Being from a ethnic background, I don't smell bad (complimented all the time in both my personal life and when I've hobbied) as I don't eat ethnic food (food from my cultural background) a lot. This does have something to do with it as I, myself, am turned off by the scents that are released through the skin based on the food. I'm not insulted by this as I realized this a long time's not's fact that the pores of your skin does eminate the scents. Try eating garlic and find out how much you smell the next day! Having said that, it's also based on the manners of the individual. When I've spoken to SP's over the phone, they have no idea that I'm not white.
I don't sound like I just 'stepped off the boat'. I also treat them with respect. In return, I've never had an SP turn me down based on my background. I'm upfront with them and if they say no, that's fine....I move on. It's their right to see who they want and don't want to see. Yes, I've been disappointed when I was hoping to see a lady who posts that she only sees white men or has certain restrictions as to the background she sees. If so, no big deal...I move on. There's lots of beautiful women on here and some people get so out of whack about this. I know for a fact that men from my own background can be assholes to women. Lucky for me, I'm Canadian...grew up here and don't have the same mentality. Unlike others from my background who were born here and still sound/act like they stepped off the boat, I treat women with the utmost respect. Unfortunately, due to those others from my heritage who continue to treat women (SP's and non-SP's) poorly, it's reflects poorly on me when I want to meet a lady I'm attracted to. It sucks but I'm happy with the ladies I have seen and had a great time with. Just as it is our choice who we want to see, let the ladies be....they have every right to choose who they want to see. Personally, I would not want to see a woman from my own background for the same reasons....I don't like the smell of the food/spices from my background when it's eminating off the person. That's not being racist...if she smelled nice, I would have no issues. I'm sure there are some who are racist, like any other profession out there....enjoy the ones who are willing to see you instead of complaning about the ones who have preferences as to who they see. As I mentioned already, it's their choice if they want to see you or not....and they don't owe you an explanation as to their reasons. Unfortunately, those who are not white, immediately play the race card. Seriously....get over it.....learn the language (if you sound like you are fresh off the boat yet you have grown up here)....take a shower....realize that diet does affect the scents eminating from your pores. Just my $0.02 worth on this topic.