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Co-workers bringing smelly food to work


Active member
Feb 2, 2002
no... You haven't smelled real stinky fish unless you've smelt the salted fish the filipinos eat... NOTHING can come close.. no surstromming or dirty microwave like some of you say can even compare xDD
Are you joking? The surstromm stuff when canned goes off so much that the cans bulge and leak. The stuff is even banned on some airlines as a safety hazard.


Active member
Feb 2, 2002
There are plenty of foods that stink.

Fish has been mentioned above.

Doritos really stink up a place.

Some curries have rather potent aromas.

Many chinese foods have a distinct smell.

Hamburgers really do smell strong to many people.

Soups, if not bland in taste, can be pungent in the air.

Unless your solution is to simply not eat and not let anyone else eat, you should expect someone's food to bother you. And if you complain, you should expect the complaints to never end about some other dish that someone brings in.

Don't disturb their food unless you're ready to have your own food disturbed. But you might spray some air freshener around the general area after everyone's done eating.
Yep, so true. There are tons of foods that can be offensive to people such as curries, cheeses, durian, etc.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
The smell of any food that you are not having will offend.... It is bad that you dealing with fish.... That is the worst.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
trust me... you haven't smelled stinky until you've smelled salted stinky fish. Exactly why I will not date a filipino or vietnamese who eat stinky fish. Don't want to have to deal with kissing her after. I remember having a vietnamese classmate in uni who used to bring stinky fish to class... phewwww. Was a really pretty chick but us guys could never fathom how she could eat that. Would probably have no trouble giving a guy a rimming.. stinky fish smells worse than my unshowered for a week asshole xD


New member
Jul 4, 2011
trust me... you haven't smelled stinky until you've smelled salted stinky fish. Exactly why I will not date a filipino or vietnamese who eat stinky fish. Don't want to have to deal with kissing her after. I remember having a vietnamese classmate in uni who used to bring stinky fish to class... phewwww. Was a really pretty chick but us guys could never fathom how she could eat that. Would probably have no trouble giving a guy a rimming.. stinky fish smells worse than my unshowered for a week asshole xD
They eat it because they're brought up eating that. Fish is big part of their cuisine as is the fish sauce. Now that fish sauce they use is just vile! It's the same with Jewish cuisine. Making gefilte fish stinks up the house for 3 days and it's bad but the fish is eaten cold and it's delicious. When you're brought up with it, it's all about what you're used to eating. Gefilte fish is healthy because it's just boiled fish, not fried.


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
They eat it because they're brought up eating that. Fish is big part of their cuisine as is the fish sauce. Now that fish sauce they use is just vile! It's the same with Jewish cuisine. Making gefilte fish stinks up the house for 3 days and it's bad but the fish is eaten cold and it's delicious. When you're brought up with it, it's all about what you're used to eating. Gefilte fish is healthy because it's just boiled fish, not fried.
i hear ya... Fish sauce is actually pretty tasty.. i think they serve it at Vietnamese restaurants to eat with springrolls. But hey... many people are brought up eating snakes, rats, fried scorpions, dogs etc. You don't see them bringing that to work you know. Its just being courteous to others. Like some are asked to not wear strong perfume at work etc. I guess its just out culture these days, to not give a fuck about others. Gotta learn from the Japanese men of the past, who didn't even wear clothes of color as they consider it offensive and agitative to others


Active member
Nov 10, 2001
one question... Is your co-worker filipino? These people seem to loveeeee stinky fish. I believe they salt the fish and let it dry out in the air.. like jerk meat. The stinkier, the better.

and I totally hear ya about the microwave.. experienced that years ago
I guarantee they're Filipino...
no... You haven't smelled real stinky fish unless you've smelt the salted fish the filipinos eat... NOTHING can come close.. no surstromming or dirty microwave like some of you say can even compare xDD

trust me... you haven't smelled stinky until you've smelled salted stinky fish. Exactly why I will not date a filipino or vietnamese who eat stinky fish. Don't want to have to deal with kissing her after. I remember having a vietnamese classmate in uni who used to bring stinky fish to class... phewwww. Was a really pretty chick but us guys could never fathom how she could eat that. Would probably have no trouble giving a guy a rimming.. stinky fish smells worse than my unshowered for a week asshole xD

Yes, this is what I am talking about! I didn't want to bring race into this to sound racist but this is it.

the smell of popcorn(especially when a few burn ) in the microwave lingers on all day
Yea I agree with the smell of popcorn as well. Stinks up the whole place! Smell ain't as bad as the stinky fish though!


New member
Jul 4, 2011
i hear ya... Fish sauce is actually pretty tasty.. i think they serve it at Vietnamese restaurants to eat with springrolls. But hey... many people are brought up eating snakes, rats, fried scorpions, dogs etc. You don't see them bringing that to work you know. Its just being courteous to others. Like some are asked to not wear strong perfume at work etc. I guess its just out culture these days, to not give a fuck about others. Gotta learn from the Japanese men of the past, who didn't even wear clothes of color as they consider it offensive and agitative to others
I agree with what you say. I'm only saying that it doesn't stink to them because they like it and are used to eating it, cooking with it, etc.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
What is with some people bringing smelly food to work? Some ethnic foods smell nice, but I really cannot stand the smell of stinky fish. Once it is heated in the microwave it stinks up the whole cafeteria! The fish smells really bad, like maybe it is expired or like how some women have that stinky pussy fish smell. No restaurant I have dined at cooks fish that smells so bad. Why do some co-workers fish stink so bad? Is it expired, or something?
I had to deal with this during the 90's tech balloon. Explain to your boss's boss that with strong smelling food in the office makes me want to vomit. How can I be productive in this environment?

If Ling Chow wants to have cod and black bean sauce for lunch I will be happy to either bugger off for 3 hours until the smell dissipates or heave in Ling's cube or tell Ling to stop bringing in his vile crap for lunch. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
They eat it because they're brought up eating that. Fish is big part of their cuisine as is the fish sauce. Now that fish sauce they use is just vile!
I saw how the fish sauce is made.... Once you see that it is a mystery why it isn't more stinky. Fermented fish that drips into a collecting bowl seems gross but it adds a flavour that foodies like myself can appreciate.

Also my crazy hot Thai girl first introduced me to it and that was all the motivation I needed.


Looking, looking...
Mar 28, 2004
I used to toast garlic bread in our lunchroom's toaster before my shift started. A pre-work meal. Then a few times one of my co-workers complained out loud nicely about the smell. It bothered her, so I don't have it at work anymore. I love garlic bread.:(

She also complains loudly about aftershave and perfume too. She's sensitive. It's all good though, otherwise we get along fine.

I do popcorn too, but no fish.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
One of my collegue use to bring almost once in a week a dish made of Lotus Stem. It smelled awful and make everyone bit sick.
Everybody thought that its fish, but one day i asked him and he told me its a Vegetable not fish. I asked him that why it smells this bad and he replie "Its a smell from fish droppings", he says more fish dropping around that stem better it tastes. I didn't wanted to debate and just requested him not open that container in the office area rather he should just head to cafeteria and eat there. He denied it, but once i started spraying Febreze when he opens the container, he eventually stopped bringing that food.


Stung with Desire!
Jul 22, 2002
Agreed on this one. This "King of Fruit" tastes good but smells like "turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock" according to food writer Richard Sterling. You also need a hardhat to cultivate these heavy thorney suckers from their trees.



Active member
May 3, 2006
Microwaves in the workplace should be banned. They serve no useful purpose other than alienating everyone who has to smell whatever concoction you found in your fridge this morning. Why not eat sandwiches at your desk like the rest of us - if you want a hot meal then go out and buy one. If not sandwiches, then salad or a veggie plate.

I was raised to be considerate of others - seems to be a lost concept the last few years.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
At the very least, anyone using a communal microwave should use a brown paper bag when nuking food. To stop the food odors as well as the food spatters.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Some workplaces allow no food....except in designated lunch room or cafeteria. I think that is a good rule.
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