Toronto Passions

Teachers to Boycott After School Programs


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
I'm glad I don't have kids in school anymore.Shitty parents complaining about spoiled kids who tell their teachers to go fuck their hands every other day.A teacher making 83,000.00$ to teach children?..just awful.i mean it's not they are trying to teach them life skills, or the ability to make it in the world right?..oh wait....that's exactly what their fucking doing.

You wouldn't hear such a fuss if they were manager's making 83,000.00$.Know why?...because then they'd be making these poor slubs are just trying to prepare kids for the world ahead of them.What kind of job is that!?!?..Pussys!!.Parent's(with exceptions of course) are just FUCKING, and have fucked the last few generations of kids.

I do volunteer work, and work with a variety of teachers , students and parents and most of the parents are absolutely fucking clueless what kind of an asshole Jr. or little miss is like 3 quarters of the time in school.
CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked the human race is?
Is my hard earned tax money that is used to pay these teachers, so I have the rigth to complain. If a private company wants to pay their employees $80,000 or more does not affect me


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2010
Teaching is not a piece of cake. 35% of teachers quit after 7 years (in the U.S. 50% quit after 7 years). Those who retire in their late 50s or in their 60s tend to die shortly after retirement. The life expectancy of a teacher who retires at age 60 is 28 months.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Is my hard earned tax money that is used to pay these teachers, so I have the rigth to complain. If a private company wants to pay their employees $80,000 or more does not affect me
btw they start off at 40k.

go yell at the cops pulling in 100K+ while handing out tickets lol


Nov 20, 2006
Most of them die 5 yrs after retirement though.
The life expectancy of a teacher who retires at age 60 is 28 months.
Question 3
For how many years can a typical teacher retiring today expect to
collect a pension?
Answer: c. A typical teacher retiring today can expect to
collect a pension for 30 years, plus a benefit may be paid to a
survivor after the retired teacher dies. This means a typical
teacher will collect a pension for about four years longer than
the average teaching career.
But what do these guys know
This website is designed to help you understand key funding challenges facing the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan. Content was developed by a committee made up of representatives of L'Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (AEFO), Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO), Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA), Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF), Ontario Teachers' Federation (OTF), Ontario Government and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan.

The facts presented are so off base from reality that it screams for a facepalm.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Bottom line

The province is broke. Ontario is a have-not province for the first time in its history. Ontario has a 15 billion dollar deficit in 2012 alone which gets added to our debt which is worse than California's. There simply is no more money to give to teachers. The Ontario economy has had the shit kicked out of it by the recession, the loss of jobs, the closing of factories and mines and mills and the loss of solid tax paying jobs. For as long as I can remember, teachers were insulated against the broader economy and never gave a factory closing a second thought. But in the last 5 years, the decimation to the Ontario economy has now caught up with the province and the province is in a real financial bind. It would not matter what party was in power - the result would be the same.

I have several friends who are teachers, my mother was a teacher. I respect the profession. But they do have it made, especially in Ontario. My high school teacher friends are all making about 96k a year to work 9 months of the year with excellent benefits, excellent working hours, conditions, pensions, etc. In comparison to other jurisdictions - like say the entire United States - they are making huge money. 96 x 12/10 = 115 grand per year (say they work 10 months a year because most people after 10 years get 4 weeks vacation (mind you, you probably can't take it).

My personal opinion in life has always been - "if you think you're getting fucked around at work - quit and find another job" I apply this line of thinking to my own life and I have done just that on 3 separate occasions over the years. If teachers feel that they are getting fucked around - quit and find another job somewhere else. I'm being serious about this.

The alternative would be to lay off several thousand teachers. Give those who remain a 2 percent raise, but they would need to pick up the slack of those who were laid off. Unfortunately, this is how it works when you're out of money.


Active member
May 3, 2006
The alternative would be to lay off several thousand teachers. Give those who remain a 2 percent raise, but they would need to pick up the slack of those who were laid off. Unfortunately, this is how it works when you're out of money.
Yet, the "Education Premier" continues to hire even more teachers for his pet daycare program. Seriously? University education just to play romper room with a bunch of toddlers?


Jun 6, 2009
... but they're doing it to protect the children, cough.

It never works in favour of the teachers, noty that I back what McSquint has done one bit. He just took the easy was out to shuffle a problem aside.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
This is the problem of entrusting our children's education to a unionized "profession". Their focus is on issues like job security (who has it these days??) and contact / prep time vs. student success. Unions don't value / recognize performance they recognize and protect their membership based largely on tenure! Not a strong proxy for performance. If there ever was an argument for a performance based profession it would be teaching. Fire the worst and reward the best, based on their contribution to student success. I have real difficulty with the fact that our children's extracurricular experience is being held hostage as leverage to further teacher's pay, pension... all of which are leading in the general Canadian business context. Accept that your pay, time off, huge pension, professional development and ridiculous job security are exceptional for the value you add and get to bloody work educating our kids!!


Apr 11, 2002
If you've ever worked for an employer that unilaterally changed the conditions and terms of your job & pay, you would react similar to the teachers if you had the balls.

Remember, they just stopped doing things that they did for free on their spare time.

BTW 25% over a decade is 2.5% a year, approximately the CPP for the same period. My rent has gone up much more and I bet so has the price of gas & insurance.

The real problem was that McGuinty kowtowed for so long to them and now has to stab them in the back. Our problem politically as a province, is not only McGuinty but the fact that the Tories elected that asshole Hudak as their leader, a mean-spirited troll, who talked himself out of the premiership and power last time, leaving the province with no viable alternative as Premier.


Jun 6, 2009
If you've ever worked for an employer that unilaterally changed the conditions and terms of your job & pay, you would react similar to the teachers if you had the balls.

Remember, they just stopped doing things that they did for free on their spare time.

BTW 25% over a decade is 2.5% a year, approximately the CPP for the same period. My rent has gone up much more and I bet so has the price of gas & insurance.

The real problem was that McGuinty kowtowed for so long to them and now has to stab them in the back. Our problem politically as a province, is not only McGuinty but the fact that the Tories elected that asshole Hudak as their leader, a mean-spirited troll, who talked himself out of the premiership and power last time, leaving the province with no viable alternative as Premier.
Good teachers do many things without getting paid and not calculating the lost wages, but they do get rewarded by the student having a better experience in their school years and carry those experiences forward through life.


Apr 11, 2002
Good teachers do many things without getting paid and not calculating the lost wages, but they do get rewarded by the student having a better experience in their school years and carry those experiences forward through life.
I guess they should work for free and live of the great karma of a job well done.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
Good teachers do many things without getting paid and not calculating the lost wages, but they do get rewarded by the student having a better experience in their school years and carry those experiences forward through life.
do you work for free?

if thats the case i need my lawn mowed and a couple things done around the house. pm when you're free to take care of these things for me. i'll have a better experience this weekend if you do this for me


Sep 24, 2004
I'm glad I don't have kids in school anymore.Shitty parents complaining about spoiled kids who tell their teachers to go fuck their hands every other day.A teacher making 83,000.00$ to teach children?..just awful.i mean it's not they are trying to teach them life skills, or the ability to make it in the world right?..oh wait....that's exactly what their fucking doing.

You wouldn't hear such a fuss if they were manager's making 83,000.00$.Know why?...because then they'd be making these poor slubs are just trying to prepare kids for the world ahead of them.What kind of job is that!?!?..Pussys!!.Parent's(with exceptions of course) are just FUCKING, and have fucked the last few generations of kids.

I do volunteer work, and work with a variety of teachers , students and parents and most of the parents are absolutely fucking clueless what kind of an asshole Jr. or little miss is like 3 quarters of the time in school.
CEO's, gangbangers,porn stars, and Kim Kardashian get more respect then Teachers do.What does that tell you about how fucked the human race is?
What a crock of shit. I can count on less than one hand the truly good, dedicated, caring teachers I had in school in 3 different provinces. Teaching life skills and how to make it in the world? Smoke some more there chief. They teach a standardized, robotic, watered down curriculum that anyone could teach if they had any people skills whatsoever. They do the bare minimum but enjoy above average pay, generous vacation and gold plated pensions. Far, far more than the average person in the corporate private world.

Good luck in this PR exercise.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
do you work for free?

if thats the case i need my lawn mowed and a couple things done around the house. pm when you're free to take care of these things for me. i'll have a better experience this weekend if you do this for me
Depends on how you look at it....

A great many of us (myself included) get paid a salary. Which means that I get paid the same regardless of whether I work 40 hours a week, or 80 hours a week. I don't even think about it as an hourly thing, or overtime thing. To me - the concept of time and half or double time is a head scratcher. I regularly work long hours, weekends, nights, long weekends. I do what has to be done to get the job done.

So yeah, if you look at everything as 40 hours per week ONLY, and everything else should be paid extra - I do work for free. It's how it works.


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2010
FatOne writes:

For how many years can a typical teacher retiring today expect to
collect a pension?
Answer: c. A typical teacher retiring today can expect to
collect a pension for 30 years, plus a benefit may be paid to a
survivor after the retired teacher dies. This means a typical
teacher will collect a pension for about four years longer than
the average teaching career.

These figures are based on teachers who retire at age 50. Teachers who retire at that age do indeed live long. But the fact remains that those teachers who started their careers late and are retiring in their late 50s or in their 60s do not live long after retirement.


New member
Apr 7, 2008
My daughter is a teacher & I haven't heard her complain about the wage freeze or the end of the banking of sick days. What she is highly upset about is the theft of the money that she & every teacher in this province who has been teaching 10 years or less had in banked sick days that Dumb and Dumber's legislation stole from them while leaving said money in the pot for teachers with more than 10 years of service. This was deferred income that they had legitimately earned under previous contracts. Those banked sick days had to be used by teachers suffering a major illness to get them through the period untill their disability pension kicked in. Dumd and Dumber's legislation certainly doesn't provide for any improvement on the disability benefit. How many of you who are so critical of the teachers would support Dumb and Dumber if they were to pass legislation allowing your employer to retroactivaely change your wage rate or salary and then allow your employer to insist that you take whatever money you have in the bank and reimburse your employer for the so called over-payment of what you thought you had previously earned. By the way, she is making a salary that is considerably less than the $ 83,000 you are throwing around, continues to run three extra-carricular clubs in her school. This legislation is mostly targeted by Dumb and Dumber at young teachers who are struggling to start homes, pay off university debts, etc. Sure they are going to allow 1st & 2nd year teachers to continue up the salary grid during the pay freeze meaning that at the end of the two year freeze these new teachers will be making more than teachers with more years of experience. A pox on both the liberals and the PC's. There are better ways to control and reduce teacher costs if either Dumb or Dumber were capable of thinking outside of the narrow box their minds function in.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
best teacher i ever had was mrs.clark from holy cross catholic school in georgetown. the best teacher anyone could ever ask for. i was lucky to have her.


New member
Apr 21, 2005
I have several friends who are teachers, my mother was a teacher. I respect the profession. But they do have it made, especially in Ontario. My high school teacher friends are all making about 96k a year to work 9 months of the year with excellent benefits, excellent working hours, conditions, pensions, etc. In comparison to other jurisdictions - like say the entire United States - they are making huge money. 96 x 12/10 = 115 grand per year (say they work 10 months a year because most people after 10 years get 4 weeks vacation (mind you, you probably can't take it).
Ditto. Lots of teachers in my extended family, who are currently complaining long and loud to anybody who will listen. If I had to describe them in one word, it would be "sheltered". They simply have no frame of reference.
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