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What is with the Black History guys?

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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
you do realise you sound racist when tell me to go back to africa? why don't you go back to Europe first?
You sir have a massive chip on your shoulder.

Yeah yeah yeah, every white man is a racist to you.

The point is straight forward and honest. If you don't like Canadian society, then move back to Africa and see how you like African society. I'm am being very sincere about this. And I am 100% certain that if we said to the locals" Hey, Canada-man thinks that Canadian Society sucks and it is built on systemic racism and therefore, he's moving back to Africa. In return, one of you can move to Canada. Any takers?"

There would be no shortage of people. And you know it.

Maybe it's that Charter of Rights and Freedoms thing, or the free education up to Grade 12, or the craddle to the grave health care, or the clean drinking water and proper sanitation even. Or maybe it's just not having to worry about getting shot every day, or being taken into the army as a 12 year old.

All of this Canadian stuff - courtesy of those white devils who enslaved your people. (BTW, Canada never had institutionalized slavery and Amercian slaves used to run away here to freedom - read about the Underground Railway sometime.)

Lastly, stop whining about your perceived injustices at the hands of others. You have no-one to blame or congratulate as to your walk in life except yourself. The sooner you realized that, the better off you'll be.

PS, I would never move back to Europe because I know that Canada is bar-none the greatest country in the world in which to live. I'm very proud of that fact. My grandparents were off the boat Russians and my Grandfather used to tell me that Pierre Trudeau was a great man and that Canada was paradise. I asked him why. He told me, "because you have no idea what it's like to live in fear for your life every single day and to live in a place where life was cheap" My grandmother spent the first 12 years of her life in a labour camp with her mother and 3 siblings building railways in Siberia. (Her father wasn't there because she was shot.) She was the only one who survived.

Every family has its sob story. The question is whether you let it consume you or not.

You obviously do.


May 21, 2003
Canada-man You're a racist and delusional. Keep talking and proving it. You realize the overwhelming number of black people reading your nonsense would think you're a fruitcake.

Kirk....not that you don't likely agree with me must most black people, I know, are patriotic Canadians. Canada-man is just an angry, hateful, sad little man.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The point is straight forward and honest. If you don't like Canadian society, then move back to Africa and see how you like African society. I'm am being very sincere about this. And I am 100% certain that if we said to the locals" Hey, Canada-man thinks that Canadian Society sucks and it is built on systemic racism and therefore, he's moving back to Africa. In return, one of you can move to Canada. Any takers?"
I never said i don't like Canadian society why do some whites get upset when told that north America as a history of racism and whites today still have all the institutional power? if you don't like those historical facts, that's your problem

Maybe it's that Charter of Rights and Freedoms thing, or the free education up to Grade 12, or the craddle to the grave health care, or the clean drinking water and proper sanitation even. Or maybe it's just not having to worry about getting shot every day, or taken into the army as a 12 year old.
the charter of rights and freedoms are progress to reduce racism towards minorities

All of this Canadian stuff - courtesy of those white devils who enslaved your people. (BTW, Canada never had institutionalized slavery and Amercian slaves used to run away here to freedom - read about the Underground Railway sometime.)
your ignorance is showing Canada HAD slavery before it was abolished in 1833-34 Upper Canada's first LT governor John Graves Simcoe was an anti-slavery activist who outlawed slavery

Slavery in what now comprises Canada existed into the 1830s, when slavery was officially abolished. Some slaves were of African descent, while others were aboriginal (typically called panis, likely a corruption of Pawnee). Slavery which was practiced within Canada's current geography, was practiced primarily by Aboriginal groups. While there was never any significant Canadian trade in African slaves, native nations frequently enslaved their rivals and a very modest number (sometimes none in a number of years) were purchased by colonial administrators (rarely by settlers) until 1833, when the slave trade was abolished across the British Empire.

A few dozen African slaves were forcibly brought as chattel by Europeans to New France, Acadia and the later British North America (see chattel slavery) during the 17th century, but large-scale plantation slavery of the sort that existed in most European colonies in the Americas, from New York to Brazil, never existed in colonial Canada or Newfoundland because the economies were not based on plantation agriculture. The largest industries were based upon the exploitation of natural resources, such as the fur trade. So, while some Canadian slaves performed agricultural labour, most were domestic house servants.

Because early Canada's role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade was so minor, the history of slavery in Canada is often overshadowed by the more tumultuous slavery practiced elsewhere in the Americas - most famously in the American South, and infamously in the colonial Caribbean. Afua Cooper states that slavery is, "Canada's best kept secret, locked within the National closet."[1]

Lastly, stop whining about your perceived injustices at the hands of others. You have no-one to blame or congratulate as to your walk in life except yourself. The sooner you realized that, the better off you'll be.
no I am not going to stop whining until the racist posts on this forum ends

PS, I would never move back to Europe because I know that Canada is bar-none the greatest country in the world in which to live. I'm very proud of that fact. My grandparents were off the boat Russians and my Grandfather used to tell me that Pierre Trudeau was a great man and that Canada was paradise. I asked him why. He told me, "because you have no idea what it's like to live in fear for your life every single day and to live in a place where life was cheap" My grandmother spent the first 12 years of her life in a labour camp with her mother and 3 siblings building railways in Siberia. (Her father wasn't there because she was shot.) She was the only one who survived.
then you have no right to tell me and any other black to go back to africa

You're a racist and delusional. Keep talking and proving it. You realize the overwhelming number of black people reading your nonsense would think you're a fruitcake.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Just wondering why you would pick the name canada-man if you include Canada into blame of the slave trade. Seems like a bit of a contradiction.
Canada had slaves before 1834 that's a historical fact that's not blaming

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
BTW, Canada never had institutionalized slavery and Amercian slaves used to run away here to freedom - read about the Underground Railway sometime.
This is true only if you count "Canada" as post-Conferderacy. Point of fact: both the French & English in Lower & Upper Canada had slaves - aboriginal and African.

JTK - normally I like your postings and persona. In this thread you're being a boor - making long-winded, circular and personal diatribes. Slavery was a very serious issue and its reverberations are still felt throughout North America. The economic basis and viability for much of both Canada and the United States' (and the Caribbean) formative history was made on the backs of the genocide of the First Nations and the murder, rape and enslavement of Africans. That is fact.

To make personal attacks and tell someone to "go back to Africa" (and "Africa" [not a country] was decimated by colonialism, but that's a whole other kettle of fish) shows a complete lack of understanding of the serious nature of the issue and a mean-spiritedness that surprises and disappoints me.


May 21, 2003
No one can argue that terrible things didn't go on in North America. But stating that this entire continent was totally built on slavery and genocide is a balled face lie. It's beyond stupid. Arguing that only white people can be racist is the belief of a delusional imbecile. I also find it ironic that canada-man whines about racism and spews anti-semetism on this board.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
On the original topic (I usually ignore c-man's ramblings), I have found that the guy(s) at bay and bloor tend to be pretty polite. Never bought anything from them, sometimes briefly chatted with them and never had any attitude as a white man. Really can't say what they do with the money but I don't really care.

I agree that they are better than that 'charity' fundraising company's commission workers.


Nov 20, 2006
I engaged one guy once on my way to work, and I asked about black hisory. I told him I would donate to his cause if he could give me a 10 second synopsis of who Booker T Washington was. He honestly, I swear; he started rambling on about some WWF wrestler (I didn't know who he was talking about). I just walked away chuckling.
Hmm I always just filled in the last name Washington under assumption. The more you know.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This is true only if you count "Canada" as post-Conferderacy. Point of fact: both the French & English in Lower & Upper Canada had slaves - aboriginal and African.

JTK - normally I like your postings and persona. In this thread you're being a boor - making long-winded, circular and personal diatribes. Slavery was a very serious issue and its reverberations are still felt throughout North America. The economic basis and viability for much of both Canada and the United States' (and the Caribbean) formative history was made on the backs of the genocide of the First Nations and the murder, rape and enslavement of Africans. That is fact.

To make personal attacks and tell someone to "go back to Africa" (and "Africa" [not a country] was decimated by colonialism, but that's a whole other kettle of fish) shows a complete lack of understanding of the serious nature of the issue and a mean-spiritedness that surprises and disappoints me.
It is not a personal attack. It is a simple statement.

Slavery was never institutionalized in Canada.

Further, most owners in Canada back in the day were in fact, aboriginals. (This is an imperical fact.) There may have been less than a dozen Europeans who owned a slave in Canada and they would have been domestic slaves and the entire concept of slavery was outlawed in Canada in 1830. It is also a fact that Canada provided safe haven to run-away American slaves, much to the irritation of our southern cousins.

Some interesting facts though, African slavery is still practiced to this very day in far greater numbers than people might like to speak of. During its peak, slavery in Africa was in fact carried out by other Africans, not Europeans. In fact, you could argue that the entire concept of "slaves" was invented by Africans.

Whether Africa is a country or not is irrelevant. My point is that if you feel that Canada is an inherently racist country and is oppressing you - leave. I stand by the conviction and I stand by my statement that there would be no shortage of Africans (from every country in the entire continent of Africa) would love a chance to trade places with our resident victim.


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Regardless of one economic or social powers, every human sadly has the capability to be racists , the only difference between a rich racists and a poor racists is the rich/influential racist is the former has the ability to deny more things.

They are however both scum.
Aug 15, 2010
Ohh yeah I forgot the tremendous black achievements of 40000 years before the white man came of the stick and the mud hut.

Everything black people have in this world today is because of white people but they still complain and want more.

BTW, black violent crime and rape statistics against whites are over 10 X that of white against blacks today but they still ignore that fact and complain about 400 years ago.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Ohh yeah I forgot the tremendous black achievements of 40000 years before the white man came of the stick and the mud hut.

Everything black people have in this world today is because of white people but they still complain and want more.

BTW, black violent crime and rape statistics against whites are over 10 X that of white against blacks today but they still ignore that fact and complain about 400 years ago.

Hate crime stats

in the U.S

Racial bias

In 2009, law enforcement agencies reported that 3,816 single-bias hate crime offenses were racially motivated. Of these offenses:

71.4 percent were motivated by anti-black bias.

17.1 percent resulted from anti-white bias.
5.5 percent occurred because of biases against groups of individuals consisting of more than one race (anti-multiple races, group).
3.9 percent resulted from anti-Asian/Pacific Islander bias.
2.2 percent were motivated by anti-American Indian/Alaskan Native bias.

By race

In 2009, the racial breakdown of the 6,225 known hate crime offenders was as follows:

62.4 percent were white.
18.5 percent were black.
7.3 percent were groups made up of individuals of various races (multiple races, group).
1.0 percent were American Indian/Alaskan Native.
0.7 percent were Asian/Pacific Islander.
10.2 percent were of unknown race


Apr 7, 2005
only whites who deny this thinks i am nuts. it is common knowledge that colonialism, genocide of the natives, the atlantic slave trade, etc built up north america
Hey I just watched an episode of Trashopolis and they said that civilization is all built on garbage.
Damn! Those racist white supremacist garbage collectors!

Pastor Tricky

Jan 9, 2011

Justice Department Statistics About Black On White Race Violence
'The Race War Of Black Against White' by Paul Sheehan
The Sydney Morning Herald , Australia, 20 May 1995

The longest war America has ever fought is the Dirty War, and it is not over. It has lasted 30 years so far and claimed more than 25 million victims. It has cost almost as many lives as the Vietnam War. It determined the result of last year's congressional election.

Yet the American news media do not want to talk about the Dirty War, which remains between the lines and unreported. In fact, to even suggest that the war exists is to be discredited. So let's start suggesting, immediately.

No matter how crime figures are massaged by those who want to acknowledge or dispute the existence of a Dirty War, there is nothing ambiguous about what the official statistics portray: for the past 30 years a large segment of black America has waged a war of violent retribution against white America.

And the problem is getting worse, not better. In the past 20 years, violent crime has increased more than four times faster than the population. Young blacks (under 18) are more violent than previous generations and are 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than young whites.

Nearly all the following figures, which speak for themselves, have not been reported in America:

• According to the latest US Department of Justice survey of crime victims, more than 6.6 million violent crimes (murder, rape, assault and robbery) are committed in the US each year, of which about 20 per cent, or 1.3 million, are inter-racial crimes.

• Most victims of race crime—about 90 per cent—are white, according to the survey "Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims", published in 1993.

• Almost 1 million white Americans were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by black Americans in 1992, compared with about 132,000 blacks who were murdered, robbed, assaulted or raped by whites, according to the same survey.

• Blacks thus committed 7.5 times more violent inter-racial crimes than whites even though the black population is only one-seventh the size of the white population. When these figures are adjusted on a per capita basis, they reveal an extraordinary disparity: blacks are committing more than 50 times the number of violent racial crimes of whites.

• According to the latest annual report on murder by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, most inter-racial murders involve black assailants and white victims, with blacks murdering whites at 18 times the rate that whites murder blacks.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
responding to Tricky's article

in FBI stats whites make up most of those arrested for crimes

In 2009, 69.1 percent of all persons arrested were white, 28.3 percent were black, and the remaining 2.6 percent were of other races.

In 2008, 69.2 percent of all persons arrested were white; 28.3 percent were black; and the remaining 2.4 percent were of other races.

The majority (69.7 percent) of persons arrested in 2007 were white. Whites accounted for 58.9 and 67.9 percent of persons arrested for violent crimes and property crimes, respectively.

White juveniles comprised 67.0 percent of juveniles arrested in 2007.

Black juveniles accounted for 50.7 percent of juveniles arrested for violent crime, and white juveniles comprised 65.7 percent of juveniles arrested for property crime. (See Table 43.)

Among the four categories of race reflected in UCR arrest data, 69.7 percent of persons arrested were white, 58.5 percent of persons arrested for violent crime were white, and 68.2 percent of persons arrested for property crime were white.
White juveniles comprised 67.1 percent of the juveniles arrested in 2006.
Black juveniles accounted for 51.0 percent of the juveniles arrested for violent crime, and white juveniles comprised 66.3 percent of juveniles arrested for property crime.


In 2005, 76.2 percent of all persons arrested were male, 82.1 percent of persons arrested for violent crime were male, and 68.0 percent of persons arrested for property crime were male.
Among the four categories of race reflected in UCR arrest data, 69.8 percent of all persons arrested were white, 59.0 percent of persons arrested for violent crime were white, and 68.8 percent of persons arrested for property crime were white.
White juveniles comprised 67.5 percent of all juveniles arrested in 2005 and 67.2 percent of juveniles arrested for property crime.
Black juveniles comprised 49.8 percent of all juveniles arrested in 2005 for violent crime.

By gender, 76.2 percent of arrests in 2004 were of males. Males accounted for 82.1 percent of the total number of arrestees for violent crimes and 68.1 percent of the total for property crimes. (See Table 42.)

A review of the 2004 arrest data by race indicated that 70.8 percent of arrestees were white, 26.8 percent were black, and 2.4 percent were of other races (American Indian or Alaskan Native and Asian or Pacific Islander). Of all arrestees for violent crimes, 60.9 percent were white, 36.9 percent were black, and the remainder were of other races. Of all arrestees for property crimes, 69.3 percent were white, 28.2 percent were black and the remaining 2.5 percent were of other races.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
It is not a personal attack. It is a simple statement.

Slavery was never institutionalized in Canada.

Further, most owners in Canada back in the day were in fact, aboriginals. (This is an imperical fact.) There may have been less than a dozen Europeans who owned a slave in Canada and they would have been domestic slaves and the entire concept of slavery was outlawed in Canada in 1830. It is also a fact that Canada provided safe haven to run-away American slaves, much to the irritation of our southern cousins.

Some interesting facts though, African slavery is still practiced to this very day in far greater numbers than people might like to speak of. During its peak, slavery in Africa was in fact carried out by other Africans, not Europeans. In fact, you could argue that the entire concept of "slaves" was invented by Africans.

Whether Africa is a country or not is irrelevant. My point is that if you feel that Canada is an inherently racist country and is oppressing you - leave. I stand by the conviction and I stand by my statement that there would be no shortage of Africans (from every country in the entire continent of Africa) would love a chance to trade places with our resident victim.
Whether it was 'institutionalized' or not - and the reasons for why not have been laid out for you: Canada was not an agrarian society back then and slaves at that time were typically used as almost free field labour - is irrelevant. Canadians owned slaves. Period. Slavery is evil. End of story.

The way you write makes you appear to be an apologist for slavery. That because aboriginal peoples and Africans (and others) were slave holders and traders, it is somehow okay... or at the very least, that it made North American slavery acceptable, particularly if they were domestic slaves? Slavery, no matter who the perpetrator, is a horrific and vile thing.

Fact is, Canadians did have slaves - and while the number of slaves were far less than the U.S. - and 4,000+ was still not unsubstantial at a time when our population was quite small. You also have your facts wrong - over 1400 European Canadians (the vast majority being English and French) owned slaves. And these are only the recorded numbers. There simply isn't recorded history of the slaves held by First Nations, which I am sure was a huge number. And also evil.

Finally, "go back to Africa" is insulting to me simply because it's the same "love it or leave it" rhetoric that runs fundamentally against our democratic society. Only worse, as the decendants of slaves did not have a choice to come here. And they have every right, if not moreso, to stay and act/speak for change.

Ultimately it's the ideal of our democracy and our standard of living that has other people desiring to live in Canada. There is still a significant amount of prejudice in our system (think value of degrees from other countries, judgment of language skills, customs, etc.) - mostly by white/European Canadians and second generation (and beyond) Canadians against newcomers that is often the main reason for these new Canadians being disaffected.

This is not personal, just an observation: you 'talk' like someone who has never faced any form of prejudice for at least several generations, and as such, have no idea how spirit-crushing, demeaning and awful it can be. Apologies if I'm wrong, but your lack of empathy and understanding just screams that.

I get the sense that this is more about canada-man than it is about the topic, but I still strongly believe statements like "go back to Africa" have no place in even semi-civil discussion. Which is what I'm used to from you and which is why I am so disappointed.

Getting back to the topic at hand, the young gents who try to sell the Black History booklets don't bother me in the least. I have never seen them be abusive towards anyone - they can be aggressive in trying to sell their materials, but hardly in a threatening manner. I find it interesting that anyone would be bothered by them in the least. But hey, chacon a son gout.
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