Club Dynasty

Would you abort a son or daughter if you knew they would be gay?

Would you abort a son or daughter if you knew they'd turn out gay?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 13.4%
  • No

    Votes: 105 82.7%
  • Only if it was a girl

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only if it was a boy

    Votes: 5 3.9%

  • Total voters


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The crux of the problem is that our technological capabilities have out-paced our abilities to morally/ethically manage them.
So while we would be well advised to discuss such stuff as widely as possible with a view to educating and improving our faculties of moral and ethical judgment the absolute last thing we should ever do is place such issues in the arena of polls and gladiator politics for any sort of input or decision.

And the first element of improving your judgment comes from improving the question you are asking, whether you're asking yourself but most certainly if you're posing it to others.

Regarding this particular question what possible interest or concern can the sexual preferences of someone else rightfully be? The only thing that justify such concerns—to varying degrees—are you regret not to be their chosen one, or to be their chosen one, or that their choice involves someone unable to respond independently, such as a child, or someone incapacitated, forced or improperly influenced. The genders have zero to do with any of that.

The question, is this grounds for abortion thus has no real purpose, the real question should be would you abort a child you would not properly raise or support. If you would not, justify your choice. And of course the concomitant social policy must be to ensure that prospective parennts are equipped and supported to make such decisions wisely and well for the benefit of the child they will raise, or will not. Forcing them to or forbidding them from just ensures chil;dren will have and botch the raising of children. Who will still mistake what the real questions are.

Stats and poll numbers have nothing to do with that. Morals and ethics are not quantities. Stats are for marketing. And for the greedy people who think politics is about winning rather than what's best for the polity.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
This is as repulsive and reprehensible a thread as ever there has been on TERB.

Whatever presented itself in the thought process of the OP to ask it has all the symptoms of a decrement mind with no use to humanity whatsoever.


New member
Jul 13, 2009
So while we would be well advised to discuss such stuff as widely as possible with a view to educating and improving our faculties of moral and ethical judgment the absolute last thing we should ever do is place such issues in the arena of polls and gladiator politics for any sort of input or decision.

And the first element of improving your judgment comes from improving the question you are asking, whether you're asking yourself but most certainly if you're posing it to others.

Regarding this particular question what possible interest or concern can the sexual preferences of someone else rightfully be? The only thing that justify such concerns—to varying degrees—are you regret not to be their chosen one, or to be their chosen one, or that their choice involves someone unable to respond independently, such as a child, or someone incapacitated, forced or improperly influenced. The genders have zero to do with any of that.

The question, is this grounds for abortion thus has no real purpose, the real question should be would you abort a child you would not properly raise or support. If you would not, justify your choice. And of course the concomitant social policy must be to ensure that prospective parennts are equipped and supported to make such decisions wisely and well for the benefit of the child they will raise, or will not. Forcing them to or forbidding them from just ensures chil;dren will have and botch the raising of children. Who will still mistake what the real questions are.

Stats and poll numbers have nothing to do with that. Morals and ethics are not quantities. Stats are for marketing. And for the greedy people who think politics is about winning rather than what's best for the polity.
The question was restated by rld. I was responding to the restated question.


New member
May 8, 2010
Yet, that is not what you posted originally; a big difference.
I was not thanking him for changing (or improving) the question. I was thanking him for actually thinking about the issue and posting some worthwhile comment. I would not change the question.

And for the rest of you that came down on me for asking the question, get your head out of your ass. Asking the question does not mean I endorse, condone, or am simply ambivalent toward the idea. I said in another post that I believe abortion is murder, a straight up killing. I'm floored that some of you think just asking the question is reprehensible, yet millions of women are having abortions out there for no reason at all (or I should say, very little reason, many reasons being completely worthless, imo). In fact, the only time I would ever endorse abortion is for rape/incest victims.

There are cultures out there where parents will put a newborn baby to death just because it wasn't a male. Do you think that's okay? Is it okay for me to think about it? If I posted a poll asking if you thought that was okay, would I be derided again? This shit happens whether you believe it does or not. Living with blinders on only makes sure you'll never see the brick wall before you hit it. Open your fucking minds, for chrissakes.


New member
May 8, 2010
This is as repulsive and reprehensible a thread as ever there has been on TERB.

Whatever presented itself in the thought process of the OP to ask it has all the symptoms of a decrement mind with no use to humanity whatsoever.
Because I pondered the question or because I actually asked it? Hey, you'd be a good one to join the Thought Police when they get started.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
for the three yes votes you as poster children for why there should be a licence to concieve.

if you plan on being a parent you have to be ready to love whomever you concieve.

i read 1/6 couples have fertility issues while others take the gift of life for granted.


Jan 31, 2005
I can see why the OP feels this is a real conundrum. He hates that women have a right to an abortion, and he hates gays. Now he's trying to figure out which he hates more--women's rights, or gays. Is aborting a gay child the greater hate? Or should he hate it more that the woman was given a choice? Such a hard one!


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
It's a damn thoughtful question, because a woman can have an abortion for any reason she desires..... We are effectively aborting most kids with Down's these days. How does that make you feel? Is a child affected by Down's more or less challenged than a child who grows up gay? Is having Down's 'different ' but being gay 'normal'? These are the tough choices we must face, and it's foolish to say that the question is wrong to ask. Now to answer the question...No I would not, neither if the Child had Down's.


Jun 6, 2009
It's a damn thoughtful question, because a woman can have an abortion for any reason she desires..... We are effectively aborting most kids with Down's these days. How does that make you feel? Is a child affected by Down's more or less challenged than a child who grows up gay? Is having Down's 'different ' but being gay 'normal'? These are the tough choices we must face, and it's foolish to say that the question is wrong to ask. Now to answer the question...No I would not, neither if the Child had Down's.

We are? Some are. Yes there are groups of people who abort girl fetus, but they are definitely in the minority in this country. Condemn it, damn straight.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
I was going to reserve comment due to absolute vial nature of the questions asked... but Donny said exactly what I was feeling:

This is as repulsive and reprehensible a thread as ever there has been on TERB.

Whatever presented itself in the thought process of the OP to ask it has all the symptoms of a decrement mind with no use to humanity whatsoever.
Couldn't have said it better myself.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2012
Very interesting.

Aborting fetuses based on sexuality. Repulsive. Aborting fetuses based on mental retardation. A-OK!
Yes. Both Homosexuality and Down's fall out side of the Normal Curve...but both groups of people are still that, people.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The science seems to be leaning that way...but we have no firm answer yet.
I have my doubts. I think they are leaning in response to the direction of the winds of political correctness.

If they do find one, maybe they'll find one for pedophiles as well, which would then make it more acceptable since they have no choice.

If there's a gay gene, it stands to reason there should be a gene for most if not every sexual orientation.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
No, but I'd abort somebody who would do such a thing.
it is an offensive question, better not asked.
The question is so stupid as to beggar belief that any thought or rational intention was involved. Truly moronic.
This is as repulsive and reprehensible a thread as ever there has been on TERB.
Whatever presented itself in the thought process of the OP to ask it has all the symptoms of a decrement mind with no use to humanity whatsoever.

Don't like to see this.

If you disagree vigorously with someone, by all means say so, and give your reasons. But it is repulsive and reprehensible to want to bar the subject from being raised.

I can only guess at what is meant by "a decrement mind", but it is certainly contrary to the formalities of civilized debate to attack the speaker because you disagree with the speech.
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