rob ford removed from office


New member
Feb 20, 2010
.. Why did it take more than a year to launch the lawsuit, if so important? Why did they wait until Rob Ford became mayor before launching the lawsuit? It is all politics, nothing about making Toronto a better place.
This is a quote from the decision. Ford was tossed because of something he did when he was the mayor.

"12] The applicant’s position is that s. 5 of the MCIA required the respondent, at the City Council meeting of February 7, 2012, to refrain from taking part in the discussion of, and from voting on a matter in which he had a pecuniary interest. As previously noted, that matter (the original motion and the motion to rescind), involved the issue of whether Council would require the respondent to personally reimburse the sum of $3,150.00 to persons who had donated to his charitable foundation. The Mayor spoke on the original motion and voted on the motion to rescind. Section 5(1) of the MCIA provides..."

Furthermore, this is about democracy and the instruments that support that democracy. Ford showed a blatant disregard for those instruments. This is evidenced by his total ignorance of the oaths he took when he achieved office. It is evidenced by his ignorance of basic council rules. And it is evidenced by his absence from councillor orientation sessions which would have alerted him to the possibility of a conflict.

Ford is supposed to be a leader. His 'willful blindness' is the act of a child. He got what he deserved.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
14 day stay on the ruling, Ford will almost certainly use the two weeks to appeal and request a further stay. I doubt this is over yet.
14 day 'suspension' of the ruling. The 'blob' has 30 days to file an appeal and ask for a 'stay' of the ruling.

In the meantime, city council has to 'declare' the mayor's seat vacant. They have a council meeting tomorrow(not sure if there is enough time between the ruling and meeting), otherwise a special meeting will beheld before the 14 day 'suspension' ends.

I say, council declares his seat vacant, and then have a council vote for an interim mayor post haste. If council declares his seat 'vacant' and votes in an 'iunterim mayor' before the 'blob' can obtain a 'stay' of the ruling then the probability of the 'blob' still somehow inexplicitly squatting in the mayor's chair is reduced substantially.

After the complete disaster of the Ford administration and it's supplicants, I cannot envision a probable scenario where Darth Holyday will be declared de facto mayor by a full vote of city council.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Toronto is heading down the same road as Detroit...casinos, kicking their mayor out of office. Enjoy the ride down the gutter is all I can say


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
I'm watching the news conference on CP 24. One of the reporters dared asked: "How does this lawsuit make the city a better place?". It doesn't help even one resident one iota. It is all politics. Why did it take more than a year to launch the lawsuit, if so important? Why did they wait until Rob Ford became mayor before launching the lawsuit? It is all politics, nothing about making Toronto a better place.
I guess the ruling has nothing to do with 'the rule of law' and abiding by those rules that have been put in place to protect 'society'.

I guess the ruling has nothing to do with ensuring 'transperancy' in civic political decisions so that the benefits of those decisions accrue mostly for the benefit of society and not for personal financial nor corporate gain.

The above are just two examples of how this decision benefits 'society'. I'm sure others can describe many, many more.

'You guys' truly are 'unbelievable' that you can still support someone who has no regard for the 'rules' and thus society. Is this truly a true representation of yourselves. That you guys really don't care 'how you get there', so long as 'you get there'. Reminds me of your idol.
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Dec 11, 2011
ford makes poor decisions its not from a lack of intelligence either he's just very stubborn or arrogant. A guy likes holyday wouldnt have done the shit ford did, it was jsut a matter of time before he got fucked on a technicality. Ford has been caught doing stupid petty things, it would never happen to a dalton mcguinty type

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
It was $3150 to help out kids playing football, gee, what a serious crime Mr Ford committed.


Dec 11, 2011
It was $3150 to help out kids playing football, gee, what a serious crime Mr Ford committed.
uts bc he voted on a motion to allow him not to pay back the money which I agree with. it was jsut a dumb decision considering his vote wasnt needed it was something like 20-10 in his favour but I guess he did it out of principle or wasnt thinking or just didnt give a shit


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
For the most part, the opinions in this thread probably reflect our political leanings, including me. I guess the problem is this form of tribalism is exactly what is going on at city hall. Is there a way out of it for Toronto? Hard to see how.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I guess we will be heading back to out of control spending and union influence. I suspect Adam Vaughan aka Mr Nasty had an unaided orgasm when the news broke
You take that back, you hear!!!

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Ford will appeal:

A defiant Mayor Rob Ford vowed to fight on against a court ruling punting him from office and blamed “left-wing politics” for the case against him.

“I’m going to appeal it and I’m going to get on with my job,” Ford said as he headed into his office at City Hall Monday afternoon, a massive crush of cameras and reporters surrounding him.

“This comes down to left-wing politics,” he said. “The left wing wants me out of here and they’ll do anything in their power.”

The court ruling Monday said Ford violated conflict of interest rules and must therefore be removed from office. The decision was suspended though for 14 days and Ford was not barred from running for office in the future.

Ford said he was a “fighter” and had done a lot of good for the city in his first two years as mayor, and wouldn’t back down in any way from regaining his position.

“I’m going to hold on to my job and if they do for some reason get me out, I’ll be running right back at them,” he said.

“If there’s a byelection, my name is first on the ballot.”

The 14-day suspension of the decision would allow Ford to both appeal the ruling and apply for a judicial stay that would — if granted — keep him in office until the appeal can be heard.

Otherwise, city council, which meets Tuesday with Ford still in charge, would have to decide whether to appoint a replacement or hold an election to replace the mayor.

Justice Charles Hackland’s eagerly awaited decision came just days short of Ford celebrating his second anniversary of being sworn in. .

“His actions were not done by reason of inadvertence or a good faith error of judgment,” Hackland said.

Ford had been accused of violating council’s conflict guidelines after he spoke to and voted on whether to accept an integrity commissioner’s report critical of how he raised funds for his football charity last February.

In his ruling, Hackland said he found that not only was Ford told by then-council speaker Sandra Bussin he was in a conflict over the matter about to be discussed, he should have known what that meant since he had previously avoided speaking to an issue he had a conflict on before.

“In his evidence at the present hearing, the respondent was unable to explain why he disqualified himself on that occasion, while speaking and voting on the present matter before council on Feb. 7, 2012,” the judge wrote.

And the potential defence that Ford should avoid a penalty despite bring in conflict because the offence was “insignificant” was not open to him — because of his own words at council.

“I am respectfully of the view that the respondent has taken himself outside of the potential application of the exemption by asserting in his remarks to city council that personal repayment of the $3,150 is precisely the issue that he objects to and delivering this message was his clear reason for speaking and voting as he did,” the judge wrote. “I find that his pecuniary interest in the recommended repayment of $3,150 was of significance to him.”

Integrity Commissioner Janet Leiper had ordered Ford to repay $3,000.

Council voted with Ford to reject the report but a private citizen, Paul Magder, then complained Ford should not have spoken or cast a ballot on the issue.

Magder said on Monday he was uncomfortable about being in the public spotlight but felt the case had to be made.

“It’s a sad day really, but I think this had to be done,” Magder said.

His lawyer, Clayton Ruby, said the ruling makes it clear no one — not a mayor and not Ford himself — is above the law.

“He should have played by the rules,” Ruby said. “Rob Ford did this to Rob Ford.”

Hackland could have found Ford didn’t violate the guidelines — or that the infringement wasn’t significant enough to warrant removal from office.

Instead he becomes the first Toronto mayor to be removed from office. It’s expected he will appeal the ruling.

Sunday would have marked two years to the day since Ford was sworn in as mayor, after defeating former deputy premier George Smitherman in the 2010 civic election


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Well, he did break the rules and they're pretty clear so the judge had no choice but to removed Ford from office. On the other hand, be very careful what you wish for.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Toronto is heading down the same road as Detroit...casinos, kicking their mayor out of office. Enjoy the ride down the gutter is all I can say
Casinos, prostitutes , parties yeah ! I guess there is a silver lining to everything - thanks Joe !

This was a stupid reason to get kicked out and if Ford had shown any remorse, the judge could have given him a break. I think the same will occur at the law suit over slander - Ford really sees himself above the law. If he did get away with it, maybe he would start viewing himself as the 'Teflon Mayor'.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The good thing, even with all the mud of will he go or won't he flying about, is that we might get to see an actual competent, experienced guy in the Mayor's job to show the Fordiots what they could have had if they'd demanded a real candidate instead of settling for a clownshow. For at least a time, Doug Holyday, the Deputy Mayor will fill in. His politics may not appeal to me, but how refreshing to have a Mayor with sense and ability however briefly.

Besides, he already was doing whatever work the Ford regime accomplished

If that's the case, then why did you still complain with Ford at the helm?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Casinos, prostitutes , parties yeah ! I guess there is a silver lining to everything - thanks Joe !

This was a stupid reason to get kicked out and if Ford had shown any remorse, the judge could have given him a break. I think the same will occur at the law suit over slander - Ford really sees himself above the law. If he did get away with it, maybe he would start viewing himself as the 'Teflon Mayor'.
I don't think he thinks he's above the law. He's just not a political animal. He's not diplomatic enough. He's from a very wealthy family, and perhaps, he may not give a shit (which is wrong) since he will always have a job and security.


Active member
Apr 6, 2002
The buffoon still has two other legal cases to deal with:
  • The defamation lawsuit where testimonies ended last week, with a decision unlikely before Christmas
  • His appeal of the city’s compliance audit committee to order an audit of his election campaign expenses to see if he followed the rules in the municipal election.


New member
Feb 20, 2010
CBC just reported that Mammolitti just quit Ford's executive committee. Mennin-Wong wants to just focus on his council committee work. The rats are leaving the sinking ship.
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