Judge beats the crap out of his daughter for going online and downloading


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
From an article I searched on corporal punishment in Canada. Has this Bill been passed? http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2009/07/31/f-spanking-discipline-debate.html

The Canadian context

Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada, enacted in 1892, provides parents, teachers and caregivers — including babysitters and foster parents — a defence when they use corporal punishment as "reasonable force" to discipline children. The Supreme Court of Canada upheld the century-old law in 2004 when it was asked to rule on whether spanking constitutes "reasonable force" for disciplining children, or whether it is a form of abuse.

The court heard arguments on both sides of the debate and ruled by a 6-3 margin that the law was constitutional and should stand. Writing for the majority, Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin stated that under Section 43, criminal law does not apply when force "is part of a genuine effort to educate the child, poses no reasonable risk of harm that is more than transitory and trifling, and is reasonable under the circumstances."

Changes to the section were recommended, however. In her decision, McLachlin ruled out the use of corporal punishment for children under age two or for teenagers. She also came out against using instruments such as rulers and belts, or striking a child on the face or head.

The court also revised legal doctrine that had lumped parents and teachers together. McLachlin wrote "corporal punishment by teachers is unacceptable," but the court nonetheless concluded that teachers could use reasonable force to "remove children from classrooms or secure compliance with instructions."

Shortly after the Supreme Court's decision, Liberal Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette introduced a bill to the Senate to eliminate Section 43. Known as Bill S-209, the legislation was mulled over in the Senate for more than three years as the Canadian Bar Association and the Canadian Council of Criminal Defence Lawyers spoke out against it.

The bill was eventually amended to allow parents and caregivers to use force in very specific situations — such as a small smack to the hand to stop a child who is about to do something dangerous or harmful. But routine discipline and the use of spanking as premeditated punishment wouldn't be allowed.

The bill passed its third reading in the Senate in June 2008 and moved to the House of Commons for approval before it could become law. The House never held a vote, however, as Parliament was dissolved for an election.


Back to GPIDEAL's comments: A lawyer interviewed on CNN said that the judge should be taken off the bench, etc. but stated that this case could be statute-barred and that it's not clear regarding corporal punishment in Texas. Personally, it's despicable due to her disability, her age and the use of excessive force. The easiest way to discipline her in such a situation (if she was illegally downloading music), would be to suspend her internet privileges.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
That was disgusting .. he deserves to go to jail.. is there any mention on the sister in the start of the video?
where is she ? was she abused as well?
The only mention in the video about the other girl is at the very beginning when the father tells the mom to get Alison (sp) (im assuming that's her sister) out of the room.


I've seen your member
Oct 24, 2008
all over the GTA
The only mention in the video about the other girl is at the very beginning when the father tells the mom to get Alison (sp) (im assuming that's her sister) out of the room.
I know thats why I was asking about her... I imagine she was a witness to some pretty bad stuff.... if not a victim.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Current status of Corporal Punishment

Another status update and brief summary of the law. http://www.religioustolerance.org/spankin2.htm

Current status of punishment by parents in North America:
As of 2009-MAY, corporal punishment by parents is allowed, with restrictions:
U.S.: All 50 states and the District of Columbia permit the corporal punishment of children. However, physical abuse is not allowed. Unfortunately, thousands of parents start with spanking and escalate to abuse every year.

Canada: All of the 10 provinces and three territories of Canada, allow the use of "minor corrective force," but it can only be "of a transient and trifling nature." There are also minimum and maximum age limits. The use of implements is forbidden; only the open hand can be used. More details.


Active member
Jul 11, 2008
Nuancing seems far to generous a description for the writings of a mindless tool.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
And don't forget this comment from her when she wouldn't turn around for him the first time.

"Bend over or Ill spank you in the fucking face"

That is not discipline, that is a criminal act of threatening to do harm to someone.
He said that he would spank her in the face if she didn't turn around. She didn't turn around, and he did not spank her in her face. He didn't follow through with the threat. People say all kinds of things when they're amped up and frustrated.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
How many of us got the beatings like this when you were a kid? I will admit, I got punish like the way she did too.
My grandfather used to threaten us by making a motion to remove his belt. That's how they thought back then, although it doesn't justify what that judge did.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
My opinion is not based on that single post.
rubby, if anybody here is a psychopath I would have to say it's you. You take every opportunity to call me a psychopath. Every 3rd post is "GG2 is a psychopath". It's hilarious. I think you're projecting your own sociopathic self onto others. You can call me whatever you wish a million times, but it won't make it true. You don't understand that, because you're a psychopath. Rememer the old phrase about those who cast stones in glass houses and all that jive?


Active member
Aug 6, 2006
How many of us got the beatings like this when you were a kid? I will admit, I got punish like the way she did too.
i've seen my fair share of beatings while living in boarding school when there were psycho-pathic and insecure priests running the institution. It was never to such a degree and not to a 16 year old.

ok to think about it, I have seen more brutal beating given by one of my phys-ed teacher to a student many times. But mind you, it wasn't for doing petty shit like using the computer to download a game or so. This student was a compulsive thief who could not stop stealing from any student around him. Plus there was an incident when he took a needle, heated up the tip on a candle and stabbed it on a student's neck. It narrowly missed the victim's jugular vein. Can you imagine the boarding school having to call the parent's saying the student was killed by another idiot?


How many of us got the beatings like this when you were a kid? I will admit, I got punish like the way she did too.
Agreed, I got my ass whoooped. But by anymeans the "head" was off limits.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
He said that he would spank her in the face if she didn't turn around. She didn't turn around, and he did not spank her in her face. He didn't follow through with the threat. People say all kinds of things when they're amped up and frustrated.
The fact he didn't follow through with the threat is not relevant, that fact is he made a threat to do her bodily harm.


Jan 31, 2005
How many of us got the beatings like this when you were a kid? I will admit, I got punish like the way she did too.
Never. What he did is completely ineffective, counter-productive, and it's abuse. You should never, ever, ever hit a child in anger.

If you do somehow feel that physical punishment is necessary the correct thing to do is sit down with your child and discuss it. Have a calm, rational conversation about why it is necessary, and then apply it without anger.

Yelling at your child, beating your child, hitting them in anger, is a horrible, horrible thing to do that will only cause your child any number of psychological problems later in life, and is more about you and your inability to control your anger, than it is about discipline of any kind.

I'm not even sure I agree with physical punishment at all, but the very, very few times my parents applied it to me, they did what I described. They were calm, took their time to decide on the right course of action, talked out what they were going to do and why they were going to do it, why what I did was wrong, and when they finally did punish me it was mildly painful but not abusive, and they certainly weren't hitting me in anger. In fact I would describe them as sad and disappointed, and not angry. The lesson I took away from those experiences was "don't disappoint mom and dad", not "don't make mom and dad angry". There is a huge difference.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
I hope to God you don't have kids and never do.
Why? She played it up for the undercover cam.

He shouldn't have hit her with a belt to begin with but it would not have escalated with more hits if she had turned around.
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