Dream Spa

Shooting at Eaton Centre


New member
Aug 16, 2007
north of the GTA
It didnt take long for canada-man to go into "victim mode".

Not one word of condolence, or one word of concern for the innocent victims who were shot. Nope, right away he plays the race-card

It's very convenient to hide behind the colour of your skin. Anything bad that happens to you or doesn't work out your way is just because your black, nothing to do with the fact that you may be an idiot or a poor worker. Nope, it's because your black and the rest are racists. You never have to face reality this way.


Jun 6, 2009
He just wanted to address the racists first. I've already decided you're all fools so you should be treating him a bit better, he still believes in the men of TERB.

So what does he think of you pinkie?

He just wanted to address the racism first? I've heard a half a dozen different news reported from different sources and not once have I heard any mention of the shooter being of any nationality. The racism isn't certainly not wide spread.


Sep 12, 2007
blackrock13 said:
I've heard a half a dozen different news reported from different sources and not once have I heard any mention of the shooter being of any nationality. The racism isn't certainly not wide spread.
Has the suspect been caught?

If not, wouldn't a description of the suspect's nationality, I don't know, be a GOOD thing? It isn't racist: it's a DESCRIPTION of the suspect, so the populace can help locate him.

If someone is worried that incidents like this will negatively reinforce bad stereotypes, I don't know, maybe they should be working to make sure incidents like this don't happen rather than trying to manipulate how people react to these incidents? Woulddn't that be more productive?

The uncomfortable truth is this: there is something toxic within the black community. Hiding it, covering it with euphemisms and paternalistically "protecting" the black community from that truth is counter-productive. The best disinfectant is truth. The desire to fix things "in house" is always there. And it's usually a bad idea, especially when the black community, with ALL the respect in the world, hasn't shown a whole lot of luck in policing itself.

This incident is tragic, no matter the races of the perpetrator(s) or the victims. To keep things like this from happening again in the future requires that we look at it head-on and honestly, and not hiding behind people's hurt feelings.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Well I hope they have clear video surveillance on the shooter but then again maybe not.
why is surveillance video always black and white, and extremely blurry? We have HD technology, yet surveillance video just never seems to change.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Girls will dig this type guys more. Who can protect them from such dangerous guys in everyday life, a white guy, asian guy, latino guy? No. It's another this type guy. It's basic human mindset. We admire dangerous things, thunders, storms, etc. If you really want to make a group people undesirable to girls, portraying them as some agreeable, friendly, harmless creature.
Once Luke Rocco Magnotta is caught and imprisoned, he will have a number of women expressing love for him and a deep desire to marry him. There are bitches out there watching the video, fantasizing about him, and getting wet right now. hahahaha!

I want to find an SP that will watch the video with me and jerk me off at the same time. Is it too soon for that?


Jun 6, 2009
Has the suspect been caught?

If not, wouldn't a description of the suspect's nationality, I don't know, be a GOOD thing? It isn't racist: it's a DESCRIPTION of the suspect, so the populace can help locate him.

If someone is worried that incidents like this will negatively reinforce bad stereotypes, I don't know, maybe they should be working to make sure incidents like this don't happen rather than trying to manipulate how people react to these incidents? Woulddn't that be more productive?

The uncomfortable truth is this: there is something toxic within the black community. Hiding it, covering it with euphemisms and paternalistically "protecting" the black community from that truth is counter-productive. The best disinfectant is truth. The desire to fix things "in house" is always there. And it's usually a bad idea, especially when the black community, with ALL the respect in the world, hasn't shown a whole lot of luck in policing itself.

This incident is tragic, no matter the races of the perpetrator(s) or the victims. To keep things like this from happening again in the future requires that we look at it head-on and honestly, and not hiding behind people's hurt feelings.
Totally correct, but if you describe him as a black male people like CM go off.

As far as the toxicity in the black community, even leaders of the community realize it and are beginning to speak out, but coneheads like CM can't/won't see this and blames everyone else for the problems.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Once Luke Rocco Magnotta is caught and imprisoned, he will have a number of women expressing love for him and a deep desire to marry him. There are bitches out there watching the video, fantasizing about him, and getting wet right now. hahahaha!

I want to find an SP that will watch the video with me and jerk me off at the same time. Is it too soon for that?
You're nowhere near as edgy and controversial as you think you are, you're just a loser
Simon482 who is a professional troll, will attest to this. To be a good troll, you have to do more than say outrageous shit. You need brevity and wit, and you possess neither


Jun 6, 2009
You're nowhere near as edgy and controversial as you think you are, you're just a loser
Simon482 who is a professional troll, will attest to this. To be a good troll, you have to do more than say outrageous shit. You need brevity and wit, and you possess neither
Give him a break, I hear those training wheels suck in the early stage of tough guys school.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
another example of racist hypocrisy and outrage a white man who show signs of psychopathic behavior for years and and nobody gives a shit nobody investigated him even recently murdered a man cut up his body to pieces and mailing them all over the damn place and is on the run. still nobody gives a shit. nobody asked why white males always commit these kinds of psychopathic crimes, but today a shooting a happens in a mall and a suspect listed as a black male. everybody suddenly becomes fearful and the same usual stereotypical bullshit starts.
Ya wanna know the difference?

1. White people want the white guy hanged and will try to catch him. Black people will not do anything to help the cops catch the black guy, in fact, they will work against the cops thereby creating the impression at least that they are on the black killer's side because he is black. (Remember that OJ trial.)

2. The Eatons Centre could have been me just going about my business. The crazy white guy - well, he knew his victim. Different story. People get far more worked up about random crime than they do about crime where the victim and the killer know each other. (Now mind you in the EC killing thing, the shooter most likely knew his victim. Problem is the dumb ass killed him in a public place and injured 7 other people in the process. One 13 year old kid.

3. Here is a link to the Toronto Police Services "Most Wanted" Note the number of black persons. Clearly, there is a problem with blacks committing a disproportionate number of crimes in Toronto relative to their population. Now you can call me a racist, (I've been called an Anti-Semite on this board, and anit-muslim, so if you want to call me a racist for pointing out the obvious, knock yourself out. But facts are facts.)

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Jun 6, 2009
Ya wanna know the difference?

1. White people want the white guy hanged and will try to catch him. Black people will not do anything to help the cops catch the black guy, in fact, they will work against the cops thereby creating the impression at least that they are on the black killer's side because he is black. (Remember that OJ trial.)

2. The Eatons Centre could have been me just going about my business. The crazy white guy - well, he knew his victim. Different story. People get far more worked up about random crime than they do about crime where the victim and the killer know each other. (Now mind you in the EC killing thing, the shooter most likely knew his victim. Problem is the dumb ass killed him in a public place and injured 7 other people in the process. One 13 year old kid.

3. Here is a link to the Toronto Police Services "Most Wanted" Note every guy on there save 2 is black. Clearly, there is a problem with blacks committing a disproportionate number of crimes in Toronto relative to their population. Now you can call me a racist, (I've been called an Anti-Semite on this board, and anit-muslim, so if you want to call me a racist for pointing out the obvious, knock yourself out. But facts are facts.)


You do realize that CM will claim it's not their fault but society made most or all of them that way?


Jun 6, 2009
I never realized how truly disturbed people are until things like this happen and then the "real" face of people start showing.

What on gods green earth makes you think black people "will do nothing" to help the cops catch this guy? Are you black? Or do you just have "black friends" as they say?

Black people want disgusting murderous morons put behind bars just as much as you apparently want your skin head membership renewed. Facts are facts.
He will realize that he shouldn't have implied 'all', but he often speaks in absolutes, only to back step later.


Dec 26, 2007
little comfort to the family of the shot 13 year old or to Jane Creba's family.
Of course it's little comfort for any victims, but it ridiculous and irrational to live in fear for what is a very rare event in this city. You have a higher likelihood of dying in a car accident than being involved in a situation like this.
There is always going to be crazy people that do things like this and as much as we can try and reduce the likelihood of it occurring, it can never be truly eliminated.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
How many years ago was Jane Creba till this shooting? Don't get me wrong people killed in the crossfire is TRAGIC but also relatively rare.
Not rare enough, I'm afraid. Who in hell are these animals that think they can let loose a hail bullets in public (intended for one person), and not give a damn about anyone else?? Disgusting.

Eaton Centre needs to ramp up the security and be more vigilant about it, even if it gets in the way of 'political correctness'. [you can read between the lines here]

Way too often, I see groups of similary dressed youth doing nothing but loitering. I recently witnessed two different groups of youth engaged in some kind of standoff near mall closing time - no security present, no one reporting the scene to security, nothing, just complete indifference.

IMO, if anyone looks like they're up to no good - eject them. Loitering in the mall? Eject them.


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
i blame rob ford and the lazy cops.

seriously though, i have a way to end crime that goes along with my way to end the lack of jobs. i also have a solution for the homeless. not gonna talk about it though. fuck you guys.
Rod Ford cut the police budget. That eliminated front line officers, those officers were slated for foot patrol.
When cops walked the beat, there was less crime.

I disagree with our cops being lazy.

It doesn't matter if the shooter was white or black, he is a punk ! These punks think that they are cool and can shot who they please. Instead of sending them to prison, replace our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan with these punks. Give them their little guns and send out there. They would not survive one minute in combat.

I am truly disgusted with what we are letting this little shits get away with ! If we say they are black, we are racial profiling ! If he is white, then he has issues when he was a kid.

We need to stop being such bleeding hearts, if he is black, the news needs to say black male !

I can believe that while this was going on, no one pulled out a cell phone to video tape this guy. A TTC drive is texting and it's on the national news with cell phone video. A guy opens fire in a mall, no pictures.

I hope that he was caught on the CCTV system and that he caught !


Jun 6, 2009
Not rare enough, I'm afraid. Who in hell are these animals that think they can let loose a hail bullets in public (intended for one person), and not give a damn about anyone else?? Disgusting.

Eaton Centre needs to ramp up the security and be more vigilant about it, even if it gets in the way of 'political correctness'. [you can read between the lines here]

Way too often, I see groups of similary dressed youth doing nothing but loitering. I recently witnessed two different groups of youth engaged in some kind of standoff near mall closing time - no security present, no one reporting the scene to security, nothing, just complete indifference.

IMO, if anyone looks like they're up to no good - eject them. Loitering in the mall? Eject them.
You'd be surprised the security that does exist at the EC, on eof the most famous public places in TO. no armed security but there are cameras all over the place. Add them to the personal phone videos and this guy will be captured by some video. I will be very surprised if he isn't captured.

As for the kicking out someone who 'seems' to be up to no good the laws/by laws don't allow it and haven't for a while. The guidelines changed some years ago. It is privately owned property, but for/with public use. Loitering is tough to prove.


Active member
Sep 1, 2001
For some people on this forum, it matters if you're black or white or asian commiting the crime. It gives them the chance to say things that they always believe, but couldn't say it unless there's vindication.


Feb 15, 2007
3. Here is a link to the Toronto Police Services "Most Wanted" Note every guy on there save 2 is black. Clearly, there is a problem with blacks committing a disproportionate number of crimes in Toronto relative to their population. Now you can call me a racist, (I've been called an Anti-Semite on this board, and anit-muslim, so if you want to call me a racist for pointing out the obvious, knock yourself out. But facts are facts.)


sorry, are we looking at the same webpage? out of the 18 pictured individuals, 2 are sri lankans, 1 is latin, 4 are black north americans, 7 are black africans, 1 is iranian, 1 is pakistani, and one white man and white woman each.

apart from being called an anti semite and an anti muslim i might also call you visually challenged.


Aug 6, 2006
3. Here is a link to the Toronto Police Services "Most Wanted" Note every guy on there save 2 is black. Clearly, there is a problem with blacks committing a disproportionate number of crimes in Toronto relative to their population. Now you can call me a racist, (I've been called an Anti-Semite on this board, and anit-muslim, so if you want to call me a racist for pointing out the obvious, knock yourself out. But facts are facts.)

You do realize that CM will claim it's not their fault but society made most or all of them that way?
Another explanation: white men are weak and sissies so they're caught right away, not making it to the most wanted list. Blacks, on the other hand, are tough and smart, thus avoiding being captured.
Toronto Escorts