Is Rob Ford doing a good job?

Do you think Rob Ford is doing a good job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 99 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 155 61.0%

  • Total voters


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Ford's a buffoon but I will take him over David Miller all day long. Being dumb is a positive trait for politicians: hopefully they get less done and the less government the better.…edit…
Starting with less roads so you won't be tempted to go into Toronto.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Ford's a buffoon but I will take him over David Miller all day long. Being dumb is a positive trait for politicians: hopefully they get less done and the less government the better.

Look at Obama after Bush: by the time the dust settles and he finishes Bob Rae-ing the US economy into the toilet I think Bush will be treated a lot better by historians.

In any case, that's the nature of politics: you get screwed by liars of one political leaning and then the pendulum swings the other way and you have to put up with the other idiots.

I'm glad I live outside Toronto now...

Spoken like a true supporter... (As previously stated Ford Supporter = Somebody who doesn't actually live in Toronto)..


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Spoken like a true supporter... (As previously stated Ford Supporter = Somebody who doesn't actually live in Toronto)..
Actually, he had enough supporters in the current City of Toronto to get voted in. Unfortunately for the people who live in what used to be the City of Toronto, when there were still boroughs, they are not the only ones who have a say in what goes on nowadays. Time to realize all 2.7 million people have an equal say, not just the ones who live downtown.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001

with respect to the deficit- i would be ok with raising taxes to pay for more subways [emphasis added] and other things, but not just to pay for the vast increase in employees and wages which occurred under miller's reign of terror.

And what was the reply from the Mayor's Office when you told him this?

So far he's not even using the tax surpluses he had in hand to pay for a single centimetre of subway, nor has he managed to coax a penny from anyone else to pay for them either.

As transit goes, that's a very small minded vision of how-to-do-it.

The word 'minded' being used very loosely, of course.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Actually, he had enough supporters in the current City of Toronto to get voted in. Unfortunately for the people who live in what used to be the City of Toronto, when there were still boroughs, they are not the only ones who have a say in what goes on nowadays. Time to realize all 2.7 million people have an equal say, not just the ones who live downtown.
Look at the poll above.. Would you really say he has the same amount of support he used to?

I think this poll is pretty much indicative of any other poll you can find which asks a similar question.

The people of Toronto were sold a bill of goods.. They now realize this, but it's too late.. That's all.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Look at the poll above.. Would you really say he has the same amount of support he used to?
Could just be an example of the silent majority vs. the vocal minority. The only poll that counts is on election day and those results are indisputable.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Could just be an example of the silent majority vs. the vocal minority. The only poll that counts is on election day and those results are indisputable.

That's not the only poll that counts at all.

Our government isn't only a democracy once every 4 years, you know.

Thanks to the polls that had happened prior to the budget meeting, many of the ridiculous cuts tabled by the city manager were defeated. If the polls had reflected an overall support of the cuts, then we undoubtedly would have seen more than 27 million dollars worth.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
That's not the only poll that counts at all.
The one here definitely means nothing.

Thanks to the polls that had happened prior to the budget meeting, many of the ridiculous cuts tabled by the city manager were defeated. If the polls had reflected an overall support of the cuts, then we undoubtedly would have seen more than 27 million dollars worth.
I think discussions and back room politcking had more to do with the outcome than public opinion polls. Regardless, it seems Ford knows how compromise/soften his stance when needed. One quality of a good leader.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Regardless, it seems Ford knows how compromise/soften his stance when needed. One quality of a good leader.
Well that's the biggest load of BS I've ever heard.

The last thing Rob Ford knows how to do is compromise.. In the matter of the budget meeting he had no choice.. When it comes to it, his vote is worth the same as any other councilor.

I guess you could call not leaving the budget meeting kicking and screaming a "compromise".. I don't.. However, if you wish to use Orwellian type Newspeak to redefine the word compromise, it's entirely up to you.

The only thing Ford is good at is spinning a story so he comes out on top.. Claiming a victory after the debates was a joke and everybody knows it.

Rob claimed there was gravy to cut, and services would be saved, and we wouldn't have to raise taxes. He wasn't unclear about what he considered gravy either (as some would have us believe). Then he gets elected and says "Actually some of those services ARE gravy" (some I actually agree with.. Like not clearing the fucking windrows of suburbanites anymore.. But that's another thread.). He then adds that if we DON'T cut these services, then he'll have to raise taxes.. SERIOUSLY?!?!


Active member
Apr 17, 2007
Well that's the biggest load of BS I've ever heard.

The last thing Rob Ford knows how to do is compromise.. In the matter of the budget meeting he had no choice.. When it comes to it, his vote is worth the same as any other councilor.

I guess you could call not leaving the budget meeting kicking and screaming a "compromise".. I don't.. However, if you wish to use Orwellian type Newspeak to redefine the word compromise, it's entirely up to you.

The only thing Ford is good at is spinning a story so he comes out on top.. Claiming a victory after the debates was a joke and everybody knows it.

Rob claimed there was gravy to cut, and services would be saved, and we wouldn't have to raise taxes. He wasn't unclear about what he considered gravy either (as some would have us believe). Then he gets elected and says "Actually some of those services ARE gravy" (some I actually agree with.. Like not clearing the fucking windrows of suburbanites anymore.. But that's another thread.). He then adds that if we DON'T cut these services, then he'll have to raise taxes.. SERIOUSLY?!?!
Take a pill already. We had to put up with David Miller for all those years so now it's your turn to have high blood pressure.

All the politicians lie and exaggerate. Save your energy till the next election or go picket or protest somewhere in the meantime. I think the conservative types will just be happy to be productive and have less interference and waste from the local government for a little while.



New member
Aug 31, 2009
Take a pill already. We had to put up with David Miller for all those years so now it's your turn to have high blood pressure.

All the politicians lie and exaggerate. Save your energy till the next election or go picket or protest somewhere in the meantime. I think the conservative types will just be happy to be productive and have less interference and waste from the local government for a little while.

Bah.. Arguing with a Ford supporter is like arguing with a monkey (only less entertaining).. Nothing is going to get through..


Jan 31, 2005
Could just be an example of the silent majority vs. the vocal minority. The only poll that counts is on election day and those results are indisputable.
His support is down in random sample polls. These are not "phone in your views" things. You are right the only poll that counts is the one on election date. The rest of them, like this one, sure are fodder for discussion though.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
His support is down in random sample polls. These are not "phone in your views" things. You are right the only poll that counts is the one on election date. The rest of them, like this one, sure are fodder for discussion though.
In a sense the only poll that counts is on election day. However, those who allied themselves with Ford's plans, because of his margin of victory, now look at the ongoing polls and feel okay about putting some policy distance between themselves and the mayor...thank god.



Active member
Apr 17, 2007
Bah.. Arguing with a Ford supporter is like arguing with a monkey (only less entertaining).. Nothing is going to get through..
As long as we're on top and get to shit on you for another three years!

Enjoy. D.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
As long as we're on top and get to shit on you for another three years!

Enjoy. D.
I got news for ya.. Your fat friend is impotent for more reasons than just his diabetes..

Looks like council got wise to where Ford Nation really is (living in Mississauga, blissfully unaware of the world around them), and stopped voting in favour of his Ferris Wheels...


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
Ok, I'm now officially off the Ford bandwagon, what a phat phuck. He blows a lot of hot air with nothing to back it up.

His campaign slogan to stop the gravy train has now offically become a joke with me. He wants to reduce costs and blows smoke up everyone's ass by saying he's going to cut costs without cutting services, well we know he was full of shit in that area. He wants to cut costs, so what does he do? He gives the police a raise. He wants to cut 10% off the police budget, so what does he do? He approves a budget increase.

Now this is what finally pissed me off. He offers a voluntary separation package to 17,000 permanent city staff and was hoping for a few thousand to take the package which would really make a dent in the budget. So only 1040 city staff actually applied but they stated only 700 would yield big savings. So what does he do? The moron only approves 230 staff buyouts!!!!!! Instead of saving over $59 million per year for 700 staff cuts going forward after year one, he now will realize a savings of only $20 million. His excuse is many of the staff who applied were in legislated or cost-shared programs. Well if that's the case then why did you offer it to those employees in the first place and waste everyone's time you phat phuck? I know of one department with over 3000 staff which is cost shared, so how hard is it to say to those employees that this does not apply to you????? No, this moron wastes taxpayer's money to set up all kinds of presentations throughout the city for months mobilizing several HR personnel to give presentations, and all employees were allowed to attend, while being paid by the taxpayer. What a friggin' waste of taxpayers money.

I didn't realize how business stupid this guy is, now I know. Next time I see him I will tell him.

Oh, you know what he wants to try now? Layoffs, lmao. Well shit, why didn't you just do that in the first place instead of spending millions to go through the bullshit of giving only 230 staff a package. Wait until we see the effects of a lock out, it's going to be hell. He's really starting to show he doesn't know what to do, just keep trying shit and eventually something will eventually stick.

He lost my vote and I won't forget.

Thanks for listening, lol.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
The people that want other people to pay more taxes are unhappy

The people that want to pay lower taxes are happy

The problem is that there are a lot more people that want other people to pay higher taxes


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The people that want other people to pay more taxes are unhappy

The people that want to pay lower taxes are happy

The problem is that there are a lot more people that want other people to pay higher taxes
Thank you for your insight. I believe that last number is usually assumed to be 100% who want others to pay higher taxes. Whoopee.

What's somewhat unusual in TO at the present is how many people are saying, "my city is a broken-down, dysfunctional, crumbling mess and has been since amalgamation was forced on us, and now this guy says we should spend less on it! And cuts taxes before he figures out how to do that? We need to pay more taxes, before it's a complete mess, not less. And I'd gladly do it".


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Toronto Escorts