who is the scumbag, the guy who judges by looking or the guy getting judged.


Nov 20, 2006
And exposing you as a fake is rather fun.

Well it also reflects my life :) Sorry it is inconvenient for you to believe it.
I think it is cute that a supposedly intellegent guy can think he is the one exposing others as a fake. Talk about deluded.

Also. It isn't inconvenient for us to believe your story, it is impossible. Do you even read people's post when you reply you do you just quote and randomly derp.

Getting a handle on how reality and your beliefs should match?
Doubt anyone here has a problem. We believe your story is fake and your story is fake. Likewise you know you are making stuff up so you know it doesn't match your reality.
Not that your comments do anything to prove otherwise.

Hun, try to focus...... Lord Loki has had this "sea life" desire for ages.

We can go anywhere any time we want for as long as we want for about 4 years.
MsLoki Impersonation.

I was the Emperor of Russia for 200 years. I said so therefore it must be true and anyone who disagrees is an ignorant idiot. Never mind that people don't live for 200 years, that it is Tsar not Emperor and Russia has not had one in about 95 years. What I am saying is true and you are all stupid.

I think I nailed it. At least the style if not the particular lies.

hun, no one can see how stupid you you truly are unless you explain that you wandered off to another thread and stared whining that your recent posts were missing.

This from the dude who started a thread to lag a person who started a thread about you that got deleted... and then got that thread deleted.


Are you reduced to just flinging random insults and joining the spellin granmer police?
BTW it is perfectly cromulent to point out spelling and grammar errors to someone who brags about having top marks at top schools. Never mind you have shown so much fail in history, grammar, spelling, as well as use of logic. But hey, your story is believable. Sure really it is. <--- sarcasm.

I wonder if Loki still things this fictional character is making him sound cool or has he just givin up and just started trolling. Because nobody with the slightest functioning brain cells would keep pushing except out of bloody minded stubbornness or a "fuck you guys if you don't like me I'll start trolling"


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Hun, try to focus...... Lord Loki has had this "sea life" desire for ages. He always wanted to do it. ...... All in all a good experience for me and it made him happy. So...... fuck you (in a polite way). We can go anywhere any time we want for as long as we want for about 4 years. Who cares if the tourists do not do it where and when we do?
A "sea life" desire does not equate to a neophyte with his clueless wench undertaking North Atlantic crossing. Sightseeing icebergs, puttering about the Irish coast. Hahaha! If you actually did experience that crossing your verbosity could not be contained in not relaying it.

And how you hop around from the coastal waters of the Florida Keys to Ireland and London?

You have no idea just how ridiculous that sounds to anyone with any seagoing experience!

Here is a quick reference to put things in perspective. http://www.nordhavn.com/news/pressrelease/shearwater.php4

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You guys are being LokiTrolled


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Sorry but there is something to be said for a person who takes care of their appearance. It's a characteristic trait or sign that a person pays attention to detail and puts their best foot forward. Too many people live in their jogging suits. Years ago people used to put on their Sunday best to attend the theatre or go for an elegant dinner. Now these classless people wear shorts everywhere!


Aug 24, 2012
Men are weird. You chose to dress a certain way and then pretend you e shocked people look at you and respond to the way you look.But people are responding as much to your choices as they are to the appearance. I learnt when I was 14 that men respond differently to me depending what I chose to wear.

It applies to men. If you advertise "I am a bum" by your choices of course people will assume you are a bum.
Yup +1


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
I agree... but there are also times when life gets in the way. I don't leave the gym and go home for a shower before stopping at the corner store for milk. I go to the corner store all sweaty and nasty looking. Some people have to go places directly from work in their grubby work clothes. It happens. If Simon showed up for an appointment with me looking like he did that night I'd be pissed. But he wasn't dressed to impress because that wasn't his intention.
why did i not have any doubt in my pretty head you were smarter than everyone here. except me of course.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I agree... but there are also times when life gets in the way. I don't leave the gym and go home for a shower before stopping at the corner store for milk. I go to the corner store all sweaty and nasty looking. Some people have to go places directly from work in their grubby work clothes. It happens. If Simon showed up for an appointment with me looking like he did that night I'd be pissed. But he wasn't dressed to impress because that wasn't his intention.
I can understand that situation.


Jul 27, 2011
Well hun, to be blunt, you are rapidly reaching the amount of obvious BS that will trigger my putting you on ignore as to silly and annoying. Why? Well…

Oh and btw, you say that you "did not see this until morning nap time".
If you are indeed in London England, your quoted post here at 10:11 am makes it 3:11 pm in London England. Kinda late for a morning nap for your baby, no? Your last post was at 12:13 AM Toronto time, which is 5:13 am in London England. Weird.
Lots of clever observations, but as Simon pointed out,
uh dude i think you are wrong. last week she was sailing her way to louisiana for mardi gras. you probably missed that.
So why would I be on London time?
I also recall you saying that you 53' coastal trawler SS Minnow is presently docked at the South Dock in London, England.
Great imagination you have, sadly not much else. We do not have a small costal trawler. It is not called the SS Minow, Your silly quote you tried to use to prove we were docked at South Dock turned out to my stating the cost of cocking there. Why all the foolish fiction? Do you have a point?

Without searching, I recall your last sailing grounds were the Florida Keys just before Christmas.
No interim ports unless I missed your narrative.
Yes, you missed several months, including the trip up the US coast, Canada, Labrador, discovering that when you hop in the zodiac and harvest iceberg ice some of it is very noisy when used in your drink, missed the days on the way across, the incredible green of Ireland, etc etc.
But WTF why let that stop you from voicing your opinion?
That is some 4,500 nautical miles by Great Circle route of you motored non-stop, without stopping in any port. That is some 450 hours of motoring at 10 knots made good. Realistically, that type of passage calls for a solid month at sea via the US coast etc. Crossing the North Atlantic in Dec-Jan-Feb winter is not something you and the new Captain Highliner would attempt. Seasoned mariners don't make that passage in a little tub at that time of year either..
Well actually the longest run was about 1,700 nm from Labrador to Ireland. It took about 170 hrs…. 1 week. I have no idea why you are going on about the weather and crossing in December, etc. I was in a nice hotel and eating most dinners at Simpson’s by then. I assume you missed the posts of visiting Ireland, whales, Paris, etc before we moored in London? What is it with you? You make up silly stories and then knock them down? Weird.
Oh I know a bit more than you might think I know about things like ocean passages, yachting, etc. And bullshit artists who hang around that part of society.
Oh? Is that why you just make up locations and dates where we are supposed to be.
So now the tub went from the Florida Keys in November/December IIRC, 5,000 miles on her own bottom to "South Dock" in London UK for January, then "shipped" back to Miami for Loki's meeting in February, and now she is already over in New Orleans ready for you and your newborn to Key West again?
Do not have much of a grasp of where we have been or when do you? I left our tub at South Dock and checked into a hotel for December. It took us months to get to London. When we moved to the hotel Lord Loki did his things and sent her off to meet us in Florida. She met us in Destin. We took over and came to New Orleans.
Who takes a boat to London for the winter to give birth?
Gee hun, there were many boats there for New Year’s Eve fireworks. I wonder how they could have been there? We had been planning on going to the Mediterranean in January, but plans change 
Who moves it across oceans for meetings? Who moves it from Miami to New Orleans (having to pass around the Keys) for a land based one day festival?
WOW you have weird charts. Hard to believe you have a clue if you think that you need to go around the Keys to go from Miami to the Gulf. Even harder to believe you know much about travel if you think Mardis Gras is a one day Festival. Your credibility took a giant nose dive with those comments.
Do you even have any idea how long it takes to organize Yacht shipping from the UK to Miami? Last I heard, Dockwise wasn;t even doing that run this time of year.
Not my job. I assume Loki just used his old working days contacts to ship (pardon the pun) the tub as deck cargo on a container ship. I was busy at the time.

Two words come to mind with your yachting posts.
Unbelievable and Stupid. Alone and in all combinations and variations.
Unbelievably stupid. Stupidly unbelievable. etc
This from a guy who thinks Labrador is over 4,000 nm from Ireland, does not know you do not need to “go around the keys from Miami to the Gulf”, and does not even know Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Rio are weeks long parties?
Why would you bother to take the time to write a fifty line post to refute my suspicion your yachting escapades are just Loki posting his fantasy?

At first I sort of thought you had a brain, and I really have to stay here and be a nice warm influence, so why not type?
I've actually done every one of the passages you mention and these passages are ALL consuming. Especially the North Atlantic. By a newbie couple with a pregnant wife! Experienced, hobbyist yachtsmen prepare for this passage for years. You don't just putter around looking for icebergs and pop in around Ireland etc.
Passages I quoted were all Gulf access routes. I would have thought you recognised them siince you claim to have actually done them. Why do you assume Loki is new to boating? LOL . But yes I am very green. I do know enough to read instruments, watch the 4 screens, and take appropriate action if needed. By the way, our tub is not considered a small craft by the coast card, and has more electronics than the average Radio Shack .
I trust enough to assume LL was right and our crossing in the fall was safe and prudent. We were ready to head in to port if the satellite showed any risks. The new satellite tracking, radar technology, and Flir make icebergs pretty much a danger from the past if you are willing to avoid them.
We are not idiots trying to do a crossing in a 58 foot costal trawler.
And of course you can putter around collecting freezer fulls of iceberg ice if you want to zodiacs do not seem to mind them that much , and you pop into as many little fishing villages along the coast of Ireland as you want. What do you think you do when you are retired and have 3 months to get from Labrador to London?
And nobody takes their boat TO London FOR November-December! And especially with a pregnant wife.
That is just stupid. Anyone who has enough fuel and enough time can moor their boat where ever and whenever they want. I pretty much would not want to be on the North Sea in November, but being on the Thames is not an issue.
The passage from Miami to "The Panhandle" takes a couple weeks.
Duhhhhhh BS. What charts are you using? You clearly have little or know knowledge of the waters around Florida yet you pretend you do. Even driving it is only 433 nm as the crow flies. You are very weird.
Your story may pass muster with your own mind, but not with anyone who has any knowledge of the subject matter. Too funny!
Sorry hun, you pretty well proved that the imaginary person you have being where you imagine they are when you imagine they are in trouble. Fortunately the only way they are related to us is in your mind.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
you put a lot of effort into that. a lot of mistakes and wrong words but still a lot of effort.


Jul 27, 2011
A "sea life" desire does not equate to a neophyte with his clueless wench undertaking North Atlantic crossing. Sightseeing icebergs, puttering about the Irish coast. Hahaha! If you actually did experience that crossing your verbosity could not be contained in not relaying it.

And how you hop around from the coastal waters of the Florida Keys to Ireland and London?

You have no idea just how ridiculous that sounds to anyone with any seagoing experience!

Here is a quick reference to put things in perspective.
not containing / not relaying is a double negative. By the way LL is not a neophyte. But this is his first boat over 50ft and the first time he is living on a boat and has no deadlines.

You keep going on about my being pregnant, honest pregnant women can operate thrusters :).

This is his thing. And I do have a lot of fun visiting small towns and fishing village, but frankly, mostly it is boring as hell unless we are in port. I do like having my own bed room and things when we travel though. Sort of just a trailer that rocks a lot for me.

It was fun but not something that is exploding out of me demanding a stream of verbose delight. The most memorable part for me was listening to the second iceberg sing in my glass :) The worst part was getting adapted to the movement, I cannot imagine what it would be like without stabilizers.

If you already crossed in a reasonable craft, and avoided bad weather, why are you making such a fuss?


Jul 27, 2011
you put a lot of effort into that. a lot of mistakes and wrong words but still a lot of effort.
All alone with 3rd today, and I need to be a good hot water bottle so not much to do but type. No one to talk to except third and he has no clue what words mean.

And you know I rather enjoy flaunting my spelling and typos. LONG LIVE METRIC SPELLING lol


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
All alone with 3rd today, and I need to be a good hot water bottle so not much to do but type. No one to talk to except third and he has no clue what words mean.

And you know I rather enjoy flaunting my spelling and typos. LONG LIVE METRIC SPELLING lol
must be why doctors writing is so bad. to cover up the shit spelling, i don't know a single university grad that can spell any good. in fact everyone that is 28 years old with 26 years of education should be a horrible speller.


Nov 20, 2006
Well hun, to be blunt, you are rapidly reaching the amount of obvious BS that will trigger my putting you on ignore as to silly and annoying. Why? Well…
Translation into truth speech.
You are countering me with facts and logic I can't refute. You are making me look like an idiot and I find it frustrating. Thus I will put you on ignore and pretend I have the hubris to think that this constitutes some sort of vicious burn.

And you know I rather enjoy flaunting my spelling and typos.
Somebody with a history of bragging about their superior intellect and education would never enjoy flaunting their spelling errors and typos.
Continuity error! continuity error! number 1! number 1! I read the troll good!

Translated into truth speak.

Even though I claim to have a superior intellect and education, I know I don't have the literacy and post editing skills that I should have. As I will never be able to post at a level matching my claims I will claim to do it on purpose.

I mean really, as someone who can't spell worth a damn and has a Masters in Typos this is bullshit. I admit I have a problem. I know it is a failing. I sure as hell would never flaunt it. I can't say I care much because if you don't pay me, grade me or blow me, I'll live with presenting myself in a suboptimal fashion.
Considering how much time and effort you spend trying to prove how SMRT and GRET you are, the idea that you would flaunt your shortcomings is just... what is that word I am thinking of... Oh yeah implausible. Surprise surprise.

Again, anyone know understanding why we think it is a fictional character. Still.


Jul 27, 2011
must be why doctors writing is so bad. to cover up the shit spelling, i don't know a single university grad that can spell any good. in fact everyone that is 28 years old with 26 years of education should be a horrible speller.
LOL thank you I guess. I find that in my experience you might be right. When you discover the few professors (other than liberal arts ones) care about spelling, a lot sort of rebel against the dictates of spelling. Sort of a safe and harmless form of rebellion. There was a lot of work being done on issues with spelling and hand writing on scripts harming patients. The started using palm top type devices to reduce the risk and improve control a year or two before I walked away from it all.

So ya, you may have a point

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
i was in zet's this evening picking up dinner. a guy in an expensive looking suit was sitting with his equally expensive looking suit friends. i walked in and he actually stopped chewing to look me up and down and rolled his eyes, then started to whisper at his friends who then all turned to look at me. then they started to laugh among themselves.

i was wearing beat up shoes, pants with snow to the knees, a jacket with a tear in it and my hair was messed up and it wasn't tied back as tight as it was. i had just finished shoveling the driveway of a man in his 60's who has been a friend of the family for 40 years, walks on 2 canes and was just diagnosed with 2 golf ball size tumors in his liver and will probably not live to see the summer.

where i was isn't really important to the story, it is just amazing to me that in 2013 people still get judged on how they look and if you think you have money all of a sudden you are better than someone else.
Of course we get judged by how we look, its human nature. It will never change. What is more amazing to me is that you would care enough about an incident like this to post its details here on an escort forum. Does it really matter what 3 suits who you will probably never see again think of you? For me I care about how my family, my friends, my professional colleagues and my maker judge me. That's it, that's all.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
LOL thank you I guess. I find that in my experience you might be right. When you discover the few professors (other than liberal arts ones) care about spelling, a lot sort of rebel against the dictates of spelling. Sort of a safe and harmless form of rebellion. There was a lot of work being done on issues with spelling and hand writing on scripts harming patients. The started using palm top type devices to reduce the risk and improve control a year or two before I walked away from it all.

So ya, you may have a point
i was being sarcastic. a person with the level of education as you should never have a spelling or grammar error. not ever. also at the point in your education you claim to be at, at the very least you should know a red line under the words means it is spelled wrong. using the wrong words just shows a faulty brain.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Of course we get judged by how we look, its human nature. It will never change. What is more amazing to me is that you would care enough about an incident like this to post its details here on an escort forum. Does it really matter what 3 suits who you will probably never see again think of you? For me I care about how my family, my friends, my professional colleagues and my maker judge me. That's it, that's all.
if you read further in you would see that i said i didn't give a fuck what they said and this thread (before it was hijacked with more self important bullshit from that guy) was not about me and that i was just using my experience as an example to illustrate people still judging others based on looks. it was not that the experience bothered me in the slightest.


Jul 27, 2011
i was being sarcastic. a person with the level of education as you should never have a spelling or grammar error. not ever. also at the point in your education you claim to be at, at the very least you should know a red line under the words means it is spelled wrong. using the wrong words just shows a faulty brain.
Ohhhh terribly sorry, I thought you were being insightful. :)

Gee do you meaan ignoring the red lines might be deliberate and show that I do not care?


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Ohhhh terribly sorry, I thought you were being insightful. :)

Gee do you meaan ignoring the red lines might be deliberate and show that I do not care?
not in the slightest. it is you having a serious lack of intelligence and ability to know when you are wrong. spelling is basics and you clearly do not know basics. you are not ignoring them, you don't know what they mean obviously and you using wrong words altogether in a majority of your posts is also showing lower intelligence. also you were lying when you said you got studded tires at canadian tire earlier today. i called them and they don't sell them in ontario. liar.

you spelled mean wrong.
Toronto Escorts