Ok, I'm now officially off the Ford bandwagon, what a phat phuck. He blows a lot of hot air with nothing to back it up.
His campaign slogan to stop the gravy train has now offically become a joke with me. He wants to reduce costs and blows smoke up everyone's ass by saying he's going to cut costs without cutting services, well we know he was full of shit in that area. He wants to cut costs, so what does he do? He gives the police a raise. He wants to cut 10% off the police budget, so what does he do? He approves a budget increase.
Now this is what finally pissed me off. He offers a voluntary separation package to 17,000 permanent city staff and was hoping for a few thousand to take the package which would really make a dent in the budget. So only 1040 city staff actually applied but they stated only 700 would yield big savings. So what does he do? The moron only approves 230 staff buyouts!!!!!! Instead of saving over $59 million per year for 700 staff cuts going forward after year one, he now will realize a savings of only $20 million. His excuse is many of the staff who applied were in legislated or cost-shared programs. Well if that's the case then why did you offer it to those employees in the first place and waste everyone's time you phat phuck? I know of one department with over 3000 staff which is cost shared, so how hard is it to say to those employees that this does not apply to you????? No, this moron wastes taxpayer's money to set up all kinds of presentations throughout the city for months mobilizing several HR personnel to give presentations, and all employees were allowed to attend, while being paid by the taxpayer. What a friggin' waste of taxpayers money.
I didn't realize how business stupid this guy is, now I know. Next time I see him I will tell him.
Oh, you know what he wants to try now? Layoffs, lmao. Well shit, why didn't you just do that in the first place instead of spending millions to go through the bullshit of giving only 230 staff a package. Wait until we see the effects of a lock out, it's going to be hell. He's really starting to show he doesn't know what to do, just keep trying shit and eventually something will eventually stick.
He lost my vote and I won't forget.
Thanks for listening, lol.