Club Dynasty

Why do some sp's prefer not to see certain races?


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
It hurts to be rejected or excluded by someone who doesn't know a thing about you but there are so many other choices out there for you.

You can't look at racism with logic. Their aversion to you might not be rational but she wants to feel safe.


Apr 7, 2005
I know an SP who will NOT see any men from India/Pakistan/Sri Lanka.
Her choice.


The Young Guy
Mar 16, 2008
East Indian/Arab - smell, demanding, demeaning, price hagglers, will push for more service and will not listen politely to the word no

I work in the I.T industry..

This is what I get lol

"Hello, this is paul with an accent"

Me: "Sorry, Sir can I have your real name"

"This is paul... I heard you were selling this, but I will only pay you xxx, you must take."

Me: "Ok Paul, but I charge tax"

"No, I don't pay tax, this is Canada it's a free country.

Me: "You're right, it is a free country, so I will be hanging up now"

Ahh, gotta love Canada...

TGirl Nikki

New member
May 12, 2009
Bay & Bloor
I think there's a bit of a disconnect here between "race" and "culture." One's ethnic or racial background is never an issue for me; I don't care so much about your ancestors as I do about you, and as long as you treat me with respect, that's all I really care about. I would be quite the hypocrite if I chose to judge people on the basis of physical attributes, given that I don't appreciate people doing the same with me. However, negotiating and haggling over price is an accepted cultural norm in some parts of the world, and tends to be less common in North America; this is the intervening variable that sometimes impacts my likelihood to see someone.

I don't care if you're white, brown, black or purple, I'll see you as long as you fulfill my detailed (some would say strict) booking requirements. That includes looking over my website, and taking note of the "Donation" section where it clearly says, in bolded capital letters, that DONATIONS ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE. Since I do everything by email, I often receive the person's first and last name in their initial contact, and I can't help but notice that my "Hagglers" label (which I attach to every email where someone asks for a discount) is disproportionately filled with names from certain parts of the world. So, statistically speaking, I probably see a smaller percentage of certain ethnicities (relative to the number of inquiries I receive) than others, due to a higher-than-average propensity among people of certain cultural backgrounds to request lower rates.

Please don't think I'm being racist, I'm just being mildly observant. I should also point out that my "Hagglers" label also has a disproportionately-large number of young men attending university (who always ask for a "student discount" while forgetting I'm a "student" too) as well as a surprisingly-high number of young white guys who ask for discounts, while including pictures of their cock in their initial email (I have a separate label for these emails too). So, if you want to accuse me of anti-hagglerism, anti-studentism or anti-cockpicism, please feel free - I'll wear those labels proudly all day long. ;)
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Nov 19, 2011
These types of thread always end up this way.

East Indian/Arab - smell, demanding, demeaning, price hagglers, will push for more service and will not listen politely to the word no
West Indian/Jamaican - sometimes too big, overly aggressive, push for over time and extra services, they do nothing to "warm" the SP up.
Asian - above average MSOG = waste of many condoms.

This is the standard I have heard.

Of Course others are correct about those who won't see their own race which is fear of knowing your client personally from the community.

I have heard many women in this business behind the scenes use the term "Canadianaized" meaning that no matter the race, if the client is more "Canadian" than not, they have no issues seeing the client regardless of race or culture. Again, this is all hearsay.
I am white with a big dick and SPs have never hinted me to not wanting me back. I think it has more to do with security and health reasons such as violence/theft and STD/HIV with the races mentioned especially in East Indian/Arab and West Indian/Jamaican communities.


The Young Guy
Mar 16, 2008
I am white with a big dick and SPs have never hinted me to not wanting me back. I think it has more to do with security and health reasons such as violence/theft and STD/HIV with the races mentioned especially in East Indian/Arab and West Indian/Jamaican communities.



Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I am white with a big dick and SPs have never hinted me to not wanting me back. I think it has more to do with security and health reasons such as violence/theft and STD/HIV with the races mentioned especially in East Indian/Arab and West Indian/Jamaican communities.
Which is why I said sometimes too big. I think that is the easier reason to give as to not appear racist. I have not heard from ladies that they all that afraid of violence from a West Indian/Jamaican or East Indian/Arab visiting them. That I believe to be more of an unrealistic stereo-type mainly spoken by other men.

I did not want to bring up the STD fear regarding West Indian/Jamaican but that is another I have heard as well. Not in regard to any other race however. I can't explain why though. I never really asked either to be honest.


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
It hurts to be rejected or excluded by someone who doesn't know a thing about you but there are so many other choices out there for you.

You can't look at racism with logic. Their aversion to you might not be rational but she wants to feel safe.
What is it with you and watermelon?

Hurricane Hank

Active member
May 21, 2008
I think there's a bit of a disconnect here between "race" and "culture." One's ethnic or racial background is never an issue for me; I don't care so much about your ancestors as I do about you, and as long as you treat me with respect, that's all I really care about. I would be quite the hypocrite if I chose to judge people on the basis of physical attributes, given that I don't appreciate people doing the same with me. However, negotiating and haggling over price is an accepted cultural norm in some parts of the world, and tends to be less common in North America; this is the intervening variable that sometimes impacts my likelihood to see someone.

I don't care if you're white, brown, black or purple, I'll see you as long as you fulfill my detailed (some would say strict) booking requirements. That includes looking over my website, and taking note of the "Donation" section where it clearly says, in bolded capital letters, that DONATIONS ARE NON-NEGOTIABLE. Since I do everything by email, I often receive the person's first and last name in their initial contact, and I can't help but notice that my "Hagglers" label (which I attach to every email where someone asks for a discount) is disproportionately filled with names from certain parts of the world. So, statistically speaking, I probably see a smaller percentage of certain ethnicities (relative to the number of inquiries I receive) than others, due to a higher-than-average propensity among people of certain cultural backgrounds to request lower rates.

Please don't think I'm being racist, I'm just being mildly observant. I should also point out that my "Hagglers" label also has a disproportionately-large number of young men attending university (who always ask for a "student discount" while forgetting I'm a "student" too) as well as a surprisingly-high number of young white guys who ask for discounts, while including pictures of their cock in their initial email (I have a separate label for these emails too). So, if you want to accuse me of anti-hagglerism, anti-studentism or anti-cockpicism, please feel free - I'll wear those labels proudly all day long. ;)
All excellent points Nikki.


Since i know you have seen HOF, it appears to me you are not racist, but rather lacking in good taste.

TGirl Nikki

New member
May 12, 2009
Bay & Bloor
All excellent points Nikki.


Since i know you have seen HOF, it appears to me you are not racist, but rather lacking in good taste.
This is true, HOF paid me a visit a couple of years ago... and you've reminded him (and the rest of us) of that fact many times. He even had the guts to post a review, which I appreciated, since it meant that he had to put up with a lot of nasty names, and he received a lot of unfair criticism for expanding his horizons. If seeing guys with the courage to explore new experiences means I have bad taste, then I guess I'm ok with that. :)


How exactly do you know how HOF tastes in the first place? :p


May 28, 2011
I don't think racism should be the topic involved with an SPs line of work because most strippers and escorts are chocolate (black) lovers in their real lives but yet again in the business world they refuse to see them as clients. It must be a fear of violence towards them since they know them so very well.


Jan 31, 2005
Why do some sp's prefer not to see certain races?
Some because they don't want to fuck guys of that race. Others because they are racial profiling and believe certain races are more likely to rip them off. More than one SP has told me that she won't see black customers because she has been robbed a few times by black customers. Plainly it's not all blacks, but the SP's are not distinguishing the gangsters from everybody else.

I can also say that it is not only blacks that rob SP's. One time I was standing outside a well known incall that I had just left, checking my messages. A group of asian kids (like 18 to 20 yrs old) showed up and one dialed in to what is recognizably the buzzcode of the incall. I overheard them plotting how they were going to all wait in the hall and go in together when the SP opened the door so I rang back and told her not to let them in, then milled around until they left. Some asian gang I guess.

What are you going to do about SP racial profiling? Report the SP to the Human Rights Commission and demand equal opportunity prostitution?


Apr 24, 2005
I don't think racism should be the topic involved with an SPs line of work because most strippers and escorts are chocolate (black) lovers in their real lives but yet again in the business world they refuse to see them as clients.
True story. I was sitting with my two Black friends at a table at an SC several months ago. A White dancer approached me for a dance but ignored my two Black friends. After she was out of earshot, my two Black friends said her "owner" ordered her to never dance for Black guys.


May 28, 2011
And ALL BLACKS have super SIZED cocks????
Just a myth. Besides having a super big dick will result in erectile dysfuction and will need to take cialis or viagra for the rest of your life after 50 or earlier.

True story. I was sitting with my two Black friends at a table at an SC several months ago. A White dancer approached me for a dance but ignored my two Black friends. After she was out of earshot, my two Black friends said her "owner" ordered her to never dance for Black guys.
The owner fears that she may know them and a drug transaction is in the process or perhaps the fear of getting entrapped to pimping. I do not recall many black men requesting tables dances and spending their money. From my peer experience they are the biggest tight asses around and very stingy with their food especially Jamaicans.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
So, if you want to accuse me of anti-hagglerism, anti-studentism or anti-cockpicism, please feel free - I'll wear those labels proudly all day long. ;)
LOL...So how much to watch you wear nothing but those labels?
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