Ashley Madison

Raccoon attack


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
They have to be outside of the live trap to use a crow bar. One miss and they will either run or chew up your leg. There is a new calibre on the market a .177, it is faster than a .22 with much less noise.
What's the best way to simply get them to stop re-visiting a section of my deck where they leave droppings?

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
What's the best way to simply get them to stop re-visiting a section of my deck where they leave droppings?
Up north where they have black bear problems they spread Lestoil around the perimiter of the deck. Not sure what effect if will have on Coons but give it a try. GB

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
What a brutal beast this man must be!!! We should hang him by the eye lids and kick him in the balls until he blinks. Then let's rape his wife and children while he watches. How dare he attack a raccoon!? .....

IT'S A FUCKING RODENT!!!! You professed animal lovers are all a bunch of hypocrites. If the animal is large enough and has cute eyes, we must protect it. But then these same people will slaughter the ugly cows and chickens so that they can eat. They will step on spiders and kill mice with poison when they infest their homes. Give me a break!!

The only thing I will say, is that this man should have been a little more humane about how he attempted to kill this rodent. But that is hardly reason to string this man up!
A raccoon is not a rodent.

You cannot compare hitting baby raccoons over the head with a shovel to the slaughter of animals for food. It is not the same (though perhaps in your eyes it is - who knows)

The raccoon was just doing what raccoons do and it wasn't harming the man. I do not believe that it was tearing apart his garden and even if it was, the fact of the matter is that we live in a city with raccoons and all you have to do is keep the raccoons away, you don't have to torture or abuse the animals. Common decency.

Normal people do not try to beat baby raccoons to death with a shovel.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
A raccoon is not a rodent.

You cannot compare hitting baby raccoons over the head with a shovel to the slaughter of animals for food. It is not the same (though perhaps in your eyes it is - who knows)

The raccoon was just doing what raccoons do and it wasn't harming the man. I do not believe that it was tearing apart his garden and even if it was, the fact of the matter is that we live in a city with raccoons and all you have to do is keep the raccoons away, you don't have to torture or abuse the animals. Common decency.

Normal people do not try to beat baby raccoons to death with a shovel.
Thats calling a spade a shovel.


New member
Do you like steak or a hamburger every now and then?
not particularly... I could certainly live without it - I was vegetarian for over 10 years of my life but I started eating meet for health not because I particularly enjoy it.

I think it's worth noting that there's a difference between killing an animal humanely for food and killing an animal by beating it with a shovel because you're just too lazy to trap the animal and release it. I find it barbaric and cowardly and I have absolutely no issue with the guy being charged.

I'm honestly sick to my stomach seeing that people here find no issue with what the guy did....


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Well I can't top that Miss Croft.

To follow-up on something G.B. wrote, part of the problem (not that I'm agreeing with beating Racoon kits to death) is that until they about a year old or so Racoons look ever so cute, will do all sorts of "silly" things to get food etc... BUT THEN THEY GROW UP. An adult racoon is nothing to mess with and if cornered can kill a dog many times its size, rabies is often present and if Ontario has not been effected by the zoodemic which started in West Virginia and has now spread all the way to New Brunswick - hope that you continue to be so lucky. With as many racoons as are supposedly in Toronto it seems unlikely their numbers would be way down.

Like many such animals they can get into a "Mate relationship" and savagely attack people other than the one they consider to be their mate. My Great-Grandfather had a pet racoon as a boy which when it matured would do this (God alone knows why his family put up with this - THAT part of the story was never passed along) there was an abour that other members of the family had to stay clear of.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Someone suggested a big dog, that worked for me. They never came around, never, after they had to tangle with him two or three times. I did not have a raccoon problem for years and they did not come back(or cleaned up after themselves if they did) for a few years after he passed.
My dog was 75 lbs.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
down on the farm

we once had a family of raccoons living in the walls and driving us nuts at night, so we pulled up the floor boards, threw a piece of meat down there and pummelled the first one to come by with shovels and stuff......yes, we killed a baby, but the rest of them got the message and left the house for good.


Sep 8, 2010
This is what you wrote at 6:30 this morning.....

.... wow :(

The posts in this thread defending his actions really disappoint me.

I am an animal lover - I realize racoons are not lovable family pets usually, (although I had a friend when I was a kid who had a pet raccoon). I can't imagine hurting a defenseless animal or believing that intentionally hurting any animal could ever be justifiable
Now you are writing....

not particularly... I could certainly live without it - I was vegetarian for over 10 years of my life but I started eating meet for health not because I particularly enjoy it.

I think it's worth noting that there's a difference between killing an animal humanely for food and killing an animal by beating it with a shovel because you're just too lazy to trap the animal and release it. I find it barbaric and cowardly and I have absolutely no issue with the guy being charged.

I'm honestly sick to my stomach seeing that people here find no issue with what the guy did....
So I guess killing an animal is justifiable if it means maintaining YOUR health? But it is not justifiable if it means protecting this man's property? Tell me, where is this line? What if the raccoon was mauling the man's pet, or child? Is it justifiable then? How about if the raccoon was destroying the man's home by tearing off siding to get to the attic? Is that justifiable?

I know.. I know... the bleeding hearts will say... there are more humane ways to deal with it. Like what? Call Animal Control... they won't even come because it is mating season... and even if they do, they'll trap it and then release it within 1 km so that the poor coon will be able to find its way back to continue the damage it was doing.

I wish this man were able to kill the coons in a more humane way, but I can't blame him for what he did. Not everyone owns a rifle or pellet gun. Water won't do it. Loud noises won't do it. I wouldn't want to try anyway... these fucking things are vicious. I'd have done the same thing. The only problem this poor man had is that he had a hypocritical pinko bleeding heart neighbour who was selfish enough to tie up our 911 emergency lines over this and have 3 tax payer paid cop cars rush to the scene sirens a blazing. I wonder, had one of those cop cars got into an accident on the way to the scene and killed an innocent civilian, what would we be talking about today. This man does not deserve to be treated this way! Period.


New member
hmmm .... let me repeat this again nice and slow:

There's a helluva lotta difference between humanely killing an animal for food versus bashing an animal over the head till it's dead cuz you're worried about your cherry tomatoes and you're sick and tired of those crazy raccoons invading your backyard trashcan but you're too lazy to humanely deal with the issue.

It is cruel, unnecessary, lazy, and barbaric.

And don't even try to tell me humanity is at risk from Raccoon maulings. Pitbulls have mauled a helluva lotta people and they scare the shyte outta me but if I decided to go and bash one until it's dead just because I'm not comfortable with it, it would be animal cruelty.


May 6, 2011
Too many city boys getting involved here. Coons are nasty mothers. Had them chew up the aluminum siding in my barn and move in. Difficult to shoot them in the garage so a cross bow was used. Coons will kill a cat, can chew up a fair size dog. Leaving lights on is just an invitation for them, they also will eat moths and insects attracted to the lights. Coons natural diets are frogs, clams, and small minnows or if you have an outside pond with Koi or Goldfish they will clean up on them too. Coons have a reputation for spreading rabies to family pets and other wild life.

Using a pellet gun on a Coon is like using a .22 to take out a tank. Coons are not pets, they are territorial, and have a nasty disposition when challenged. Once they have found a easy food source, (grain, cat food, dog food, garbage bins, compost piles) they will keep coming back regardless of how much and how many times you attempt to harrass them in a non confrontational manner. A .22 calibre is effective a .243 or .222 is much better. Ok time to feed the cattle. Cheers GB
i agree, too many cityboys here, coons are a pain, although shooting coons with a .22 is not a good idea, u neighbor might not like it, i use pellets on rats mostly, haven't had a coon near the house yet...


Sep 8, 2010
hmmm .... let me repeat this again nice and slow:

There's a helluva lotta difference between humanely killing an animal for food and bashing an animal over the head till it's dead cuz you're worried about your cherry tomatoes and you're sick and tired of those crazy raccoons invading your backyard trashcan and you're too lazy to humanely deal with the issue.
Ah.. OK... so what I think you are saying is that you are ok with killing the animal... you just wish it could have been done in a more humane way. I think everyone on this thread who agrees that the animal should have been killed also feels that the animal should have been killed humanely. The question is, what if humane methods were not at hand? This was the only alternative the man had and now his life is ruined over it. That's just plain nuts!


New member
The question is, what if humane methods were not at hand? This was the only alternative the man had and now his life is ruined over it. That's just plain nuts!
lol well I guess it will be proven in court that the man in question was acting in self defense or perhaps in defense of his pet or child.... but I gotta admit that I have a reeeeeally hard time believing that a family of baby raccoons was so threatening that the man could not pursue a different course of action than taking a shovel to them then and there.

See sir: That there is what I consider to be just plain nuts....


Sep 8, 2010
lol well I guess it will be proven in court that the man in question was acting in self defense or perhaps in defense of his pet or child.... but I gotta admit that I have a reeeeeally hard time believing that a family of baby raccoons was so threatening that the man could not pursue a different course of action than taking a shovel to them.
Jennifer... you should consider a career in law. The self defence angle is the way to go!! I mean how could he lose that argument? It's his word against a raccoon's. Err... maybe I'll take that back.... In Toronto, I could see a jury or a judge siding with the raccoon. LOL.
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