. The Star also has Ford himself, and not the voice off-screen, making the "faggot" remark, though that's not how I remember it


Mar 21, 2011
There are already cracks appearing in the Toronto Star's version vs. Gawker's version.

Gawker claims somebody in the background goaded Ford by saying "Pierre Trudeau was a faggot!". The Toronto Star, whose reporters have also seen the video, say that it's Justin Trudeau being called a faggot.

The Star also has Ford himself, and not the voice off-screen, making the "faggot" remark, though that's not how Gawker remembers it. So either the Star or Gawker didnt hear it right.

See here: http://gawker.com/for-sale-a-video-of-toronto-mayor-rob-ford-smoking-cra-507736569
Must suck to be one of the few left defending the fat, probable crack smoker.
The post has a photo of him in the very same sweatshirt as shown in the photo on the news stories.

But I guess if you've stuck with him through every other embarrassment, poor decision and failure, why not keep going.
Maybe you can help him put the magnets on the cars next time, its vital work for the mayor of the 4th largest city in north america.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Must suck to be one of the few left defending the fat, probable crack smoker.
The post has a photo of him in the very same sweatshirt as shown in the photo on the news stories.

But I guess if you`ve stuck with him through every other embarrassment, poor decision and failure, why not keep going.
Maybe you can help him put the magnets on the cars next time, its vital work for the mayor of the 4th largest city in north america
What did I say in this post, groggy??! https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthrea...ext-election&p=4542581&viewfull=1#post4542581


Jan 31, 2005
People remembering it different is not surprising as they didn't make notes until they left. I have no doubt the video exists and shows Ford getting high smoking something in a pipe.

The real question is what is in that pipe. A crack pipe looks a hell of a lot like a hash pipe.

Ford smoking pot is Bill Clinton territory. Then the issue is "just" his racist remarks and poor choice of friends, but that is just classic Ford buffoonery.

Crack, or meth, or heroin is a whole different ballgame.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
If the time stamp on the video says Feb 12, at 12:20pm for example, and Ford was in council at that time, than the video is fake.
Or a crackhead didn't have data to look up the time automatically via NTP, and had the date and time messed up on his phone. The only thing proving that Rob Ford didn't smoke something out of a glass pipe on that video is it not being Rob Ford smoking something out of a glass pipe in that video. People can decide that it was only flavoured tobacco, or not, on their own.

edit: How to get money across the border? Jesus, electonic age. Bank transfer.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Must suck to be one of the few left defending the fat, probable crack smoker.
The post has a photo of him in the very same sweatshirt as shown in the photo on the news stories.

But I guess if you've stuck with him through every other embarrassment, poor decision and failure, why not keep going.
Maybe you can help him put the magnets on the cars next time, its vital work for the mayor of the 4th largest city in north america.
You are such an idiot
You can not wait to find out if this rumor is true or not
No bias on your part.

If it is true, he is as good as done
If it is not true, what does that make you?

The more you post the more I despise you


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I suspect the crack smoking is true. We will see.

But it begs the question, if an employee is doing an excellent job, do we care what he does in his off hours.

I'm sure there are many druggies, who do excellent work, and their drug use is undetected.

Now Ford, who also has been doing a marvelous job with the fiscal responsibility of Toronto finds himself in a pickle.

I would say he should resign, given that there are insurmountable optics now, that open him to bribery etc.

However, if he charged with something....the courts may not get to his case before the term is over.


Jan 31, 2005
But it begs the question, if an employee is doing an excellent job, do we care what he does in his off hours.
If an employee smokes pot after work who cares. Crack, or anything that addictive, is a bit different, and certainly would explain his absenteeism.


Apr 25, 2013
I suspect the crack smoking is true. We will see.

But it begs the question, if an employee is doing an excellent job, do we care what he does in his off hours.

I'm sure there are many druggies, who do excellent work, and their drug use is undetected.

Now Ford, who also has been doing a marvelous job with the fiscal responsibility of Toronto finds himself in a pickle.

I would say he should resign, given that there are insurmountable optics now, that open him to bribery etc.

However, if he charged with something....the courts may not get to his case before the term is over.
You believe people who do drugs can fuction properly every day???? Get rid of the waste.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
That's not what I said. I said there are thousands of people out there smoking pot, heroine, crack.....and holding down jobs. The boss never knows they are on the junk.

its his exposure to bribery that is the problem.

dont get me wrong...I'm a big supporter of the Ford policies.


Mar 16, 2011
Banned Luxury Hotel
...dont get me wrong...I'm a big supporter of the Ford policies.
I'm a supporter of many of Ford's policies as well. That's why I want him gone. His is too incompetent to ever succeed with his own agenda. Whether the video is real or not, I am enjoying yet another Ford screw up. Sooner or later, there will be enough nails in his political coffin that he can be replaced with a more competent mayor.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Or a crackhead didn't have data to look up the time automatically via NTP, and had the date and time messed up on his phone.
The reporters did not even ask the drug dealers when the video was taken, or ask to see the video time stamp. These are reporters who are representing the Star, who is being asked to lay out $100K+ to buy the video, a video that could ruin the reputation of the mayor, and the reporters don’t even ask, wtf. This is important information that takes about 5 seconds to check on the phone. W5 = Who, What, When, Where, & Why. Reporters deal with pictures/video, dates/times on a daily basis, it is a critical part of their business.

About 6 months ago is not an answer. When do you ever see news stories that say, sometime last year, or about 6 months ago, when the time/date can be known exactly. It could be the reporters did not ask about the date/time, because they did not want to know, because the video is fake or does not exist. What other explanation is there?


New member
Aug 24, 2012
I'm a supporter of many of Ford's policies as well. That's why I want him gone. His is too incompetent to ever succeed with his own agenda. Whether the video is real or not, I am enjoying yet another Ford screw up. Sooner or later, there will be enough nails in his political coffin that he can be replaced with a more competent mayor.
I support most of Ford's policies but he fucked up real bad. Of course, everybody wanted more subways, and less clutter on the streets. But he couldn't get it done because he kept acting like a retard every time he brought it up.
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