Okay first off racial profiling is plain wrong as it is penalizing the majority for the acts of the minority.
Actually I don't agree. Even those members of the black community who are not engaging in crime appear to support the criminal ethos. In other words, they glamorize the thug lifestyle and that contributes to crime. Therefore the majority really ought to be penalized, until they shape up.
In other words there are plenty of honest hard working black people who do not commit crimes and should not go through life being harassed for others actions.
While this is true, in my experience the blacks who live the good life distance themselves from the "black community". Certainly there are many of them. When I say racial profiling, I guess I don't just mean skin colour. I mean going after that entire culture. Not everyone whose skin is black is part of it. "Race" is probably then the wrong word--perhaps we should say, "cultural profiling".
First, we have to understnad that what I am suggesting is not based on race because I see the risk factors for crime to effect all races namely income, education, where you live, what your family is like and what your firends are like.
Then your solution will fail, because you aren't confronting the problem itself. It is not the case that all poor uneducated people who live in bad areas are equally likely to commit crimes. Blacks commit far more than others in similar socio-economic circumstances, particularly violent crimes.
You were nearer the mark when you said "what your family is like", that along with who your friends are, what culture you choose to participate in.
If your solution doesn't speak to that, it isn't a solution. It's an excuse.
But how often does carjacking happen in Toronto or Canada for that matter?
Less than it happens in the US, because, as I pointed out, we have fewer blacks here than the US does.
Continuing with the idea of perception..... why doesn't the police put out stats showing how many crimes, arrests and convictions that they have made and coorelate it to race?
I absolutely agree that they should! And then they should use that data to profile people and go after the highest value targets. The reason why they don't is a bunch of people who are in denial about the cultural basis of black crime have insisted that it's wrong for the police to collect statistics based on race.
Okay next topic. Whom to address? If you are pulling over cars with black guys in hoodies hoping to reduce the crime rate you are too late. It's like putting on snow tires after you put your car into a ditch.
It's meant to be a deterrent. The idea would be to make life so miserable if you went around with that crowd that fewer people would opt for the lifestyle.
We really need to target the youth and the importance of a good education.
We've tried that, but the problem community opts out--they go around insulting other blacks who get good educations, making them feel bad about themselves. There really is a pernicious, destructive, anti-social culture there, and this needs to be addressed. In short, until you address the cultural aspects you will find that the people you are trying to help will opt out of your help.
Beheviour problems and truancy in school are closely tied to the lack of success a child is having in school. Furthermore, if parental involvement is lacking that's another strong factor. And on top of that, school is modelled with the assumption that Billy has someone to help him with his homework. But if mom is exhausted making ends meet on minimum wage and can barely read and write how is Billy supposed to do the work?
This is what I call a Big Excuse. It's a pile of bullshit. I have seen poor families where the parents worked two jobs, with five kids, and barely enough money for food--who put all five kids through university. Oh yeah, they were chinese. Not black. Blacks use this as an excuse. It's bullshit. Where there is a will, there is a way. Chinese families value education and do whatever they can to get their kids through school. Black families value bling and violence, and their kids wind up in gangs.
Also, if the child doesn't see education being stressed at home they won't see much value in it.
Yup. Therein lies the problem. You can throw all the money you like at education, but they don't value it. How will you solve THAT problem?
-getting smaller class setting for students who are struggling as soon as grade 1 (if english is 60 minutes we need the teacher to be able to give more than 2 to 3 minutes to each child. And in reality it will be less that as they must manage the class_
-afterschool homework program (heck extend the school day so that kids can work on the things that they have learned with individual or small group help)
-breakfast and lunch programs (many kids go to school hungry)
-uniforms(that way kids don't have to worry about wearing the latest fashions especially if they can't afford it)
-have more counsellors who can take the time to make relationships with at risk kids
-expose kids to more opportunities (some kids never leave their neighbourhood or town)...... this is a big one on why the whole city needs to help and not just the black community..... kids need to be exposed to as many new things as possible and see the world beyond their block.
-police stationed at each school instead of dropping by from time to time...... that way the first time they meet a cop it isn't as a suspect
-more financial aid for post secondary education..... the debt that students amass is pretty scarey and some kids can't imagine coming up with that much money much less pay it off.
-continue to change the perception of foster parents and adoptions, people could make serious changes and impact on older kids who need a home just as much as the highly sought after babie
-more counsellors and support for struggling parents, if you are in a low income situation and trying to raise a child a caring ear might go a long way
-maybe more partnerships with programs like scouts, big brother/sisters, sports, and arts programs to give kids chances to do things that they may never try due to financial restrictions
Some of these are good ideas. Uniforms in schools would go after the gang culture by preventing the dress from entering the school. Other things here are just bullshit excuses--the problem is NOT that kids are hungry. Other poor families with superior values manage to find a way to get their kids through school. So I don't buy those sorts of excuses.
But the stuff you wrote that goes after the cultural elements, like school uniforms, building relationships with police, etc., that stuff might make a difference.
Just note though--something you really do know, but won't admit--poor families from other cultures don't have any problem with building relationships with police. There are issues here that are very specific to black culture, and they are very pernicious.