Asian Sexy Babe

Why do some sp's prefer not to see certain races?


New member
Oct 28, 2006
If it is a room for rent, you can discriminate as sharing your place is personal space.. When advertising a suite, you cannot.. but then at the end of the day, what is to stop anyone from deciding who they rent to bases on race?? I would not rent to certain races
The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario

But yeah, you would have to file a complaint, and the tribunal probably can't do much except fine the crap out of the landlord.

Yes, the code does not apply if a bathroom or kitchen is shared with the landlord.


Active member
Mar 17, 2011
i knew this would degenerate into a "you're a racist" discussion. fact is, some people don't like some people. call it racism. call it sexism. call it whatever you like. just the facts ma'am. i can quite understand why a small woman working with another small woman may not want to let some big bugger in at midnight. their choice. tough luck for the customer.
If the Supreme Court legalizes prostitution, these women would be in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in terms of discrimination. I believe that they would face fines or jail time. Ironic that it would be these types of business policies that would get them into trouble if their business was legalized.


New member
Oct 28, 2006
If the Supreme Court legalizes prostitution, these women would be in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in terms of discrimination. I believe that they would face fines or jail time. Ironic that it would be these types of business policies that would get them into trouble if their business was legalized.
I'm not so sure about that.

Dating, for example, is legal. But you cannot sue a dating service because they can't find you interracial dates. They can only put your name out there, and arrange the match.

Adoption is legal. But you cannot force parents to adopt a baby of a different race.

The provisions for human rights, imo, also take into account a person's private boundaries.


Apr 26, 2009
Just like all asians have small dicks........
I'm a white and my girth makes it harder for Asian SPs to do multiple positions...sometimes, I have to be
More gentle with them.

I had Korean SP at tag141 refuse to see Me a second time due to my girth and
Length.she was crying after the first session and I apologized, the
Second time I negotiated with her
And settle everything else on her menu except FS. She
Said she would give it a try in the future. She seemed like a nice person I would of paid to go out in a date with her, but I never got around arranging it.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
This is true, HOF paid me a visit a couple of years ago... and you've reminded him (and the rest of us) of that fact many times. He even had the guts to post a review, which I appreciated, since it meant that he had to put up with a lot of nasty names, and he received a lot of unfair criticism for expanding his horizons. If seeing guys with the courage to explore new experiences means I have bad taste, then I guess I'm ok with that. :)


How exactly do you know how HOF tastes in the first place? :p
Just a guess but I would suspect his winkie tastes shitty.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
nevermind race...what about obese people with toxic breath and bad cases of exema and acne? Is there an sp out there with a fetish for these traits? "Cuz I just wanna be loved!"


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011

So what would you do if you came face to face with something like this?

Sad when bad things happen to good people.
If you're young, cunning, and want some free clothes, what you do is you go into a store like this well dressed with a couple of your black friends who are 'dressed down'. While the store clerks are hawking your black friends, you clean the place out of some of its finest pieces. You can't always change the world, but you can make it work for you.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
However for those interested:

East Indian/Arab - smell, demanding, demeaning, price hagglers, will push for more service and will not listen politely to the word no
West Indian/Jamaican - sometimes too big, overly aggressive, push for over time and extra services, they do nothing to "warm" the SP up.
Asian - above average MSOG = waste of many condoms.

This is the standard I have heard.
None for white men?


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
I am white with a big dick and SPs have never hinted me to not wanting me back. I think it has more to do with security and health reasons such as violence/theft and STD/HIV with the races mentioned especially in East Indian/Arab and West Indian/Jamaican communities.
I know of one SPs that went that route and got assaulted by white men on 3 occasions. Didn't stop her from seeing white men though. And there is a lot of STD and HIV to be had from whites, so the SP will still encounter STDs and a lot of it by seeing whites only (for example).


New member
Oct 12, 2010
If the Supreme Court legalizes prostitution, these women would be in violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in terms of discrimination. I believe that they would face fines or jail time. Ironic that it would be these types of business policies that would get them into trouble if their business was legalized.

The Charter governs the relationship between government and citizens, not between citizens.

However, the appropriate Human Rights legislation may apply. There is no test case yet though.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Just a myth. Besides having a super big dick will result in erectile dysfuction and will need to take cialis or viagra for the rest of your life after 50 or earlier.

The owner fears that she may know them and a drug transaction is in the process or perhaps the fear of getting entrapped to pimping. I do not recall many black men requesting tables dances and spending their money. From my peer experience they are the biggest tight asses around and very stingy with their food especially Jamaicans.
Just how many Jamaicans do you know? How do you judge a person based on nationality and race? With regards to being stingy, not everyone is blessed with a big bank account and the ability throw money around. So yeah, to you the ordinary black man may be a so called tight ass but I'm sure a lot of the dancers in Brass Rail don't have a problem with black men with plenty money who pass through there every now and then...or the ones like Kanye with mega money which. Sometimes it isn't about race, but rather about a persons disposable income. In for one would be very picky with how I spent my money in a club. So if an ordinary Plain Jane came up to me of course I'm going to turn her down and wait on a real stunner. But it's odd to read that instead of watching the lovely women in the bar, you're instead looking at the black men and their spending habits.

Why would the owner automatically feel a drug transaction is going down? All black men are drug dealers? Or is that not a myth like the big black dick as well, as you proffered? I would proffer that stats can easily prove the former rather than the latter.


Jan 4, 2009
Being from a ethnic background, I don't smell bad (complimented all the time in both my personal life and when I've hobbied) as I don't eat ethnic food (food from my cultural background) a lot. This does have something to do with it as I, myself, am turned off by the scents that are released through the skin based on the food. I'm not insulted by this as I realized this a long time's not's fact that the pores of your skin does eminate the scents. Try eating garlic and find out how much you smell the next day! Having said that, it's also based on the manners of the individual. When I've spoken to SP's over the phone, they have no idea that I'm not white.

I don't sound like I just 'stepped off the boat'. I also treat them with respect. In return, I've never had an SP turn me down based on my background. I'm upfront with them and if they say no, that's fine....I move on. It's their right to see who they want and don't want to see. Yes, I've been disappointed when I was hoping to see a lady who posts that she only sees white men or has certain restrictions as to the background she sees. If so, no big deal...I move on. There's lots of beautiful women on here and some people get so out of whack about this. I know for a fact that men from my own background can be assholes to women. Lucky for me, I'm Canadian...grew up here and don't have the same mentality. Unlike others from my background who were born here and still sound/act like they stepped off the boat, I treat women with the utmost respect. Unfortunately, due to those others from my heritage who continue to treat women (SP's and non-SP's) poorly, it's reflects poorly on me when I want to meet a lady I'm attracted to. It sucks but I'm happy with the ladies I have seen and had a great time with. Just as it is our choice who we want to see, let the ladies be....they have every right to choose who they want to see. Personally, I would not want to see a woman from my own background for the same reasons....I don't like the smell of the food/spices from my background when it's eminating off the person. That's not being racist...if she smelled nice, I would have no issues. I'm sure there are some who are racist, like any other profession out there....enjoy the ones who are willing to see you instead of complaning about the ones who have preferences as to who they see. As I mentioned already, it's their choice if they want to see you or not....and they don't owe you an explanation as to their reasons. Unfortunately, those who are not white, immediately play the race card. Seriously....get over it.....learn the language (if you sound like you are fresh off the boat yet you have grown up here)....take a shower....realize that diet does affect the scents eminating from your pores. Just my $0.02 worth on this topic.
Very well written by a very broad-minded person. I myself have brown skin like you but fortunate enough to be from a place well known as land of smiles and friendly people so I have never come across any rejection yet. I think it all depends on how you approach a lady and how you treat them. If you show respect to them and treat them well, you'll get the same back in return most times. According to my experiences and what I was told by most Asian ladies, especially K girls, are not very fond of East Indian looking ones, not bcuz of their race, but bcuz of the smell, their aggressive behaviours and bargaining tactics which they brought in from their culture back home.


New member
Sep 4, 2011
However for those interested:

East Indian/Arab - smell, demanding, demeaning, price hagglers, will push for more service and will not listen politely to the word no
West Indian/Jamaican - sometimes too big, overly aggressive, push for over time and extra services, they do nothing to "warm" the SP up.
Asian - above average MSOG = waste of many condoms.
Wow. That's an actual concern for some SPs?

Are you using condoms made from diamonds or something?

How man SOG are we talking about here? Are there people walking around with a Gatling gun in their pants?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
this sounds like a 5 year old asking the question? like me asking... Why do some women not become SPs? or fuck any guy that wants to?


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
lol, I don't think so.


Still hunting fresh ones!
Jan 23, 2003
Better part of Hamilton
Do you know of any guys who will exclude certain races of SPs? I know several guys who say they have no interest in black girls.

Everybody has preferences. Some more strongly than others. Ya gotta feel comfortable.
I am one of those guys. Been there on a couple of occasions and never had a good experience with a black girl. It's not that I don't find some of them very attractive just I have always found their services to be crap.
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