2013 World Juniors Hockey Championship


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
The best hockey I have seen in sometime was the overtime between Russia and Sweden. Barely a whistle, great head manning of the puck up and down the ice, great saves, pinpoint passes, excellent cycling, particularly by the Swedes, constant pressure, great skating, several end to end rushes. WOW!

No wonder it went to a shootout. No one deserved to lose!


Apr 7, 2005
Anything less than gold for a Canadian hockey team is a disaster.
Kind of like the USA losing and getting anything but gold in basketball or baseball.
Subban was terrible and Spott waited too long to replace him in the game.
And where the hell was Nugent-Hopkins in this game? I barely heard his name said all game. Non-existant.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
That being said, an extra 2 days of rest is nice but I sure hope the Canadians don't get rusty. They could be up against a rematch with the Americans and that will be a killer game (and much more of a threat than the Russians turned out to be).
Sometimes I hate it when I'm right...

Subban sucked tonight and I think that killed any chance of gold. You gotta have a hot goalie and while he looked very good in the past couple games today he reverted to his early form against the Finns (pre-game) and the Germans and that's not good enough. I was really disappointed to hear him say that they were surprised the Americans came out gunning like they did; that tells me the Canadians underestimated the US and weren't prepared. It's not all Subban's fault as the whole team looked bad but you can't stage a comeback when your goalie is letting in weak or even average goals; he's gotta stand on his head to allow Canada to get back into it and that just didn't happen. I also found his shoulder shrugging after the goals was annoying (he did it in earlier games too but it didn't matter then like it did today).

I've noticed in previous years that playing the extra game seemed to help Canada (or at least did more good than harm) and this is a good example of why. At least next year they're doing away with the buy through the quarterfinals.

They say Canada benefited the most from the NHL lockout but to me honest I didn't see Canada as being a step above any of the other teams. There was a moment of brilliance against the Russians but they haven't played well throughout the tournament so that may not be representative of anything. Sweden looked even better against the Russians than Canada did (at least in the first half of their win today).

Final comment, I wish TSN would pay a LITTLE more attention to the relegation round and the other teams. This year was particularly bad and worse than any of the previous years in recent memory. Normally they show more non-Canada games including some from the other division but this year they just kept playing replays of the Canada games and one other game each day from within Canada's division. As a result we didn't see ONE game involving Sweden prior to today's game against Russia. When Sweden is the defending champion that's just plain inexcusable. In the past TSN would at least put the games of lesser importance on their website so you could watch them online but they don't have that this year (unless you want pay-per-view).

Overall, I'm disappointed with Canada's performance (no surprise after today's loss) but I'm also disappointed with the entire tournament this year--at least as far as TSN is concerned. It was a little TOO Canada-focused when they could have shown a bit more of the rest of the tournament.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
weak goalie means no gold...we haven't had good one in net for the last 5 yrs
Bring back Pogge. He's a can't miss proposition. LOL


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Team Canada is the only team that is followed by the media and are scrutinized before they are picked. After the team is chosen they are further scrutinized and hoisted upon a pedestal. TSN can't leave them alone and I believe this has lead to their downfall at the juniors.
The Canadian junior teams need to get away from the media frenzy and let the boys concentrate on the hockey and play the games without buying into Canaian hockey greatness and dominance. It's a game where both teams have a chance of winning and that the bounces can go the other teams way. They need more adversity in the round robin in order to learn to win, how to gut one out.


New member
Jul 17, 2003
weak goalie means no gold...we haven't had good one in net for the last 5 yrs
I watched the replays of the goals and I could swear it was Jonas Gustavsson in net (his skin colour notwithstanding).
Who is Subban's goalie coach, Francois Allair?
I didn't feel good about him from the start even with the odd good save.


Jun 6, 2009
I watched the replays of the goals and I could swear it was Jonas Gustavsson in net (his skin colour notwithstanding).
Who is Subban's goalie coach, Francois Allair?
I didn't feel good about him from the start even with the odd good save.
I thought three of the goals were shielded shots, not Subban's fault. He had one bad game in tourney, unfortunately at the wrong end of the schedule.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Team Canada is the only team that is followed by the media and are scrutinized before they are picked. After the team is chosen they are further scrutinized and hoisted upon a pedestal. TSN can't leave them alone and I believe this has lead to their downfall at the juniors.
The Canadian junior teams need to get away from the media frenzy and let the boys concentrate on the hockey and play the games without buying into Canaian hockey greatness and dominance. It's a game where both teams have a chance of winning and that the bounces can go the other teams way. They need more adversity in the round robin in order to learn to win, how to gut one out.
I hate the overhype and overcoverage of not only the WJHC but also trade deadline day and the entry draft. It's just too much.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I thought he was going to be the Leafs saviour?:thumb:
As did most of the fan base. Lucky it's the only bad decision the Leafs have made in recent years.

In a similar vein, if and when they get a new CBA, how long until Luongo becomes a Leaf (goalie saviour)?


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Well a 14 year run of winning a medal has come to an end.
Had to happen at some point.

Thank you to the players, coaches and staff of Team Canada.
They gave up there Christmas with their families and did their best to bring home a medal.

No shame boys.


Apr 7, 2005
Well a 14 year run of winning a medal has come to an end.
Had to happen at some point.

Thank you to the players, coaches and staff of Team Canada.
They gave up there Christmas with their families and did their best to bring home a medal.

No shame boys.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008


Apr 7, 2005
So I take it you do not agree ?
I prefer the win at all costs attitude unless it's your kids little league soccer team where no one wins and everyone gets a "participant" ribbon.

At this level it should be win or die.

They played. They lost. Disaster. Own it.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I thought the Canada-Russia game was a good one. Highly entertaining, even if we did come up short. When we were down 3-1 I wasn't worried in the least. You could just tell Canada was going to come back (albeit, not all the way as it turned out). Hey, at least Canada was competitive (which you can't say about their last game). Jenner took another stupid penalty that cost 'em a goal (will he ever learn? don't think so). Subban looked very good in relief but then let in a softy to lose the bronze. I finally figured out what I don't like about him--his inconsistency. He runs hot or cold and you can't win a gold medal like that.

The USA-Sweden game wasn't nearly as entertaining and Sweden seemed to suffer the same fate as Canada in coming out slow early on. They picked it up as the game went on but you could just tell the US was going to win it. When they were raising the flags and playing the anthem I thought for the first time what a pisser that must be for the Russians... not only losing gold but having to watch the USA win it and then listen to their anthem and see their flag get raised--all on Mother Russia's soil. Mwa-ha-ha! (truth be told, I was rooting for Sweden)

Overall, I was disappointed with this year's tournament. Obviously for Canada's collapse at the end but also because of TSN's coverage, which wasn't as good as in previous years. They were WAY too focused on Canada this year (they always are but this year was over the top), to the exclusion of pretty much half the tournament (i.e., all the teams in the other division). Combined with not showing those other "tier 2" games on their website, it meant we only got to see games from Canada's division. For someone who enjoys watching the entire tournament (not just Canada), this was disappointing.

Personally I'd like to see a different coach next year. Steve Spott just doesn't do it for me. I can't put my finger on it exactly but he doesn't exude confidence/leadership to me. That's just my perception. But I think the bigger problem is we need much better (i.e., consistent) goal tending if we're going to win gold. Simply put, the US had it and we didn't (Gibson won tournament MVP). I don't want to see either Subban or the other guy next year. Please find someone better. TSN made a big deal about the NHL lockout but except for a few infrequent performances Canada never looked like runaway favourites. I remember 2005 when it was was almost embarrassing how easily Canada rolled over the opposition (which is nice every once in a while) and this year was definitely not 2005.

Ah well, hopefully 2014 will be better. At least the games will be on a little later!
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