Out-of-town cops reaped millions for G20 work


Jun 6, 2009
Yah thinking too much is a danger in our society. You saying it is best to be a sheep?
Nope, but your post history confirms you spend too much time thinking and very little time doing. Are you planning to go to the open forum in Etobicoke to express you distain for what happened. The last meeting only had about 40 people and half were probably press, so I'm sure there's lots of room for you.


Jun 6, 2009
As a matter of fact I was at the first one.

Plus I didn't see you downtown during the G20. I was there as well.
fair enough, since i can't disprove it. As for going to the G20 I was downtown, but had no interest in attending the protest. I had enough of that years ago.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Nicodemi Catenacci's lawyer claims he was distraught over losing his job and high on cocaine when he set fire to the police vehicle!

There you go, investigated, caught, tried, convicted, jailed, pay restitution! BTW, good luck with that criminal conviction getting a job dumbass!

You chose your handle accordingly! Basketcase!


New member
Mar 28, 2004
So are all the cop bashers in here willing to promise not to call 911 when some crackhead breaks into their house, or when they get carjacked, or when their kid gets the shit beaten out of him?? Any takers on a lifetime commitment to NOT use the police when they need help? Anyone? I didn't think so. Hypoctrite 'tards.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
So are all the cop bashers in here willing to promise not to call 911 when some crackhead breaks into their house, or when they get carjacked, or when their kid gets the shit beaten out of him?? Any takers on a lifetime commitment to NOT use the police when they need help? Anyone? I didn't think so. Hypoctrite 'tards.
Who's the 'tard here? That is not the issue in the least and anyone who would even post something like that is childish and simplistic.

Why do the police apologists feel the need to constantly justify the actions of bad cops?

There were a small handful of assholes on both sides - Black Bloc and brutal cops. The difference is the police are there to serve and protect its citizenry, NOT attack lawful protesters and harass people who live and work downtown without cause. The anarchist protesters are scum and should have been taken down instead of being allowed to run riot and disappear - sadly the cops did nothing to stop them. Instead they took out their anger, embarrassment and frustration on a bunch of non-violent protesters. Hardly what I would call exemplary policing. As public servants and law enforcement professionals, they should be held to a higher standard and their actions should be scrutinized - and disciplined where needed.

Again, I have no problem with cops and understand and respect their role in our society - but I hate bad cops and those that protect them. Just as I hate anarchists that wantonly destroy property and intimidate the average person on the street.

I think most people who are commenting on this issue don't live in downtown Toronto and only saw it on television and have no idea what it was actually like on the ground. The Black Bloc was a flash mob that was over and done with in less than an hour. The rest of the protests were nothing but kids and hippy-types who were stupid and lame but not doing any harm. The vast majority of the rank and file police seemed to be unsure of exactly what they should be doing and as I mentioned before, seemed to be angry and ashamed of what happened on the first day and a number of thm took it out on the subsequent protest nerds. Sadly, the others almost had to follow suit, as they must be a team and 'hold the line," so to speak. Unfortunately in many instances, they violently overreacted and have been not been held to account, which is why people are upset.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
It didn't matter where downtown it happened , because of Harper's ego and having the meeting in downtown TO, there was going to be damage to serious amount of real estate and the numbers police to deal with it..
Except that the police who were marshalling the march in large numbers were completely flat-footed and unprepared to respond to the two or three dozen vandals when they began their rampage. Apart from that incident, almost all the anti-social, violant, improper and illegal activities of the weekend were perpetrated by the police on the citizens.

But perhaps you're saying the TPS just gave up? Mighta been better if they had. At least one harmless picture-taker's arm wouldn't have been broken, and their reputation woulda been higher.


Jun 6, 2009
Except that the police who were marshalling the march in large numbers were completely flat-footed and unprepared to respond to the two or three dozen vandals when they began their rampage. Apart from that incident, almost all the anti-social, violant, improper and illegal activities of the weekend were perpetrated by the police on the citizens.

But perhaps you're saying the TPS just gave up? Mighta been better if they had. At least one harmless picture-taker's arm wouldn't have been broken, and their reputation woulda been higher.
I'm not quite sure what you observations, which are good ones, have to do with my point. You're micro-analyzing the events now with the perfect 20/20 hindsight and that is so easy.


Sep 8, 2010
Who's the 'tard here? That is not the issue in the least and anyone who would even post something like that is childish and simplistic.

Why do the police apologists feel the need to constantly justify the actions of bad cops?

There were a small handful of assholes on both sides - Black Bloc and brutal cops. The difference is the police are there to serve and protect its citizenry, NOT attack lawful protesters and harass people who live and work downtown without cause. The anarchist protesters are scum and should have been taken down instead of being allowed to run riot and disappear - sadly the cops did nothing to stop them. Instead they took out their anger, embarrassment and frustration on a bunch of non-violent protesters. Hardly what I would call exemplary policing. As public servants and law enforcement professionals, they should be held to a higher standard and their actions should be scrutinized - and disciplined where needed.

Again, I have no problem with cops and understand and respect their role in our society - but I hate bad cops and those that protect them. Just as I hate anarchists that wantonly destroy property and intimidate the average person on the street.

I think most people who are commenting on this issue don't live in downtown Toronto and only saw it on television and have no idea what it was actually like on the ground. The Black Bloc was a flash mob that was over and done with in less than an hour. The rest of the protests were nothing but kids and hippy-types who were stupid and lame but not doing any harm. The vast majority of the rank and file police seemed to be unsure of exactly what they should be doing and as I mentioned before, seemed to be angry and ashamed of what happened on the first day and a number of thm took it out on the subsequent protest nerds. Sadly, the others almost had to follow suit, as they must be a team and 'hold the line," so to speak. Unfortunately in many instances, they violently overreacted and have been not been held to account, which is why people are upset.
So then you hate cops, as it seems that every cop, from Blaire on down wants to protect these assholes. When a cop supervisor and a cop roommate of an asshole cop cannot recognize the asshole cops face in a clear picture, you have to assume that there is an unwritten code in the TPS that says, "We protect each other. There are laws for us and there are laws for the public. These laws need not be the same."


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I'm not quite sure what you observations, which are good ones, have to do with my point. You're micro-analyzing the events now with the perfect 20/20 hindsight and that is so easy.
Your point being that violence was inevitable? That our police couldn't predict that? That they could do nothing to contain or control it? Or that a clumsy response and discreditably vengeful and violent over-reaction was also predictable (and also unstoppable), as so many TERBidiots have said? Do we really set such a low standard of performance from our cops?

It's clear they're accepting supervisors—too bad their pay hasn't been part of the TPS salary discussion—who can't identify nor remember who they were supervising, and a command that thinks it's someone else's job to find bad apples in the TPS. But for us to take that level of performance as good policing is truly bad citizenship.

There may be all sorts of reasons, good bad and excusable for the many mistakes made, but hiding-out and covering up is not what the forces of good and right and honesty are supposed to do.

Let's stop imagining that a police service that can't think ahead, or clean up its own act after is good value for the nearly a billion bucks we spend on it every year.


Jun 6, 2009
Your point being that violence was inevitable? That our police couldn't predict that? That they could do nothing to contain or control it? Or that a clumsy response and discreditably vengeful and violent over-reaction was also predictable (and also unstoppable), as so many TERBidiots have said? Do we really set such a low standard of performance from our cops?

It's clear they're accepting supervisors—too bad their pay hasn't been part of the TPS salary discussion—who can't identify nor remember who they were supervising, and a command that thinks it's someone else's job to find bad apples in the TPS. But for us to take that level of performance as good policing is truly bad citizenship.

There may be all sorts of reasons, good bad and excusable for the many mistakes made, but hiding-out and covering up is not what the forces of good and right and honesty are supposed to do.

Let's stop imagining that a police service that can't think ahead, or clean up its own act after is good value for the nearly a billion bucks we spend on it every year.
Who was that first said hope for the best plan for the worst?

You can plan for the Black Block being there, but as for when and when, that up to them. What's been their attendance record at the last few summits? Pretty good. To paraphrase one of the classic rules of battle every plan is perfect until first contact, after that all bets are off. When the word got out that the Black Block were not so black afterwards, identification becomes more difficult. Well done and good move on the BB. As I said hindsight is 20/20 and perfect. set a trap and wait. Unfortunately some retailers and residents get caught and I do feel for them, but it wouldn't matter where downtown something like this was done, someone was going to be in the line of fire.

The fact that the federal government said too bad for claims, is just nasty and totally on Harper. I guess not many GTA residents remembered this at election time or didn't care, simply saying well, it didn't happen to me.
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