There are for white men too but for them it is more like categories. People like you get all hyped up because of being lumped with stereotypical assessments of certain races yet think that the BIG BAD WHITE MAN is free from these things. Get a clue.None for white men?
Business men
married men
Fem men
viagara junkie
Social rejects
Cocky losers
Just to name a few and all have the good and bad stereotypes to go with them.
The difference is that most times an SP can not tell these things about the white guy until he arrives. Which is also why a man who is of an ethic race but western born, no accent etc has no problem booking an SP with a "no {insert race here} policy" When that client shows up, he may get the dread no answer of the door but a phone call saying "the girl is sick" or he may get let in and he is now one of the SP's exception to the rule.
As for the categories above, the client usually gets away with a visit once, then is not allowed to book again because she doesn't like him. For example, some SP's like the tokers who smoke pot. Some don't and if they find out, will refuse said client.
Yes - SP's are concerned about condoms. Just like the accounting department at any office is concerned about the amount of money wasted on pens every year. So what?Wow. That's an actual concern for some SPs?
Are you using condoms made from diamonds or something?
How man SOG are we talking about here? Are there people walking around with a Gatling gun in their pants?
The issue however is that Asian men can shoot 2-4 times in a session. That is possibly double the amount normally used. 1 shot half, 2 shots hour is the standard. I don't make this shit up. I am just telling you what I have been repeated told.
Look gentlemen. I am not saying if any of this is right or wrong. I am not saying I agree or disagree. The question was asked, I gave an answer from what I learned over all these years dealing with escorts. It is what it is. There are so many women in the city that if she doesn't want to see you for whatever reason, move on to the next. If she only wants to see blonde haired clients, let her. Who cares????
SP have the right to turn down anyone for any reason. Sorry but they do. It is their body. I understand it is a piss off to men and their ego when she does it. It doesn't matter what the excuse is, the client is always going to find a reason to have a problem with her choice. Why? Because he has cash in his hand and his dick is still dry.
There was a review where the SP said she had her period, tried to politely decline the appointment and the client insisted to go through with it without FS. He then got pissed afterward, wrote a bad review and expected a discount. So not even race related, he was being declined, didn't accept that either. Men are conquerors and when told no - you want to insist upon it just to get the yes. Who cares if the yes is lousy or worse. Just as long as you got that NO changed to a YES.
Does it suck to be told no simply because you are of a certain race? Yes, but understand - the stereotype reasons I have given you have been what many ladies have experienced. Not all are like that but if in your experience it happens more often then not, what do you do? Look at what I wrote. Do you want to deal with a client who smell, demanding, demeaning, price hagglers, will push for more service and will not listen politely to the word no?
For all those men reading this right now - In your profession right now {you could be in any profession} - would you want to deal with a client who is as I just described?
Now picture you are an SP and have to fuck that person. Nuff said.