Toronto Girlfriends

Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
We already knew that. :biggrin1:

As for the "tough on crime" stuff, not everyone on the knuckle-dragging right supports that agenda. Those of us with a libertarian bent disagree with morality laws such as drug laws and the laws against prostitution.
Maybe not you, but Harper is no libertarian and certainly talks tough on crime, except when the crimes are committed by his pals. I suppose that in the instances of Wright, Duffy and Wallin we're supposed to look beyond the 'clerical errors' and examine the root cause of what was going on with these individuals.

Ford talked tough on crackheads in the past:
Toronto should consider building crematoria beside crack houses if the city's proposed drug strategy is implemented, city councillor Rob Ford warned yesterday.
The councillor, who has battled addiction in his own family, blasted a new report by Toronto Public Health on combating alcohol and drug use in the city. The report recommends the city distribute crack pipes and other paraphernalia to addicts and explore opening safe injection and inhalation sites.
"It's euthanasia. You're just giving them a place to kill themselves. That's what is going to happen. You might as well just have a crematorium beside the crack house,” Mr. Ford said.
He said these “harm reduction strategies only encourage addicts to continue their drug use. You're not helping them…”
Mr. Ford has vocally opposed the city's support of harm-reduction strategies in the past, including a program at the Seaton House shelter that distributes wine and cigarettes to addicts.
According to the drug strategy, such harm-reduction measures as safer crack use kits; may prevent the spread of disease between users. In addition, they allow outreach workers to connect with addicts and build trust.

The strategy also calls for better public education, increased treatment programs and a 24-hour crisis centre to help addicts.
Mr. Ford said the city should concentrate on enforcement and rehabilitation measures.“You have to get these people into rehabilitation and if they don't want to go, well, then you just enforce the law. If it's illegal, you arrest them. That's the bottom line and if they have to dry out in jail — great" he said.

Mr. Ford said problems in his own family have taught him 'tough love' is the only way to battle drug use.
The councillor's sister was shot and wounded during an altercation in her parents home. One of the men involved in the shooting was charged with cocaine possession .”I know for a fact that tough love has worked and I'm talking from personal experience. If you just enable someone and give them a place to live and money, nothing changes,” Mr. Ford said.
On a positive note, Ford has decided to cancel this weekend's radio show. Which could have been a good opportunity for him to denounce the allegations against him.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Glad to see that I'm not the only one who sees Phil's posts to be little more than smoke and mirrors, bluster and bafflegab
I'm not surprised you dont understand my posts, rockie


New member
Sep 5, 2005
TAnd BTW, it's kinda curious with all this careful proceeding, that no one's accounted in much detail for having the still that was published, although they have instanced another occasion when Ford wore that sweatshirt. One imagines a moment by moment chronology of this op will come soon.
Ford takes photos with people all the time. All this photo shows is that Ford, at one point in time, crossed paths with Anthony Smith, a drug dealer who was killed outside a night club. Who knows where that photo was taken, or what the context might be.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
If you are thinking of donating to the cause, remember that the money is going to Somali drug dealers.
Oh, but they're gonna use that money to move away and start a better life!
(Yeah, right..)


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
The asking price on the video started out at $25K. Doubt the donations will reach $200K, as the story is now dying off. This mystery video will conveniently never make it to the open internet.

Interested to know how the guy at Gawker saw the video, as he is in New York city. Was it emailed to him? The drug dealers had the people from the Star jump through hoops to see this video.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Interested to know how the guy at Gawker saw the video, as he is in New York city. Was it emailed to him? The drug dealers had the people from the Star jump through hoops to see this video.
He actually flew to Toronto and jumped through the same(ish) hoops. He then broke the story and the Star cautiously followed.


Mar 21, 2011
The asking price on the video started out at $25K. Doubt the donations will reach $200K, as the story is now dying off. This mystery video will conveniently never make it to the open internet.

Interested to know how the guy at Gawker saw the video, as he is in New York city. Was it emailed to him? The drug dealers had the people from the Star jump through hoops to see this video.
Gawker is already at $58k.

I had to retype the number twice, 'cuz it keeps going up so quickly.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The asking price on the video started out at $25K. Doubt the donations will reach $200K, as the story is now dying off. This mystery video will conveniently never make it to the open internet.

Interested to know how the guy at Gawker saw the video, as he is in New York city. Was it emailed to him? The drug dealers had the people from the Star jump through hoops to see this video.
Unless Ford buys the video himself, it will make it to the open internet.

When the drug dealers see that interest is dying off and it looks like they might only end up with 75 or 80 grand, they will sell the video to the highest bidder.

75 or 80 or even 40 is better than 0 if they hold onto the video waiting (foolishly) for 200 grand.


Active member
May 7, 2013
Sure. If he is a crack fiend then he has smoked crack within the last couple of weeks. Probably yesterday.

If he hasn't smoked crack in months then he is not a crack fiend.

A test if his hair will tell, and I agree if he tests positive he cannot be mayor, but if he tests negative that also should be the end of it.

I read recently his sister had several drug convictions and her husband was a coke dealer. Previously I figured that did not reflect on him, but in light of this report it sure does paint a picture... He had access and connections and people close to him who were doing this stuff. Suddenly it's not such a stretch.

Sorry where did you read that again?


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
Unless Ford buys the video himself, it will make it to the open internet.

When the drug dealers see that interest is dying off and it looks like they might only end up with 75 or 80 grand, they will sell the video to the highest bidder.

75 or 80 or even 40 is better than 0 if they hold onto the video waiting (foolishly) for 200 grand.
Ford has money. Everyone knows that. If they wanted money for this, they could have simply negotiated with Ford.
Drug dealers are typically good capitalists, and are not too eager to be in the media.

I think Ford has issues, and would not be shocked if this was true. However, I am willing to presume he is innocent until there is actually evidence. It is simply more tabloid journalism in The Star, who really only care about selling papers. They will not even say it is Ford, but may possibly be Ford. This is still good enough for their front page. Even free is too much for the Star (and I am constantly offered it for free which is how they maintain their bloated figures).


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
It's been said before, but I'll say it again.

All McCheese has to do is take a drug test and if he's clean, it all goes away.

If he refuses to take a drug test, well then, what's he hiding?

It really is that simple.
So he is guilty until he goes out of his way to prove himself innocent ?
Lets hope you are never placed in such a position by someone looking for a score

What appears simple for you would piss most people right off if their character were questioned in such a public manner.
I guess that is part of the cost of being a public figure


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Ford has money. Everyone knows that. If they wanted money for this, they could have simply negotiated with Ford.
Drug dealers are typically good capitalists, and are not too eager to be in the media.

I think Ford has issues, and would not be shocked if this was true. However, I am willing to presume he is innocent until there is actually evidence. It is simply more tabloid journalism in The Star, who really only care about selling papers. They will not even say it is Ford, but may possibly be Ford. This is still good enough for their front page. Even free is too much for the Star (and I am constantly offered it for free which is how they maintain their bloated figures).
it is a good newspaper that has served this community for over a hundred years


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Sorry where did you read that again?
fuji doesn't have the story quite right granted I only looked at the first article I found so maybe there's more dirt out there

“Our family has been through everything — from murder to drugs to being successful in business,” he says. “We’ve dealt with the very, very poor and the worst, worst tragedies . . . nobody can tell me a story that can shock.”

He talks about his sister, complaining, “the media never got it straight.”

How’s this for an explanation: “The killer wasn’t her ex-husband, it was an old boyfriend.”

As Ford tells it, Kathy Ford’s first boyfriend was Mike, before she married Jeff and had a daughter.

After divorcing Jeff, she lived six years with Ennio, bearing a son. She left Ennio and went back to Mike, and they rented a cottage up north.

Ford: In 1998, “from what I was told (by the kids), Ennio knocked on the cottage door and Mike answered it and Ennio shot him in the head” with a sawed-off shotgun. Charges were laid; Ennio went to prison for manslaughter.

In 2005, Ford says someone else “shot the top of her head off.” Press reports suggest it was an accident; two men were charged with firearms-related offences.

She’s functioning well, he says, living with her two children and on methadone for her heroin addiction.

“Bizarre, yeah, it’s really bizarre,” he says. “We all backed Kathy 100 percent; maybe what she was doing was wrong, but you don’t just throw people out into the street for doing the wrong stuff.”


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
If what the two reporters from the Star said is true we have a video of Ford looking and acting high, smoking from a glass pipe, hanging out with drug dealers and not wanting the incident videotaped.

None of this explicitly shows him doing crack. It looks awful and he'll try and explain all of it away (if forced to but for now it's deny deny deny).

The video sounds pretty daming but unfortunately if it lacks concrete proof he'll get off with the lamest of excuses....."I was just goofing around, there was nothing in the pipe, I ddn't know they were drug dealers, and I said that they better not be taping because this is a private moment of me just joking around."

I've lost interest in Ford as it seems that nothing he does can get him fired. If he gets re elected voters will need to have their heads checked as Ford sets the bar so low how could his opponent not appear to be a better choice?


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
It's been said before, but I'll say it again.

All McCheese has to do is take a drug test and if he's clean, it all goes away.

If he refuses to take a drug test, well then, what's he hiding?

It really is that simple.
Mixed feelings about this suggestion.

No one should just jump and go do some drug testing because of allegations from drug dealers and avowed political enemy like the Toronto Star.

Then again, if Crackman Ford is to be tested, they why not all of them in City Council.

Weasel Man looks and sounds like he needs a fix every time he opens his mouth. Flip-Flop Woman always seemed a little loopy, especially with that laugh. Even that Chinese guy I have my doubts, too gung-ho, maybe on steroids.

They should test all of them.



Jan 31, 2005
No one should just jump and go do some drug testing because of allegations from drug dealers and avowed political enemy like the Toronto Star.
He isn't "no one", he is the mayor of Toronto.

In terms of staying out of jail, he's innocent until proven guilty, and nothing that has been written anywhere would make it past a prosecutor's desk, let alone a pre-trial hearing. He's clear there.

However if he wants to continue being the mayor of Toronto, and especially if he still wants to be mayor after the next election, he can't hide behind "innocent until proven guilty". He's got to prove to all of us that he deserves to be mayor, the burden of proof rests with him to show that he is fit and competent for the job, to earn our votes.

I think he should submit to a very specific drug test--has he smoked crack cocaine in the last six months. That is the allegation. Don't test him for pot or anything else -- crack cocaine. We need to know if this story is true, or if it is false. We don't need to go on a fishing expedition to find out what other drugs he or anyone else on council may have ever taken, we don't need to dig into what he might have done when he was younger -- but we need to put an end to this claim that he smoked crack while in office as our mayor. If that was actually a hash pipe in the video, well, I am sure that would still be pretty controversial but I for one don't care. But I guess a lot of people will care if it was a crack pipe.

Either he did, or he didn't, and there is a simple medical test that can be performed that will tell all of us which it is.


Aug 25, 2011
it is a good newspaper that has served this community for over a hundred years
It hasn't been a good newspaper in 20 years. The commentary long ago moved from the editorial page into every single article. It hasn't reported news as much as influenced Toronto opinion. Tellingly the readership demographic of Now and the Star merged long ago.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
It's been said before, but I'll say it again.

All McCheese has to do is take a drug test and if he's clean, it all goes away.

If he refuses to take a drug test, well then, what's he hiding?

It really is that simple
No it isnt that simple. If he did take a test, his detractors will just say that test was rigged. Or they'll say Ford took something to mask the drug results.

We'll wind up on a never ending merry-go-round, where every politician will be tested for drugs, and if that happens it will clean out government pretty quick
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