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Please join me in celebrating Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee anniversary.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Well, considering they pay taxes and employ more than 1200 staff, not counting those who live, work and run businesses on their holdings, let alone bring in many millions of tourist dollars to Britain, the last royal wedding brought in an additional £2 Billion to the economy, I'd say they contribute quite well.

You are correct it's inbred. I stupidly followed CP's post.
ya im sure the royals got married as a way of boosting the economy...your an idiot to commodify a marriage....take lessons from Kim kardasian?


A sadder and a wiser man
Feb 15, 2004
Prince Charles is 63, which in 15 years will make him 78. I looked it up because I was pretty sure the queen didn't give birth to him at age 15.
Ha ha ha yeah thax for correcting me usually getting my facts semi correct is close enough. Prince Charles will only be 78 if HRH kicks off at 100 and his consort the lovely Camilla will be 79. They should skip right to William who will be ??? 44, ha ha ha I did "wiki" those factoids. Hopefully he and Kate are still together although based on stats over the past twenty years odds are 50/50 at best.


Jun 6, 2009
ya im sure the royals got married as a way of boosting the economy...your an idiot to commodify a marriage....take lessons from Kim kardasian?
I never said they did that 'to' boost the economy, but it happened as a result of their getting married. There is a difference.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I never said they did that 'to' boost the economy, but it happened as a result of their getting married. There is a difference.
Of course, it is a complete fabrication on your part. The whole country got an extra bank holiday, and many took another day off. Maybe the sale of garish royal trinkets went up, but the real economy took a dip.


Jun 6, 2009
Of course, it is a complete fabrication on your part. The whole country got an extra bank holiday, and many took another day off. Maybe the sale of garish royal trinkets went up, but the real economy took a dip.
Of course you can show otherwise. This exact point was covered the last time and your opposition feel over then as well. Hotels, tour companies and transportation all got boost. Considering how many days off they get normally, one more day won't really matter. Yes much of the merchandise is garish, but people buy it and therefore so what.

Your opinion aside, how much did the day off actually cost the British economy?


he royal wedding effect caused an increase in consumer spending even noted by the UK’s National Statistical Office. The spending surpassthe forecast of economists for April expenditure in the United Kingdom. The retail spending figure increased by 2.8 percent instead of the 0.8 percent predicted earlier. Although some feel that this growth in spending will not last, they do agree that the wedding gave a boost to the economy. Spending always helps a slow economy. Just consider that spending by consumers translates into income for other persons. In this case, both large and small businesses were getting an injection of cash from wedding preparations, wedding fever and the burst of patriotism of the British public.The Daily Telegraph of the United Kingdom reported estimates of 500 million pounds in sales of food for shops and pubs, while visitors to London also spent 107 million pounds on accommodation, shopping and restaurants.
Dress designers and milliners or hat makers certainly did good business. In a time when, under normal circumstances, spending on exotic hats would be slow, a burst of demand for headwear for the royal wedding had London milliners busy. They too would have had to order extra materials to satisfy consumer orders. Their suppliers down the chain also earned some more income. According to, the Hat Gallery in London says sales have increased by 20 percent since the royal wedding. Judging from the fabulous attire of the guests, many designers were busy. Even though the initial spending boom may not be sustained at its current level, the benefits will continue to accrue in certain areas into the future. The designer who made the wedding gown will certainly see an increase in demand for her designs. It was the ultimate promotion for Sarah Burton to have made the royal wedding dress. Business will improve for the house of Alexander McQueen and also for the designer of any dress that Kate, now Duchess of Cambridge, will wear.
THE ROYAL wedding provided the United Kingdom’s tourism authorities with a priceless marketing opportunity. The event itself and preparations for the event were covered by all forms of media – newspapers, magazines, radio, television and online, including social media of course. The interest resulting from such constant and detailed global media coverage of Britain has led tourism authorities to expect an influx of tourists for the next four years. Who wouldn’t want to visit England after the sight of those carriages, uniforms, historic buildings and parks? The media presented Britain in all its traditional splendour and pageantry. The Tower of London, the parks, the Victoria Memorial in London as well as views of the countryside of Berkshire, of Scotland, of pubs and quaint little shops were all shown to people all over the world, some of whom would be curious and anxious to experience and view it all firsthand. But there was evidence that the wedding sparked tourism for the event itself; it was obvious that many visitors travelled to England to be present during the event. Some airlines offered promotions and others reported increased sales of seats to persons from other parts of Europe. The same constant media coverage showed us visitors from as far away as Australia and Canada .The tourism sector will enjoy a boost worth several million pounds from the royal wedding. The VisitBritain website was quite ecstatic and optimistic about the impact of the wedding on the tourism sector of Britain.
The media also provided invaluable marketing of British businesses, including some small businesses, as they covered stories related to the royal wedding and its preparations. Quite an interesting cross section of businesses benefitted from interviews and commentaries. Some of the small businesses certainly would not have had the financial resources to pay for the level of global exposure and promotion they received. These interviews and stories were tantamount to a trade show. Milliners, florists, cake makers, hair stylists and makeup artists received unprecedented focus. It was almost equivalent to a virtual storefront for these businesses. No doubt, the interest in British products generated by such promotion will lead to more sales especially from overseas customers.
CITIZENS ACROSS the United Kingdom hosted many street parties and other private parties took place. An unusually high demand for food and drinks would have contributed to that increase in consumer spending during April. In addition, the makers and sellers of patriotic mementos were doing brisk business with the sale of mugs, plates, tea towels decorated with the photographs of the royal couple. Sales of these items of memorabilia were not restricted to the United Kingdom. British citizens overseas also wanted their share of the royal couple too. The non-British also showed interest, especially Commonwealth countries, as well as buyers in the United States and Asia. The Telegraph reported that “30 percent of orders had come from Canada and the United States, but a high number of orders (about 20 percent) were from Asia.” This extended the market which was good trade for that industry. Even if the items are mugs, plates and tea towels, selling them abroad is still exporting. says people in Britain will spend about $480 million on food, drinks and memorabilia to celebrate the special event.
Even the media are adding financially to the spending with the cost of bringing equipment and personnel to cover the event, as well as paying out thousands of pounds to secure proper accommodations.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
At least I know what I'm talking about in the case of the Royals.
you seem so absorbed with needing to reply defensively to every negative post about those parasites. Obviously you seem to know more about those leeches than your average heterosexual male. how fucking gay are you????


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
you seem so absorbed with needing to reply defensively to every negative post about those parasites. Obviously you seem to know more about those leeches than your average heterosexual male. how fucking gay are you????


Jun 6, 2009
you seem so absorbed with needing to reply defensively to every negative post about those parasites. Obviously you seem to know more about those leeches than your average heterosexual male. how fucking gay are you????
When uninformed members like yourself post lies you bet I'm going to show that their full of shite.

Again the claim of parasites and leeches, but no facts to back it up. You obviously couldn't find any since the last time you made the claim. We are getting use to that from you. Woodies punt isn't big enough for you, but feel free and try to climb aboard.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Again the claim of parasites and leeches, but no facts to back it up. You obviously couldn't find any since the last time you made the claim. We are getting use to that from you. Woodies punt isn't big enough for you, but feel free and try to climb aboard.
ahhh..finally...not denying your queer...thanks for re-confirming.. we'll let you get back to reading your Royalty Magazine now sweety...try not to stain the glossy pictures


Jun 6, 2009
ahhh..finally...not denying your queer...thanks for re-confirming.. we'll let you get back to reading your Royalty Magazine now sweety...try not to stain the glossy pictures
Okay to make it simple for you, I'm not queer. There, happy? What am I thinking, happy?

Still no facts to back your claims? Actually Woodie might like the company.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
Okay to make it simple for you, I'm not queer. There, happy? What am I thinking, happy?

Still no facts to back your claims? Actually Woodie might like the company.
woodie seems to be one of your favourites...constantly referring to him...always on your mind eh?


Jun 6, 2009
woodie seems to be one of your favourites...constantly referring to him...always on your mind eh?
He is the benchmark for long lasting idiots on TERB. The fact that he's been on ignore for quite a while and his post are big blanks on my screen kind of blows your claim overboard. At least he's kept his handle through all these years and not felt compelled to change it like others.

Your attempt at deflection still doesn't hide the fact that you can't find anything to support your claims. Nice try.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Your attempt at deflection still doesn't hide the fact that you can't find anything to support your claims. Nice try.
You are completely out of touch with reality, sheeple.

Nobody has to prove that royalty is a blemish and parasites upon society. It is obvious, self-evident. remember: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal......" Get it? Self-evident.


Jun 6, 2009
You are completely out of touch with reality, sheeple.

Nobody has to prove that royalty is a blemish and parasites upon society. It is obvious, self-evident. remember: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal......" Get it? Self-evident.
Apparently you still haven't found any 'facts' to support your claims either. When you call them parasites without something to back up your claim, it's just a fart in a windstorm.

The last time you started/hi-lighted this self evident tactic, weren't you quoting a famous US document? It didn't work then and it certainly doesn't now. All the facts you listed the last time you tried, got blown out of the water big time and you know it. Thus the pekkerhead strategy in this post. Apparently the people who really matter, think your wrong as majority of the British citizenry support them and very few call them parasites. Yet you're saying it's self evident and call anyone who disagree with you sheeple. To hell with the facts, your opinion is worth more. Sorrily only in your mind.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
You are completely out of touch with reality, sheeple.

Nobody has to prove that royalty is a blemish and parasites upon society. It is obvious, self-evident. remember: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal......" Get it? Self-evident.
I guess if you are an American Patriot.

The Liberal Party of Canada just had a vote and decided NOT to add the removal of the monarchy to their platform.

While you may enjoy American slogans...that was democracy in action.

Get comfy Danny Boy the monarchy is going to be around for quite a while yet.


Jun 6, 2009
I guess if you are an American Patriot.

The Liberal Party of Canada just had a vote and decided NOT to add the removal of the monarchy to their platform.

While you may enjoy American slogans...that was democracy in action.

Get comfy Danny Boy the monarchy is going to be around for quite a while yet.
Even the Declarations claim of self evidence is clearly wrong; all men are created equal, except when you conveniently equate slaves with property to get around that problem and don't recognize women as people for about 150 years. It kind of puts a big hole in DMs argument. Saying it so doesn't make it so.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Nobody has to prove that royalty is a blemish and parasites upon society. It is obvious, self-evident. remember: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal......" Get it? Self-evident.
Your knowledge of Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence is certainly rose-coloured.

Do you believe that it was the King or actually the House of Commons which was responsible for all those lists of wrongs which follow in the body of the Declaration?

Do you believe that the British Government was responsible for slavery in the colonies?
(Congress itself found the accusation so ludicrous that it struck it from the Declaration)

Do you believe that Scots troops were mercenaries who deluged the Americas in blood?

Then there is the point that many of the acts, styled steps of usurpation in the Declaration were measures of reaction, which, "however unwise or excessive, had been provoked by popular outrage. No government could allow its officers to be assaulted and their houses sacked, tarred and feathered (which in modern terms would be an elevated aggravated assault if not attempted murder), or the property of merchants sailing under its flag to be thrown by lawless hands into the sea."

Perhaps you might want to read Thomas Hutchinson's "Strictures upon the Declaration of Independence"


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Okay, why? Or is it just because. Apparently your last rant about supposed inbreeding fell flat and can easily shown to be false so you've just decide to take another route. Are you possibly related to someone closer than you should be?
simply because we are an independent sovereign state and I think our head of state should be a Canadian. The "Commonwealth" should have no official status other than a loosely aligned league of nations that share certain historic and cultural ties.


Jun 6, 2009
simply because we are an independent sovereign state and I think our head of state should be a Canadian. The "Commonwealth" should have no official status other than a loosely aligned league of nations that share certain historic and cultural ties.
Apparently the leaders of the 50 + country in the Commonwealth feel it's not that loose nor do the citizens of same as they show up in huge numbers to greet the Royals on the visits and tuned in in numbers only matched by the Super Bowl to watch the recent wedding. If you feel that strongly get a move on to get us out of the Commonwealth and then go for a Canadian Head of State.

The following it sounds pretty official to me.


The Commonwealth is not a political union, but an intergovernmental organisation through which countries with diverse social, political, and economic backgrounds are regarded as equal in status.
Activities of the Commonwealth are carried out through the permanent Commonwealth Secretariat, headed by the Secretary-General, and biennialmeetings between Commonwealth Heads of Government. The symbol of their free association is the Head of the Commonwealth, which is a ceremonial position currently held by Queen Elizabeth II. Elizabeth II is also monarch, separately and independently, of sixteen Commonwealth members, which are known as the "Commonwealth realms".
The Commonwealth is a forum for a number of non-governmental organisations, collectively known as the Commonwealth Family, which are fostered through the intergovernmental Commonwealth Foundation. The Commonwealth Games, the Commonwealth's most visible activity,[SUP][2][/SUP] are a product of one of these organisations. These organisations strengthen the shared culture of the Commonwealth, which extends through common sports, literary heritage, and political and legal practices.[SUP][3][/SUP] Due to this, Commonwealth countries are not considered to be "foreign" to one another.[SUP][4][/SUP]Reflecting this, diplomatic missions between Commonwealth countries are designated as High Commissions rather than embassies.
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