Ashley Madison

Raccoon attack


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
... The whole thing seems surreal to me... the neighbour calls 911 ... 3 cops cars arrive, sirens blazing... the man taken away in handcuffs... criminal charges laid... What does all of this cost us as tax payers?

The whole weight of the legal system, plus the transfer and rehabilitation of the raccoon. Wonder if the raccoon was transferred by air, or ground with police escort.

"By late Wednesday, the raccoon was well enough to be transferred to Procyon Wildlife Veterinary and Rehabilitation Services in Beeton, Ont."

Surreal for sure. Wonder why we are spiraling deeper and deeper into dept.


Sep 8, 2010
The whole weight of the legal system, plus the transfer and rehabilitation of the raccoon. Wonder if the raccoon was transferred by air, or ground with police escort.

"By late Wednesday, the raccoon was well enough to be transferred to Procyon Wildlife Veterinary and Rehabilitation Services in Beeton, Ont."

Surreal for sure. Wonder why we are spiraling deeper and deeper into dept.
In the news segment I saw on Global, one of the cops on the scene mentioned that some of the raccoons had wandered off and could not be located. I wonder if they put together a search party.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
In the news segment I saw on Global, one of the cops on the scene mentioned that some of the raccoons had wandered off and could not be located. I wonder if they put together a search party.
Would have been interesting to be at the scene. Row of news trucks with satellite dishes, news reporters giving reports on camera with all the lighting, police cars rushing about, people looking on, choppers in the air, protesters...


Let me set one thing straight: there is NOTHING humane about our animal husbandry industry. Chickens live in these incredibly small cages, have their beaks snipped off, pigs are crowded together in a menaingless concrete and steel pen, mothers held in a steel apparatus that prevents them from doing anything other than suckling all day. The animals we raise for food (and eggs) live triple rotten HORRIBLE lives, so those who say that we ar ehumane with them are 100% dead wrong.

Given that I am a meat-eater (and by the way, eating meat is NOT truly for sustenance - it really is a luxury - we could get easily get by with say a third of the meat we currenlty eat) , I therefore see no difference between say, slitting a steer's throat so that I can enjoy a nice steak, and whacking a raccoon with a shovel so that i can enjoy my backyard.

Consistency of logic is a bitch, isn't it?


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Christ! I cannot believe the divide between those of us who live with nature on a daily basis and those who live in situations where they rarely see nature. We have a serious deer problem in the area I live. In the winter time when the roads are ice or snow covered the general rule is this. If a deer runs out in front of your car you hit the deer. You do not swerve to avoid it you hit it. If you try to avoid the deer by hitting the brakes or swerving around the deer it generally means you and your vehicle end up in a ditch, hitting a tree, or a hydro pole.

It is getting to the point where deer because of their growing numbers are becoming pests. Do we hit them because we consider them pests and enjoy killing them? No. We hit them because trying to avoid them puts our lives in danger. If "city" folk can't get their collective heads around this I would suggest not moving to the boonies. I hear this same crap from people who can't understand why some of us fishermen catch fish and then release them. Some city folk and PETA members consider this "cruel". Some city folk are horrified when someone suggests a culling of the wild Geese along Toronto's lakeshore. Country folk consider this to be a sane thing to do. Different strokes for different folks. Now I have to go and feed the cattle. Cheers GB
if you come into the city i will club you to death with a baby seal


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Aw c'mon red. What he said—except for dumping on city slickers—made perfect sense' it just ignored the main issue. He attacked a baby seal [Freudian fer sure! Meant baby raccoon] with a garden shovel and maimed it.

If you want to kill, if you think you're entitled to then do it properly. The guy was an ignorant moron, a psycho and incompetent. I wanna know what he does for a living. So I can do my business elsewhere.
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Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
The level of retardry in this thread is astounding and scary. We have people claiming they cried their eyes out over a dead mouse (a mouse???) and that it is the most guilt they've ever felt in their lives (they really need to get a life if this is true). Fake animal loving over dramatic posers are extremely irritating retards.

I'm going to have a steak later on. Those of you who are pissing and moaning about the "unfairness" (lol) and inhumane treatment of killing a vicious animal pest need to shut the fuck up. Grow up, grow a brain, or shut the fuck up.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Aw c'mon red. What he said—except for attacking city slickers—made perfect sense' it just ignored the main issue. He attacked a baby seal with a garden shovel and maimed it.

If you want to kill, if you think you're entitled to then do it properly. The guy was an ignorant moron, a psycho and incompetent. I wanna know what he does for a living.
actually I agree. kill it quick. not sure why he couldn't have killed it with one hit of a shovel.

GB- you have been warned.


Sep 8, 2010
Let me set one thing straight: there is NOTHING humane about our animal husbandry industry. Chickens live in these incredibly small cages, have their beaks snipped off, pigs are crowded together in a menaingless concrete and steel pen, mothers held in a steel apparatus that prevents them from doing anything other than suckling all day. The animals we raise for food (and eggs) live triple rotten HORRIBLE lives, so those who say that we ar ehumane with them are 100% dead wrong.

Given that I am a meat-eater (and by the way, eating meat is NOT truly for sustenance - it really is a luxury - we could get easily get by with say a third of the meat we currenlty eat) , I therefore see no difference between say, slitting a steer's throat so that I can enjoy a nice steak, and whacking a raccoon with a shovel so that i can enjoy my backyard.

Consistency of logic is a bitch, isn't it?
Burt.. the last thing most of the people who have been contributing to this thread want to hear is logic..... I've been trying for days, but the bleeding hearts will deny deny. The hypocrisy is incredible!!

Poor raccon.... man beat it with a shovel... bad man... destroy him and his family!! .... And let's waste our tax dollars and emergency services resources while we're at it!!

I say charge the fucking neighbour who dialed 911. He's the real sicko!!


Apr 24, 2005
More people will die as a result of bee stings than will be killed by bears, raccoons, and lions put together this year. Better break out your fly swatter just in case.
Is it legal to kill bees? Or, are bees (and mosquitoes) a protected specie as well?


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Went out on the balcony while at an apartments in the 401 & Yonge area to have a look around, and noticed a huge raccoon backed into the corner. I backed myself into the apartment, but it is surprising that we dont hear of curious kids who try to grab the raccoons and are hurt.

Saw my first possum about a month ago up by the airport. I see more wild animals in the city then in the country.


Apr 24, 2005
I see more wild animals in the city then in the country.
That's because all the loony liberals are in the city. If they have their way, this city will be full of rats, mice, pigeons, geese, insects and unfit for human habitation.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Went out on the balcony while at an apartments in the 401 & Yonge area to have a look around, and noticed a huge raccoon backed into the corner. I backed myself into the apartment, but it is surprising that we dont hear of curious kids who try to grab the raccoons and are hurt.

Saw my first possum about a month ago up by the airport. I see more wild animals in the city then in the country.

I saw a possum last week near home! I thought, WTF?

(I've seen a porcupine waddle on a dirt road up at the cottage a few years ago).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Let me set one thing straight: there is NOTHING humane about our animal husbandry industry. Chickens live in these incredibly small cages, have their beaks snipped off, pigs are crowded together in a menaingless concrete and steel pen, mothers held in a steel apparatus that prevents them from doing anything other than suckling all day. The animals we raise for food (and eggs) live triple rotten HORRIBLE lives, so those who say that we ar ehumane with them are 100% dead wrong.

Given that I am a meat-eater (and by the way, eating meat is NOT truly for sustenance - it really is a luxury - we could get easily get by with say a third of the meat we currenlty eat) , I therefore see no difference between say, slitting a steer's throat so that I can enjoy a nice steak, and whacking a raccoon with a shovel so that i can enjoy my backyard.

Consistency of logic is a bitch, isn't it?
I for one didn't say that we are humane to animals we slaughter for food; only that we kill them more humanely (chop heads, electrocution, nail gun to skull, etc. - that is, they aren't tortured or put through a slow, painful death) than just bludgeoning them to death with a shovel.
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New member
Apr 29, 2002
0 assholes do realize...

that if it was your dog or cat in that man's garden. he would treat it no different than the way he treated the raccoons, right?

he's just apathetic to all kinds of living creatures. I highly doubt he would feel any more or any less for your dog or cat, than he did for the raccoon.

he just doesn't have any emotion whatsoever for anything that is living. he actually enjoyed hurting those animals, when he could've simply scared them off with a loud sound or something.

no wonder there are so many losers on terb. you all can't figure out how sociopaths think (they usually don't feel any remorse for hurting any living beings = man or animal). its very little wonder why most of you all can't figure out how women think. (that you have to pay them to actually be in your presence)

nice. shows alot about the lot of you.

+1 ...that!

I've rescued some raccoons and there's a lady that rehabilitates them and they're released up north.
Raccoons are very social animals and affectionate. Of course they can be pesky, but consider the fact that people are taking up a lot of the land and moving in.
So where are they going to go? They just adapt (evolutionary process), just like we adapt.
Don't corner them, they'll leave you alone.
Want to get rid of them, call someone to remove them humanely, like Terminator said, he was apathetic - like a lot of you seem to be.

Geezus Christ, my Mom has a gorgeous garden in her backyard and they dig up all kinds of stuff and so do the squirrels, she doesn't freak out, she simply says it gives her reason to go out and do some more yard work.

Calm your asses down and enjoy nature once in awhile, maybe you wouldn't be so stressed out.
For the record, my father had a family of them crawl into the attic crawl space, he caught them in a cage, released them up north - nice drive and got some fresh fruit at the farmer's market.
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