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Raccoon attack


Sep 8, 2010
+1 ...that!

I've rescued some raccoons and there's a lady that rehabilitates them and they're released up north.
Raccoons are very social animals and affectionate. Of course they can be pesky, but consider the fact that people are taking up a lot of the land and moving in.
So where are they going to go? They just adapt (evolutionary process), just like we adapt.
Don't corner them, they'll leave you alone.
Want to get rid of them, call someone to remove them humanely, like Terminator said, he was apathetic - like a lot of you seem to be.

Geezus Christ, my Mom has a gorgeous garden in her backyard and they dig up all kinds of stuff and so do the squirrels, she doesn't freak out, she simply says it gives her reason to go out and do some more yard work.

Calm your asses down and enjoy nature once in awhile, maybe you wouldn't be so stressed out.
For the record, my father had a family of them crawl into the attic crawl space, he caught them in a cage, released them up north - nice drive and got some fresh fruit at the farmer's market.

Your father broke the law!!! It is against the law to capture them and release them more than 1 km away from where they were captured. The reason for that is that they will die an inhumane death due to starvation or attack by other animals. You and your father are both cruel SOBs. You're lucky your neighbour wasn't as fucked up as the guy in this story and that 911 wasn't called and that you did not face criminal charges.

Just goes to show you how fucked up these laws are that are put in place by these bleeding heart, know-it-all hypocrites!!


Jun 6, 2009
Your father broke the law!!! It is against the law to capture them and release them more than 1 km away from where they were captured. The reason for that is that they will die an inhumane death due to starvation or attack by other animals. You and your father are both cruel SOBs. You're lucky your neighbour wasn't as fucked up as the guy in this story and that 911 wasn't called and that you did not face criminal charges.

Just goes to show you how fucked up these laws are that are put in place by these bleeding heart, know-it-all hypocrites!!
In your clouded huff, you seem to forget this statement from the witness, Piercing, terrible screams shook Roddy Muir out of his sleep at about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday.

It sounded like a young child was being thrown around — and I could hear this banging and racket,” says Muir, 43, who lives on Campbell Ave., near Bloor St. W. and Lansdowne Ave.


The animal was screaming and in such agony, Muir told the man to kill it and put it out of its misery.

Muir said the man looked at him and said, “I’m not going to kill it.”

The witness wasn't a fucked up fucked up as you suggest. The guy with the spade sure was.


Sep 8, 2010
In your clouded huff, you seem to forget this statement from the witness, Piercing, terrible screams shook Roddy Muir out of his sleep at about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday.

It sounded like a young child was being thrown around — and I could hear this banging and racket,” says Muir, 43, who lives on Campbell Ave., near Bloor St. W. and Lansdowne Ave.


The animal was screaming and in such agony, Muir told the man to kill it and put it out of its misery.

Muir said the man looked at him and said, “I’m not going to kill it.”

The witness wasn't a fucked up fucked up as you suggest. The guy with the spade sure was.
I wonder what sounds the raccoons that were dropped off in the woods by Cobster's dad made as they were mauled by some farm animal? Too bad Cobster's dad's neighbour was not there to call 911 on the animal abuser!!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Apparently raccoons don't like light and and don't like voices. If they find a way into a place where you don't want them, apparently all you need to do is put a radio on and they will vacate, or a light at night.


Sep 8, 2010
Apparently raccoons don't like light and and don't like voices. If they find a way into a place where you don't want them, apparently all you need to do is put a radio on and they will vacate, or a light at night.
Ya.. and then your fucked up neighbour will call 911 because your radio and lights are keeping him up at night!!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Ya.. and then your fucked up neighbour will call 911 because your radio and lights are keeping him up at night!!
You know - you truly are like a man on mission. You should head over to Canadian Tire and buy a couple shovels and some bread and head out tonight bashing baby raccoons to death. I one man man on a mission of sorts. Save us all from hoards of evil raccoons.

We both know that you are just the guy for the job. I'm sure nothing would make a guy with your take on reality happier.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Apparently raccoons don't like light and and don't like voices.
What type music they prefer or hate I don't know, but most raccoons I've known have no problem at all coming up on a terrace or deck when the lights are on. Yes they don't like being startled, but when they know you they certainly don't run away at soft talking.


Sep 8, 2010
You know - you truly are like a man on mission. You should head over to Canadian Tire and buy a couple shovels and some bread and head out tonight bashing baby raccoons to death. I one man man on a mission of sorts. Save us all from hoards of evil raccoons.

We both know that you are just the guy for the job. I'm sure nothing would make a guy with your take on reality happier.
James... you seem like a reasonable man.... but what I can't understand is how, after 12 pages of posts on this thread, you still can't understand what has me all bothered. It is not the raccoons.... I have no problem with them at all.... It is the mind set of some people in the city of Toronto (and reflected here on TERB) in which they claim to be great animal lovers in situations like this when in fact, they are just as guilty of being cruel to animals as this man was. I am trying to point out the hypocrisy in people. I am not trying to start a movement against racoons for goodness sake!

This man is facing criminal charges because of bleeding heart hypocrites who create these ridiculous laws and others that waste our tax dollars by calling 911. And it amuses me that other bleeding heart hypocrites on TERB refuse to see the hypocrisy, no matter how logically it is presented to them.

I know it is cruel to kill a baby raccoon with a shovel. But it is also cruel to let a city raccoon free in the woods where it will starve or be killed by other animals. It is also cruel to kill a snake with a shovel. It is cruel to kill a mouse with a hockey stick or trap it in such a way that it will try to chew its legs off. It is cruel the way we catch fish and throw them back in the water. It is cruel the way chickens are treated in slaughter houses before they make there way to Swiss Chalet where you and your family enjoy a pleasant family dinner. To support criminal charges against this man who killed the raccoon with a shovel, but not support criminal charges for people who engage in these other cruel activities is.... say it with me..... HYPOCRITICAL!! Get it?


Jun 6, 2009
James... you seem like a reasonable man.... but what I can't understand is how, after 12 pages of posts on this thread, you still can't understand what has me all bothered. It is not the raccoons.... I have no problem with them at all.... It is the mind set of some people in the city of Toronto (and reflected here on TERB) in which they claim to be great animal lovers in situations like this when in fact, they are just as guilty of being cruel to animals as this man was. I am trying to point out the hypocrisy in people. I am not trying to start a movement against racoons for goodness sake!

This man is facing criminal charges because of bleeding heart hypocrites who create these ridiculous laws and others that waste our tax dollars by calling 911. And it amuses me that other bleeding heart hypocrites on TERB refuse to see the hypocrisy, no matter how logically it is presented to them.
You're the one who can't see it. The homeowner took a shovel to a family of Raccoons, doing what raccoon do, with the intension of laying on a hurt on the Raccoons. Remember his saying he wasn't going to kill them. That's pure hate. Remember, it a good possibility Raccoons were in his neighbourhood before he was. He's in their turf. i see this all the time in my travels were people get all pissed off when wild life hang around in their hhod not realizing it was the wildlife neighbourhood not too long ago. You grow a garden and don't enclose it, chances are Racoons will visit.

He flipped out and will pay a price but some have suggested to you it won't be that bad.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The guy got pissed at babies and beat them, with a shovel. Neither human decency nor the law stopped him.

How do you suppose he reacts when he's mad at his family, or his boss or some guy in the street?


Sep 8, 2010
You're the one who can't see it. The homeowner took a shovel to a family of Raccoons, doing what raccoon do, with the intension of laying on a hurt on the Raccoons. Remember his saying he wasn't going to kill them. That's pure hate. Remember, it a good possibility Raccoons were in his neighbourhood before he was. He's in their turf. i see this all the time in my travels were people get all pissed off when wild life hang around in their hhod not realizing it was the wildlife neighbourhood not too long ago. You grow a garden and don't enclose it, chances are Racoons will visit.

He flipped out and will pay a price but some have suggested to you it won't be that bad.
You see?? No matter how logically you try to present the argument, the hypocrites refuse to see the hypocracy. Yes, the homeowner took the shovel to a family of raccoons who were just doing what raccoons do. Just like fishermen took their hooks to fish in the water who were just doing what fish do. And how a homeowner takes a hockey stick to a mouse who was just doing what mice do. You can't tell me that you can't see this logic.


Sep 8, 2010
The guy got pissed at babies and beat them, with a shovel. Neither human decency nor the law stopped him.

How do you suppose he reacts when he's mad at his family, or his boss or some guy in the street?
OMG.... now I've heard everything!!!! This man killed a raccoon so now he's a serial killer.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
You're the one who can't see it. The homeowner took a shovel to a family of Raccoons, doing what raccoon do, with the intension of laying on a hurt on the Raccoons. Remember his saying he wasn't going to kill them. That's pure hate.
That's your interpretation buddy. Maybe he had no intention of killing them, only hurting them so they're conditioned not to return to his garden, but giving them the chance to live another day.

Remember, it a good possibility Raccoons were in his neighbourhood before he was. He's in their turf.
So what? When humans move in, anything we don't want better move out. When phony animal lovers bring up this argument, I often want to tell them to shut the fuck up because it's a dumb argument.

He flipped out and will pay a price but some have suggested to you it won't be that bad.
He shouldn't have to pay any price. These weren't pets that he owned that he was abusing. It was wild animals on his property. You don't legislate actions like this. You let societal values shape behavior toward other animals. Making somebody a criminal over this is immoral and dumb.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
How do you suppose he reacts when he's mad at his family, or his boss or some guy in the street?
Based on what neighbors have said about him, he reacts pretty much like everybody else. Why do you ask?

Grow up.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
If they find a way into a place where you don't want them, apparently all you need to do is put a light at night.
My real life experience with raccoons has shown that to be false. And Dong probably knew it too.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
OMG.... now I've heard everything!!!! This man killed a raccoon so now he's a serial killer.
Well, people who show little regard for life - and bludgeoning an animal to death shows little-to-no-empathy for a living, breathing, sentient creature and borders on psychopathy - often have the traits of serial killers. Just sayin'.

Believe me, I understand the frustration of a homeowner with a raccoon problem, but that doesn't give him the right to attempt to cruelly kill the animal - and repeatedly hitting a baby raccoon with a shovel without even killing it cleanly is cruel. Particularly because he was under no threat - he just sounded pissed off.

Worse still, at the end of the day, he did not and still has not solved his raccoon problem. Nor would he have, as it appears the mother and siblings were out of his reach. Not only that but it's been shown that raccoons will quickly move into vacated nests, so he would have had to start killing off (oops, I mean 'teach a lesson to') another bunch of raccoons sooner or later.

It doesn't sound like this guy gets it - trap, relocate and repair the raccoon entry points is both the humane and legal way to deal with this problem - hopefully this psycho learns from his mistakes and learns to value life a little more. A night or two in jail - where he could play the role of scared baby raccoon at the mercy of some real big, bad men - might just wisen him up.

As an aside, it's interesting the once again, the "law and order" types seem to be okay with a person breaking the law. That is the true definition of hypocrisy.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
hopefully this psycho learns from his mistakes and learns to value life a little more.
Just a note to you and the rest of the self proclaimed compassion brigade in this thread - you can call Dong a psycho a million times, it won't make it true.


Sep 8, 2010
Well, people who show little regard for life - and bludgeoning an animal to death shows little-to-no-empathy for a living, breathing, sentient creature and borders on psychopathy - often have the traits of serial killers. Just sayin'.

Believe me, I understand the frustration of a homeowner with a raccoon problem, but that doesn't give him the right to attempt to cruelly kill the animal - and repeatedly hitting a baby raccoon with a shovel without even killing it cleanly is cruel. Particularly because he was under no threat - he just sounded pissed off.

Worse still, at the end of the day, he did not and still has not solved his raccoon problem. Nor would he have, as it appears the mother and siblings were out of his reach. Not only that but it's been shown that raccoons will quickly move into vacated nests, so he would have had to start killing off (oops, I mean 'teach a lesson to') another bunch of raccoons sooner or later.

It doesn't sound like this guy gets it - trap, relocate and repair the raccoon entry points is both the humane and legal way to deal with this problem - hopefully this psycho learns from his mistakes and learns to value life a little more. A night or two in jail - where he could play the role of scared baby raccoon at the mercy of some real big, bad men - might just wisen him up.

As an aside, it's interesting the once again, the "law and order" types seem to be okay with a person breaking the law. That is the true definition of hypocrisy.
Address the logic, please. This man deserves to be in prison as much as the fisherman deserves to be in prison for catching a fish in a terribly inhumane way. Yet we don't put the fisherman in jail. The reason for this is because we have no such ridiculous laws for fish. And that's my point. I don't condone a person breaking the law. I believe it is a stupid law that should not exist in the first place. Just like it doesn't exist for killing a mouse. This law was put in place by a bunch of left wing pinko bleeding heart hypocrites.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Just a note to you and the rest of the self proclaimed compassion brigade in this thread - you can call Dong a psycho a million times, it won't make it true.
And the reverse is true as well - claiming that he is not one doesn't make it true either. All I know is that I have yet to meet a person who would attack an animal for no reason other than frustration who isn't a psychopath of some sort.

Oh, and at least myself and most of the other "self proclaimed compassion brigade" don't have to resort to ad hominems and profanity to make our point.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Address the logic, please. This man deserves to be in prison as much as the fisherman deserves to be in prison for catching a fish in a terribly inhumane way. Yet we don't put the fisherman in jail. The reason for this is because we have no such ridiculous laws for fish. And that's my point. I don't condone a person breaking the law. I believe it is a stupid law that should not exist in the first place. Just like it doesn't exist for killing a mouse. This law was put in place by a bunch of left wing pinko bleeding heart hypocrites.
Then work to get the law changed. Until then, abide by them.

This man had no interest in eating the raccoons, hunting it in a humane way for sport or protecting the inside of his house, so your (alleged) "logic" is a bit off. There are also laws and rules for dealing with raccoons. This man chose to ignore them and savagely attack a baby raccoon outside of his home.

Fishing is an entirely different matter and has no real place in this discussion. It is also controlled, licenced and subject to law. Where is your logic in even bringing it up?
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