AIPAC has been pressuring the states to go all hardline with Iran through the IAEA. Its working for them so far, in that the goal posts keep moving any the talks are becoming less palatable for Iran. Now Iran is asked to end all enrichment and not gain anything at all, and who would sign that? Iran had previously offered reasonable plans including ending all 20% enrichment in exchange for the end of sanctions, but when they are asked to give up the very things the treaty was there to protect for nothing, you can't expect them to agree.
Seems that AIPAC's goal is to make the negotiations so ridiculous as to make Iran walk away from the talks, therefore opening the door for Israel to be able to goad the US into attacking, since they can't possibly try to argue they need to attack a country in the middle of negotiations. But now its looking like Israel's coalition government may be more fragile then suspected, and may not play along. So the hope for peace now is coming from Israel's own political instability, not from anything Iran does.
The strange part is that these aren't rumours, but from articles published in the mainstream press. If I was an American, I'd be shocked that foreign policy is so openly manipulated by a foreign country.
And note that this is all political, not racial. Its the hardliners in Israel, who don't speak for all Jews and who are becoming more unpalatable to American Jews as well that are leading this. Its a government that is worried about losing control through the middle east and is pressuring the US to take them out for them, but without fully considering the risks or costs.