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1967 Borders and The Palestinian scam


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Can you call it biggotry if you hate Nazi's and those who follow Nazi doctrine?
Ill await your answer.


Jan 31, 2005
Its not hate speech if its true.
It is not true that Palestinians are rats, or vermin, or any of the other things you said. That's just hate speech.

Moreover not all Palestinians are terrorists. Hamas certainly are guilty of atrocities and war crimes, as are Islamic Jihad, and many others. But there are also a lot of Palestinians who are ordinary people, caught up in the middle of all this, just trying to get on with their lives like everybody else. Your racist bile is offensive.

Its funny how all the cockroach jew hating, palestinian terrorist supporting Nazi's crawl out of the wood when you bring up the middle east.
I think if you review my posting history you will find I have been an extremely strong advocate of Israel's right to defend itself, and an equally strong critic of the terrorist methods used by Hamas. On the other hand I'm equally a strong defender of the rights of people everywhere to live free lives, with their fundamental human rights respected. I certainly extend that to Palestinians, especially those just trying to get on with their lives, who have not been involved in the violence.

I do not stoop to racism and bigotry, even though I will often say things like "the Palestinians have.." I always mean by that their political leaders, and not each and every person there.

I hope that the Palestinians can rid themselves of the terrorists, and reach a peaceful accommodation with their neighbours. I believe most of them to be decent people, who deserve a hell of a lot better life than what they're getting.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


New member
Jan 19, 2006
It is not true that Palestinians are rats, or vermin, or any of the other things you said. That's just hate speech.

Moreover not all Palestinians are terrorists. Hamas certainly are guilty of atrocities and war crimes, as are Islamic Jihad, and many others. But there are also a lot of Palestinians who are ordinary people, caught up in the middle of all this, just trying to get on with their lives like everybody else. Your racist bile is offensive.
Further may I point out that the vast majority of Christians in the Holy Land (certainly so in the case of Anglicans and Greek Orthodox) are Palestinians. Indeed one of the problems of the past four decades have been the number of Christians who (being among the more educated) have fled to the West, which has left the least educated most prejudiced and their descendants behind.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Congratulations, you have made it onto my ignore list.
Please Brer Fox

I continue to say that implying that Jews are attempting to exert a malign influence over the U.S. Congress whether with LOLs or not is deeply troubling.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Considering dan's posting history, I think the only lol's is when he thinks he is fooling anyone. He has been very clear about his view on the topic.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I never meant to discredit you Fugi, you are a very wise intelligent person.

The Premise of my argument is there is no such thing as a Palestinian person. Palestine didnt exist prior to 1948, there were no defined borders, there were no indigenous people from that area. They were just Jordanian, Egyptian, Lebanese, perhaps Christian European Pilgrims who wondered in.

If you want to resort to calling me a biggot, you cannot see the true facts, so you spew out your trash calling me a biggot. If you have facts, and can prove to me that Palestine was a state owned by Palestinians and not the British common wealth prior to 1948 then I would love to hear it.
Lets have normal discorse, not finger pointing and accusing me of biggotry for spewing out true facts.


Jan 31, 2005
The Premise of my argument is there is no such thing as a Palestinian person. Palestine didnt exist prior to 1948, there were no defined borders, there were no indigenous people from that area. They were just Jordanian, Egyptian, Lebanese, perhaps Christian European Pilgrims who wondered in.
That part's fine. I agree with that.

It was you calling them "vermin", "rats", and "cockroaches" that led me to call you a bigot.

Also rather than singling out the terrorist organizations and criminals for criticism, you seem to be criticizing the entire group of people living in Gaza and the West Bank. As I said, there are many ordinary people, not involved in the violence, just trying to get on with their lives there. Those people are as much victims as anyone else, and deserve better lives than they're getting.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Your right, although I am not calling Palestinians rats, if I was calling them Rats, then I would be in contradiction of my own beliefs. I dont believe Palestinians even exist.

So in actual fact, I am calling the people of Gaza rats. Yes, I guess that isnt nice. Some of the people in Gaza, are probably great people,but they are also pawns who have been fed a bill of goods, or lies about the land they live on. They are actually convinced it is the land of their ancestors. This is not true. It is not the land of their ancestors. But they do have land that did belong to their ancestors.
Let me see, there is Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and possibly 57 other Muslim countries they could have come from.

Yet they still want Israel, that tiny piece of land, about the size of the GTA....

The people of Gaza democratically elected a terrorist Nazi organization to run the region.


Jan 31, 2005
For many of them it is in fact the land of their ancestors, roadshuttle.

Prior to the creation of Israel that area along with Jordan and Israel were all part of Palestine, and there were both Arabs and Jews living throughout all of it. You can't even claim that the Jews were there first because in all probability many of those Arabs are the direct descendants of Jews who converted to Islam. In that respect they can trace their ancestry back exactly as far as the Jews can, because many of them used to be Jews.

This fact, that the Arabs there are often descendants of Jews, tends to make both sides uncomfortable, but it's still a fact.

It's plainly true that there was no such thing as a "Palestinian people" prior to 1948, but that doesn't mean they didn't live there. They have much in common with the Jordanians, and perhaps Jordan could be renamed "Palestine"--especially if the interloping Hashemites could be tossed out.

But you take things too far. In claiming that they are actually interlopers, that they do not have any historic tie to that land, you're wrong.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
perhaps Jordan could be renamed "Palestine"--especially if the interloping Hashemites could be tossed out.
Ah those interloping Hashemites - i.e. all the important figures in the Arab Revolt.

Or for those who get their history from movies - every important Arab figure in Lawrence of Arabia


Jan 31, 2005
Ah those interloping Hashemites - i.e. all the important figures in the Arab Revolt.

Or for those who get their history from movies - every important Arab figure in Lawrence of Arabia
Right... in exchange for supporting the British they were handed a large chunk of Palestine, fundamentally denying the Palestinians who lived there an opportunity to have their own country. That is at LEAST as much of the Palestinian problem as the creation of Israel. Except, since the Hashemites aren't Jews there isn't the same hatred of them.

I note that this was in fact the view of the PLO back in the day as well, who plotted to violently overthrow the Hashemites because they viewed that land as Palestinian land.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
What's your point. A small part of Syria and Jordan were siezed during the 1967 war. They are still ten times the size of Israel.

The Palestinians are not from Jewish Ancestory, I dont want to start throwing the bible at you, but if I must, the Jews are decendants of Isaac, and the Muslms are decendents from Isaacs half brother Ishamael.

The Jews and Arabs are semites, but they are two distinct groups of people, and we now have DNA test to prove this.

if the Palestinians can prove they are in fact from Jewish ancestory, they have DNA test to prove that and then they can denounce their Allegiance to Islam and the destruction of Israel and go live there, which btw, already has 1 million Arabs in it already.

They chose to live in Gaza to get a foot hold into Israel, and then take over the land, and also throw a red herring into Europe, to deter the fact that they are also trying to speard Islam all over Europe.

The Palestinian scammers are trying to convince the masses that they are the true victims of the holocaust, and the Jews are the Nazi's.

And they try to appeal to the dumb masses of people around the world, (who are not as smart as you Fuji) that they are a dying race of people who have no land.
When in fact its the opposite.

The whole Palestinian dilemna is nothing but a brilliant trick used to try and actually Juxdispose the facts and use them as a pretext to try and destroy Israel.

The question I ask myself is why?

I realized the answer to that question when I became a Christian.
read the book.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I do have one theory that doesnt win me brownie points, but I think Hitler was not an anti semite at all, he was just an anti zionist.

Who was Hitlers best friend? The Grand Mufti who lived in Palestine. The Grand Mufti was a Suni Muslim of Arab decent, and he was a Semite. So how can we actually call Hitler an anti semite?

He knew the British were getting ready to give the Jews their home land back, and he wanted the land, so he made a deal with Hitler and they both came up with the final solution to exterminate the Jews as fast as possible to make sure they do not return to Israel.

So its these so called Palestinians who are responsible for the death of 6 million jews. Yet, they are now working on a plan to make it look like the opposite is true.

But I digress.


Mar 21, 2011
It is not true that Palestinians are rats, or vermin, or any of the other things you said. That's just hate speech.


I think if you review my posting history you will find I have been an extremely strong advocate of Israel's right to defend itself, and an equally strong critic of the terrorist methods used by Hamas. On the other hand I'm equally a strong defender of the rights of people everywhere to live free lives, with their fundamental human rights respected. I certainly extend that to Palestinians, especially those just trying to get on with their lives, who have not been involved in the violence.

I do not stoop to racism and bigotry, even though I will often say things like "the Palestinians have.." I always mean by that their political leaders, and not each and every person there.
No, your form of racism is a bit more subtle, you won't call Palestinian's 'cockroaches', but you don't assign them the same rights as Jews.
you are a strong advocate of Israel's right to defend themselves, but not of Palestinian's
you are a critic of terrorist methods used by Hamas, but not by Israel.
you respect the rule of international law and organizations only applied to Israeli's

Racist, just a bit more subtle.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
No, your form of racism is a bit more subtle, you won't call Palestinian's 'cockroaches', but you don't assign them the same rights as Jews.
you are a strong advocate of Israel's right to defend themselves, but not of Palestinian's
you are a critic of terrorist methods used by Hamas, but not by Israel.
you respect the rule of international law and organizations only applied to Israeli's

Racist, just a bit more subtle.
Wrong across the board again Groggy. I wish I can find someone on here to challenge me or show me proof that Palestine existed prior to 1948, and that Palestine was a sovereign country prior to its creation in 1948, and that Palestines soul existance is to exterminate the Jewish state, which gives the Jews every god given right to defend themselves to the fullest.

The Palestinans do not need to defend themselves against the Jews, because the Jews dont send terrorist into Gaza to blow children up, nor lob rockets into the Gaza strip.

I personally think the Jews should exterminate these Palestinian race, but the problem is they cannot exterminate the Palestinian race, because the Palestinian race doesnt exist

Unless you believe in spontaneous evolution where a new race of people can emerge in less then 60 years.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
The Palestinans do not need to defend themselves against the Jews, because the Jews dont send terrorist into Gaza to blow children up, nor lob rockets into the Gaza strip.
Yah they just send bulldozers to raze houses to the floor. Fighter jets and tanks bombard heavily populated areas. They block aid, medicine and food to reach the hospitals. That's all :) no biggie!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I was awaiting for a brilliant come back from Fugi, because dollars to donuts, there is no doubt that Fuji is smarter then me on most topics but he has to admit defeat on this one, lol. Dont take it so hard Fuji, you have to lose once.

But Ali90 comes in with a brilliant question, he must have missed the other posts, and just read the last one.

Yes, its not nice that the IDF bull dozes homes, but you see little dumb ass Ali, these houses have weapons and or secret tunnels used to transport weapons that the dirty Palestinian rats, Hamas and Hezbollah will end up using on Israel to kill them. I am glad Israel bulldozes homes.

And as for Jews aiming in populated area's, that is a hard one. But the Palestinian terrorist do not go to isolated area's when they try and kill Israeli's. They have bomb making factories in day cares and lop rockets into Israel from day cares.

There are many times Israel had casulties but chose not to fire back because the Palestinians terrorists were hiding in day cares or populated areas.

But its hard to throw a rock anywhere in the Gaza strip and not hit a highly populated area. The Palstinian cockroach woman have 25 children sometimes. I dont know how any human woman can have that many off spring.
They just pop em out like cock roaches.
Human vermin.


Apr 14, 2011
Can you call it biggotry if you hate Nazi's and those who follow Nazi doctrine?
Ill await your answer.
can you say all Palestiain people follow and abide the Nazui doctrine?
and i think your hatred is digusting and putrid...your callin the kettle black...kettle
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