Here's the thing with Fuji. Whatever you might think of his world view and his moral code (Personally I think it's fucked) he is comfortable with both, and he doesn't see anything wrong with either. This is why bashing him, while fun for some folks, won't make an iota of difference to him. He doesn't feel to need to apologize for anything, because he truly believes his code is right, and because thus far, (apparently) all the ducks in his life are still in a row.
That's basically true. My usual reaction when I read these posts from people "bashing" me is that I have a good hearty laugh. Anyway, I want to answer this:
What I don't agree with is his assumption that his view is the only responsible one to have, and if you don't share it, then you're less of a person than he is.
The alternative is moral relativism. For a long time when I was younger I used to debate with myself this question--is it possible that all moral codes are equal? That it's not the case that one is wrong, and one is right, but that they are all somehow right? And if so, how do you answer someone who says terrorism isn't wrong, because their moral code says it's OK? How do you say that Al Qaeda is wrong, for example, when their moral code says that killing civilians is right? Are all moral codes equal?
Eventually I concluded that moral relativism is bullshit. You have to take a side. There is right, and wrong, and while we might not always know what it is, when we do think we know what it is, we need to stand up for that. Not accept that someone else is going to come along and say, ya ya but according to MY code terrorism is OK.
So I apply that, and I apply it without hesitation. There are lots of questions where I don't know what's right or wrong, but on the ones where I do know right for wrong I am going to say so. I think bigotry is wrong, for example, and I will not shy away from calling someone a bigot when they are a bigot, and subsequently informing them that it makes them an inferior human being.
Similarly I've concluded that there's a pretty strong virtually moral imperative to embrace life, to embrace being human, and to be fundamentally positive about who and what we are. I mean that in the same sense that D.H. Lawrence would mean that, that we are the creators of value, and we face a fundamental choice of embracing life as it is, or wholesale rejecting life in some well-meaning but doomed Platonic search for a perfection of ideas that does not exist. While I don't agree with Lawrence's radical political views, in his literature he routinely expressed a concept of what an empowered person is like, being a person who is at one with their whole being, a creative force emanating from a healthy alignment of human desire to action, and I think he was dead on accurate in that. Nietzche's Zarathustra is a related, though more radical, version of the same. If you don't know what I am talking about I recommend you read some of D.H. Lawrence's books, like
Women in Love, which applies Nietzche's concept of a will to power to sexual relationships.
It is in this sense I think anyone who fails to embrace their core being, which strongly includes sexual hypocrisy, is a life-denier.