BURKE Fired???????????


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Long overdue - good riddance !!! 4 years without making the playoffs is inexcusable. The Maple Leafs under Brian Burke were simply going nowhere.
They've been going nowhere for years. In fact they're the only team in the entire NHL to not make the playoffs since the last lockout. Doesn't seem to matter who's driving the ship, they always lose!


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
Fired yet he remains on staff as a special advisor, curiouser and curiouser.
guessin Burke is still getting paid until his contract end. Perhaps as a special advsor for the Leafs customer services group ...........LOL


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
guessin Burke is still getting paid until his contract end. Perhaps as a special advsor for the Leafs customer services group ...........LOL
He'll be advising people to buy his hot dogs. :)


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I root for my home teams and have been accused of blindly supporting managements' decisions. I cheer for management to do well because that means we will have success and pride and joy with our teams' performance.

This was a stupid move in the sense it was not a hockey move, but based mainly upon the fact that the Bell guy did not like Burke's personality. I think Burke was building (albeit,very slowly) a winner and was a straight shooter, respected for the most part ,in the industry. The move I most disliked was bringing in Carlyle who coaches a stultifying, utterly boring unimaginative brand of hockey. That Ducks/Devils final a few years ago had to be the worst of all time.

I liked Burke and was willing to give him at least this year but not indefinitely, of course, if the results were not forthcoming. (BTW, why does Colangelo continue to get a free pass with laughinstock, dismal results over a longer period time than Burke?) But I don't like this move, especially at this time and that it was done on the basis of personality.

In a total reversal for me, I will cheer for the Leafs to fall flat on their asses. I don't like Carlyle, Nonis or ownership.

If they fire Carlyle and bring in Eakins, that could get me, at least partially, back on board.


Apr 24, 2005
This was a stupid move in the sense it was not a hockey move, but based mainly upon the fact that the Bell guy did not like Burke's personality.
How one conducts oneself is a reflection of the character of the organization. Burke's behaviour is more fitting for an escort review board. On the other hand, if he had delivered the Stanley Cup we can hold our noses.


New member
Jul 17, 2003
How one conducts oneself is a reflection of the character of the organization. Burke's behaviour is more fitting for an escort review board. On the other hand, if he had delivered the Stanley Cup we can hold our noses.
I have to agree with you on this one.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
How one conducts oneself is a reflection of the character of the organization. Burke's behaviour is more fitting for an escort review board. On the other hand, if he had delivered the Stanley Cup we can hold our noses.
I'd rather have a straight talking, hockey man who has had success (not here yet, but not the reason he was let go either) even if he is rough around the edges than a politically correct suit who fits an image more than anything else (JFJ, Nonis [picked up Burke's foundation in Van]).

Last Cup winner was Punch who was also abrasive.


New member
Jul 17, 2003
I root for my home teams and have been accused of blindly supporting managements' decisions. I cheer for management to do well because that means we will have success and pride and joy with our teams' performance.

This was a stupid move in the sense it was not a hockey move, but based mainly upon the fact that the Bell guy did not like Burke's personality. I think Burke was building (albeit,very slowly) a winner and was a straight shooter, respected for the most part ,in the industry. The move I most disliked was bringing in Carlyle who coaches a stultifying, utterly boring unimaginative brand of hockey. That Ducks/Devils final a few years ago had to be the worst of all time.

I liked Burke and was willing to give him at least this year but not indefinitely, of course, if the results were not forthcoming. (BTW, why does Colangelo continue to get a free pass with laughinstock, dismal results over a longer period time than Burke?) But I don't like this move, especially at this time and that it was done on the basis of personality.

In a total reversal for me, I will cheer for the Leafs to fall flat on their asses. I don't like Carlyle, Nonis or ownership.

If they fire Carlyle and bring in Eakins, that could get me, at least partially, back on board.
I have to disagree with you.
Fucking up the rebuild along with the personality issues got him fired.
If you're going to behave the way he did, and bully people. and talk down to people the way he did, you BETTER deliver.
It;s not even that he didn't make the playoffs, its that he's still not even close to icing a serious playoff team.
I couldn't stand him, but respected him until two things happened.
First, he threw Wilson under the bus like I've never seen before. He was so transparent, it was disgusting.
Second, the press conference at the end of the season, was so embarrasing, I was speechless.
I knew he had come apart, as well as most, and I realized he would say absolutely anything and do anything rather than accept some responsibility.

I think MLSE handled it perfectly.
They took over at the end of the summer, they knew they were going into a lockout and that Burke would be a part of that
process, and when the lockout ended, they showed him the door. I've never seen the hockey atmosphere so poisoned as the last few years.
I was actually dreading having to hear all the same shit about the team once the lockout ended.
I can breathe again.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
In a total reversal for me, I will cheer for the Leafs to fall flat on their asses.
I might need tips from dj on how to make these kinds of posts.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I read in to-day's Toronto Star that Burke has personal problems (but so do all of us).
Aside from his son's death which was well publicized, evidently his second marriage broke down, which I hadn't previously heard.
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