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Gawker Claims Video Exists of Rob Ford Smoking Crack


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
If what the two reporters from the Star said is true we have a video of Ford looking and acting high, smoking from a glass pipe, hanging out with drug dealers and not wanting the incident videotaped.

None of this explicitly shows him doing crack. It looks awful and he'll try and explain all of it away (if forced to but for now it's deny deny deny).

The video sounds pretty daming but unfortunately if it lacks concrete proof he'll get off with the lamest of excuses....."I was just goofing around, there was nothing in the pipe, I ddn't know they were drug dealers, and I said that they better not be taping because this is a private moment of me just joking around."
He could say he was recruiting for the Don Bosco football team. :frusty:

As far as giving the benefit of the doubt, I don't see why Somali drug dealers would make up this story if it was not true.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
So he is guilty until he goes out of his way to prove himself innocent ?
Lets hope you are never placed in such a position by someone looking for a score

What appears simple for you would piss most people right off if their character were questioned in such a public manner.
I guess that is part of the cost of being a public figure
That's where you're wrong (again)

IF I was in Ford's place, I would have already taken the drug test because I have not used drugs and have nothing to hide and I would love to stick it to my detractors.

Besides, as I previously stated in my day to day life, I do a lot of work for the big mines and everyone there from the CEO on down (and me) have to take drug tests. Refuse the test, you don't work for them. There is nothing unconstitutional about it.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Mixed feelings about this suggestion.

No one should just jump and go do some drug testing because of allegations from drug dealers and avowed political enemy like the Toronto Star.

Then again, if Crackman Ford is to be tested, they why not all of them in City Council.

Weasel Man looks and sounds like he needs a fix every time he opens his mouth. Flip-Flop Woman always seemed a little loopy, especially with that laugh. Even that Chinese guy I have my doubts, too gung-ho, maybe on steroids.

They should test all of them.

The city should test all of its employees as far as I'm concerned.

Any illegal drug use - you're fired. I have zero problem with that as I endure the same scrutiny in my work a day world.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
No it isnt that simple. If he did take a test, his detractors will just say that test was rigged. Or they'll say Ford took something to mask the drug results.

We'll wind up on a never ending merry-go-round, where every politician will be tested for drugs, and if that happens it will clean out government pretty quick
Doubt it.

The hair test is impossible to mask or hide. The past residue of drug use is part of your hair like the growth rings on a tree. You can't fake it.

It would instantly end this nonsense, or prove it.

But McCheese won't go for it because he's a junkie.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
It hasn't been a good newspaper in 20 years. The commentary long ago moved from the editorial page into every single article. It hasn't reported news as much as influenced Toronto opinion. Tellingly the readership demographic of Now and the Star merged long ago.

The Star ceased being a good paper years ago.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
SCAM! it would be so sweet to see Toronto Star waste their money on the $200,000 video and it turns out to be a Rob Ford look-a-like with computer graphics polishing up the look.


New member
Jan 5, 2012
SCAM! it would be so sweet to see Toronto Star waste their money on the $200,000 video and it turns out to be a Rob Ford look-a-like with computer graphics polishing up the look.

The video is still on the iphone it was recorded with, so I highly doubt anything has been "polished" up.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Gawker is up to 64 grand now.

I doubt they'll make 200k, but will probably break 100k. For 100k, I would imagine that the Somali Drug Dealers will sell their video because 100k is better than 0 k.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Gawker is up to 64 grand now.

I doubt they'll make 200k, but will probably break 100k. For 100k, I would imagine that the Somali Drug Dealers will sell their video because 100k is better than 0 k
I agree. That video (if it exists) will come out sooner or later

Doubt it.

The hair test is impossible to mask or hide. The past residue of drug use is part of your hair like the growth rings on a tree. You can't fake it
Are you sure??







Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
'Flush' products have been around for years. I had a friend who drove truck years ago.. the company implemented drug testing for all employees and this dude was a chronic pot smoker. He used a flush product and was never caught. However they weren't testing hair, probably urine. I wonder about the effectiveness of these products. It's only valid for 12 hours, peak effectiveness 2-4 hours before your test. Hmmmm. TGTBT?
The drug (if its in your system) will coat the outside of the hair. If it gets inside the cuticle I dont think they can test for that, because you'd need an enzyme (like keritanase) to break down each individual hair.

Its getting mixed reviews on Amazon....LOL: http://www.amazon.com/Oasis-Follicle-Shampoo-Cleanse-Follicles/product-reviews/B0069SP1OM


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
The STAR is a complete disaster now, revenues down 65%. They are hanging on by a thread and trying anything now to get attention.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Doubt it.

The hair test is impossible to mask or hide. The past residue of drug use is part of your hair like the growth rings on a tree. You can't fake it.

It would instantly end this nonsense, or prove it.

But McCheese won't go for it because he's a junkie.
The hair follicle drug test is un-fakeable and is the Gold Standard of court-ordered drug tests. He needs to take it and clear up all doubts.

What my clients usually say when they test positive and the Family Court judge starts to come down on them is that some low-life coke user must have stood next to them for a few minutes and they got a proximity positive reading. That's about the point that the judge starts to laugh and tell them they have now lost their custody and access rights and won't be seeing their kids for a few months.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Tranquility Base, La Luna
The state of journalism reached it's high water mark with Woodward and Burnstein.
It's been in decline ever since as too many hacks enter the trade based solely on their Q score.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I don't. Please enlighten me.
I thought everyone was in the know, but ok....

The print media industry has been hard hit, nay, it has been decimated by on-line content. On line is generally free (for now), as opposed to having to buy printed media. Since people are by and large quite cheap, they will go on line to thestar.com, or canoe.ca, or theglobeandmail.com et al.

Although the printed media companies that own and run these websites have increased ad revenue from their websites, their hard copy print sales are all down the toilet. At the end of the day, they are all losing money. Even the venerable New York Times is on the verge of insolvency.

It is nothing unique to the Star.

Ergo, jimmylikes' implication that revenue at the The Star is down 65% (or so he says) is somehow indicative of a lesser quality product is not correct.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
He could say he was recruiting for the Don Bosco football team. :frusty:

As far as giving the benefit of the doubt, I don't see why Somali drug dealers would make up this story if it was not true.
LOL only problem is that recruiting for a high school team could be an offense under most leagues..... I imagine the TDSB is no different. :)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
The state of journalism reached it's high water mark with Woodward and Burnstein.
It's been in decline ever since as too many hacks enter the trade based solely on their Q score.
It's not like this is the first time leaked information came from a source that people would find disturbing. I imagine many informants may have checkered pasts to say the least.

As for the other person talking about 65% decline in sales..... well I doubt the editors solution to boost sales would start with slander and or libel (sorry not a laywer but hopefully you get my point) or anything else that could put them in court.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
He isn't "no one", he is the mayor of Toronto.

In terms of staying out of jail, he's innocent until proven guilty, and nothing that has been written anywhere would make it past a prosecutor's desk, let alone a pre-trial hearing. He's clear there.

However if he wants to continue being the mayor of Toronto, and especially if he still wants to be mayor after the next election, he can't hide behind "innocent until proven guilty". He's got to prove to all of us that he deserves to be mayor, the burden of proof rests with him to show that he is fit and competent for the job, to earn our votes.

I think he should submit to a very specific drug test--has he smoked crack cocaine in the last six months. That is the allegation. Don't test him for pot or anything else -- crack cocaine. We need to know if this story is true, or if it is false. We don't need to go on a fishing expedition to find out what other drugs he or anyone else on council may have ever taken, we don't need to dig into what he might have done when he was younger -- but we need to put an end to this claim that he smoked crack while in office as our mayor. If that was actually a hash pipe in the video, well, I am sure that would still be pretty controversial but I for one don't care. But I guess a lot of people will care if it was a crack pipe.

Either he did, or he didn't, and there is a simple medical test that can be performed that will tell all of us which it is.
I think they should test for any drug that might be smoked in a glass pipe. Could have been crystal meth, heroin, somehting marijuana based just to name a few.

I thought he was busted for weed once before he was the mayor..... so if it turned out ot be say hash would people really care?

His only response to this is that the claims are "ridiculous" while suitable at the time should be followed up with something more thought out now that he's had time to think about it and talk to advisors.
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