Good Samaritan from Barrie stabbed by Black guy on TTC Subway


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
And what exactly might my agenda be??? The truth is at the time I started the thread the offender had not been pointing out that the criminal was black was done more or less as a public safety announcement. The Star pointed it did the police...and I did it as well..I see no harm there
Because there aren't many black men in the city, I'm sure your description was useful. :rolleyes:

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
Because there aren't many black men in the city, I'm sure your description was useful. :rolleyes:
So if a black guy stabs a white guy, then that's okay..but if I mention that he's black, all of sudden all hell breaks loose?:confused:


Resu Deretsiger
Oct 14, 2012
Your post title makes you sound a tad racist. Did you need to point out that the suspect was black or could it have read "Good samaritan from Barrie stabbed on the TTC"?
He didn't need to point it out, it should have been assumed. Oh NOES!


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Black guy chiming in here: there is nothing wrong with describing the perpetrator as a black male in the body of the article (as this one does, it is known fact), but including it in the TITLE does tend to lead people to cultivating negative mental associations.

I looked at the article in the link, and you will notice that the papers usually take great care not to mention ethnicity in the titles of their articles for crimes/tragedies for this precise reason: people love to jump to stereotypes. Including the ethnicity in the title makes things prematurely inflammatory/divisive and can prejudice the reader before they've even read the article. Better for them to read it through, digest whatever facts are contained therein, and then make their own conclusions/associations...

You'll never see "White Canadian tourist taken hostage", it will just say "Canadian tourist taken hostage"; nor will you see "Indian child gone missing in Markham", it will just say "Child gone missing in Markham".

Subtly adjusting our language can help us minimize unintentional biases. Similar to the whole he/she "gender neutrality in expression" movement that took place a couple of decades back (when I was in high school).
I am sorry but I have to disagree. While I understand and even respect your opinion and where you are coming from, I think that facts are facts and should be able to be posted without fear of having to be all PC about it.

If is it white, black or purple people committing crimes. It is not the public faults it one race is in the news for crimes more then others, and I think that if it was a white guy no one would make a "racial" connection if it was in the title. No one would say, why did you have to say "White" guy? This to me just proves that it is the other side pulling the race card here. Sometimes it gets played for or against.

I think that people have gone somewhat too far in the PC talk on some levels yet not enough in others.

I also think that the media does like to spin the race card a bit by choosing to report more violent crimes committed by black men. I will give you that much. There are a lot of violent acts that are done by white men as well and are not reported as much. However, for big head line stories like this - white or black, the suspects race should not be with held. Remember that no one knew who the suspect was at the time either. So they only had to go on black male.

So while I feel for you, as a black man, having to deal with some of the stuff and the negativity that comes with it, I don't think that titling a thread or a news report is going to be the deciding factor on people's stereotypical views. Sometimes facts are simply that, facts. And if we can not express them as facts because others want it all PC, then all your are doing it hiding the facts for the sake of saving face.

Just this white girls opinion.....


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
And what exactly might my agenda be??? The truth is at the time I started the thread the offender had not been pointing out that the criminal was black was done more or less as a public safety announcement. The Star pointed it did the police...and I did it as well..I see no harm there
now you want to cloak your race baiting as a public service announcement.............who,s zooming who?


Jul 2, 2011
The guy is mentally ill. Those who should have noticed this need to be held accountable, in terms if the systemic irresponsibility.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Yeah the mention of the slasher being black was unnecessary

-even if it's common practice to mention race in a headline (I think it's hit and miss)
-even if you personally are not offended

Doesn't make it okay.

I'm not black.

This is a case of a person being called on something they probably didn't even mean to be racist and instead of just admitting that they were wrong people would prefer to defend the person.

OP made a mistake (hopefully)..... it happens. On the other hand maybe it just highlights how sublte racism can be..... so much so that sometimes we don't even notice it.


Jul 2, 2011
It is considered scandalous in this city to point out that the gangsters are overwhelmingly black. We are supposed to try and solve all these problems while ignoring who is doing the crime, as though it were somehow true that white, asian, and black kids were equally likely to wind up shooting somebody.
There is no evidence to suggest that most gangsters are black. The last execution style murder was committed against an Asian, who was clearly involved in gang activity. Maybe you could say gun violence plagues young black males more than any other group in this city.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Why is fuji even bringing up his comments on gangs?

This was not a gang issue.

This was a guy getting stabbed for confronting a guy who was harassing people on the TTC. Even if the slasher was in a gang (I don't know) this was not a gang related crime.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
I have to hand it to the guy from Barrie that he has more balls than me. Getting hurt or killed would have probably paralyzed me with fear.

It's too bad some of the TTC passengers weren't packing heat. :)


Jan 31, 2005
Although it is accurate to state that the group accurately represents the proportion of crimes that they commit.
Hmm. A little of both. Blacks were 15% more likely than others to get jail for the same offense. Maybe there is a reason why, maybe they were 15% more likely to scowl at the judge and roll their eyes. Maybe it is real bias. Who knows.

But 15% is only a small part of their overrepresentation. It would also appear they are more likely to do the crime.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So if a black guy stabs a white guy, then that's okay..but if I mention that he's black, all of sudden all hell breaks loose?:confused:
If a white guy stabbed a black guy would you have put 'white' in the title to help the police catch him? Your excuse is farcical.

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
If a white guy stabbed a black guy would you have put 'white' in the title to help the police catch him? Your excuse is farcical.
Your example makes no sense..when was the last time a white guy inflicted that kind of crime on a black guy in Canada. Doesn't I can't answer your question.
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