Ga-damn !
More fun TERB threads. This is why I joined TERB. No I do not hobby, not since I met my wife. I used to hobby, last time was 2000. I found TERB because I was(occasionally still am) considering getting back into the game.
Some threads are great, give you a laugh, some deal with more serious issue and you get a sense of what the public opinion is or will be on certain things ... then there is a thread like this one where you wonder if these are still the same people(TERB names) posting these messages from one thread to another.
Raccoons may not be the most lovable friendly animal in the urban jungle but there are humane ways of dealing with them.
I do not think I am about to reveal a fact that you do not know, but after reading some of the responses I have to wonder.
The raccoons are just animals foraging for food.
I am not taking up the cause for the raccoon population, just throwing that little fact out there because I am beginning to think that some of you see the raccoon as an invading army with a plan. For instance N1ghth4wk makes them sound like they were attacking with ground forces and air support. 'He was defending his property.' Worf thinks reducing the police force is the answer. What ? Are you planning on a little B&E in the near future ?
GG2 ... this guy has a few screws loose. Let me guess, some of your previous employers were the CIA, Mafia, various Black Ops groups around the world.
TERBites, if you have problem with an annoying neighbour or someone who just rubs you the wrong way no matter what they do, GG2 can make the problem go away for a price. :crazy:
Blackrock, Terminator you got to know when to walk away.