If you don't consider that and try to start a business in Canada, then you will fail...that is what a minimum wage will drive you to. If your business does not have enough value add to generate a profit and pay decent wages...and cannot be run by yourself, THEN YOU SHOULD NOT START IT. It's really that simple.
Of course raising the minimum wage will not eliminate poverty, but you talk as though reducing poverty is not worthwhile? Most min wage jobs are local services, (retail etc) so to bring it into the context of international competition is nonsense....it may have a small impact. \
Raising the minimum wage WILL increase domestic consumption and grow the economy. It will act as a mechanism of redistribution to some degree. It will also grow the tax base and reduce the deficit. Small amounts of employment may be lost and there will also be a small amount of inflation as prices are adjusted to pay for the increase.
it is not that simple at all
Small companies are the lifeblood of the economy and account for a very significant portion of the employment (> 50% if I recall correctly)
Many of these companies teter on the cusp of success or failure for years until they achieve the scale where an incremental $2 / hr per employee will not put the company at risk.
They have enough problems to deal without, more socially driven regulations
The government has to very careful when placing any additional burden on these companies.
Your opinion that such a business is not worth starting is near sighted and ignorant of realities many business face
Reducing poverty is a very worthwhile social goal.
It will not be corrected by increasing the minimum wage
Rather eliminating the amount of red tape and reducing payroll taxes to encourage employment is the best policy governments should follow
Ask anyone running a small business and they will tell you the cost of dealing with government regs is a major headache and adds no value
The economy is not healthy and can ill afford another layer of economic burden placed upon it