I hope next time the OP will get shot and the shooter will be acquitted, because this will be a favour to society.
Why not over react ... wait a minute.
So you parked in an area where you were not supposed to park.
The way you parked forced this guy to back out unless you moved.
He honked his horn to get your attention to move but you ignored him and went back to what you were doing.
And you think he is an idiot.
I think I might of missed something.
Why wouldn't you move? You're in control of the situation?
Pay it forward.
Or maybe it's a control issue for you?
I am in control of the situation ? He is an apparent licenced driver and should be able to back out easily, which he did.
Gads, I can sure feel the love in this thread. I can also see that FUJI isn't the only one who thinks you were the jerk. I'm not quite sure what you expected to get out of posting this thread; support, sympathy, absolution. It kind of reminds me of the 'Cold' thread.
Nothing really. I just found it funny the way the guy reacted.
Instant Karma's gonna get you,
Gonna look you right in the face,
Better get yourself together darlin',
Join the human race,
Who are you ? Bono ?
No, since you have already admitted you were not parked legally, you are the one breaking the rules of the road, and in fact are the rude one in this situation.
I never said I did not break a rule.
Whats the big deal the OP didnt move his car. The other driver wasnt blocked in, all he had to do was back up. If the other driver was blocked in, then it would be a different story all together. But the other driver just wanted the OP to move,because it was easier for him to leave a parking space. If you cant back out of a spot then you shouldnt be driving. I personally drive a full size pick up, and i back into every spot, its just easier to get out of.
If the row I was in was a full row, then I would have been LEGALLY parked and he still would have had to back out.
You see, the society has made Ironhead the way he is today. He must live in an area that is so uncivilized that they have no regard of other people’s consciousness. And if anyone has taken psychology at U of T, Iron head would be clearly known as a socio-path. One day, he will cross a wrong person at a wrong time, and then we will read about Ironhead on the news. We will feel sorry for him due to his current misfortune, only because we don’t know the history behind this mental case.
Sociopath ? lol Wow. Really ? I do not go around breaking laws.
Unfortunately if the day comes when I cross said person you will never know that I am the vic because they will use my real name in the news reels.
...i guess you should stay on the sports threads..
Why ? Because you and several others are bashing me ? And you and the rest are ... what to me ?
I started here in the Lounge and discovered the Sports Section afterwords.
Oh boy, here we go.
Are you talking to me ? lol If you are, no I am not, though I do not see how that has anything to do with anything.
Perhaps Im missing something, but this is a mall parking lot with single row parking where a parked car can either back out of his spot into one row or drive forward out of his spot into the next row, both with equal effort? If so, I would have just backed into the row behind me and not thought twice about it - I have more pressing thoughts on my mind. So while it is inconsiderate/wrong of the OP to block the guy from using the the front, it isn't like he blocked him in the spot. I back out of parking spots on a daily basis. The OP was wrong, but the other driver was a hothead who completely overreacted, and spitting on his own car seems pretty stupid.
That said, in Florida (where most drivers keep a gun in the glovebox) you really don't want to be the guy who likes trying to get a rise out of other drivers on purpose (unless one invests in bullet-resistant glass)
Then I guess I would have pulled out my gun and there would have been a story on CNN of a shoot-out in a Florida parking lot.
" ... we still do not know what lead to this shooting in a parking lot in ..."
Someone asked if I thought the response would go as it has, yes I actually did consider that may happen.