Yes that's right, the shaking off of savagery took a very long time, and still there are elements of it around today. This recent shooter is an example of the reality that there are still some white people who aren't bought into the concept. Yet it's undeniable that European society has been trending towards increasingly egalitarian outlook, and that the rights that were eventually extended were originally promised in the founding documents, in the Declaration of Independence for example.
There is no disputing that we all originated in savagery, that all cultures, all peoples, originally practiced discrimination and unenlightened self-interest. You seem to think pointing out any inequality or savagery inflicted by Europeans undermines my point. It doesn't.
My point is this enlightenment originated in Europe, with white thinkers, and eventually permeated white societies, and has been propagating out from there. Still to this day most primarily non-white nations institutionalize racism, and don't even question it. The Chinese, in China, if you ask them, don't even comprehend the point. It's primarily Chinese who have had exposure to Western culture who have acquired the concept that everyone should be equal, without regard to race or national origin.
Still to this day it's my observation, and I think many people's, that non-whites in Canada are far more racist and discriminatory towards one another than whites are. Asians say horrible things about blacks, and vice versa.
The idea of equality has a long way to go, but I see little value in denying from where it originated.