Let the Americanization begin.


Jan 31, 2005
Seriously, you are not serious??? You think the Liberal party took finance seriously?? Or were you talking about the Bloc?
The Liberals are the only party that has ever seriously cracked down on deficits. The Conservatives mismanage and bungle finances routinely, and believe that as soon as you say "crime" or "national security" that spending controls are not needed. No Conservative government has ever eliminated a deficit, and generally under Conservative rule deficits have historically climbed rather than fallen.

It turns out Conservatives only talk about fiscal restraint when they are justifying cutting social programs they disagree with. When it comes to their own projects, like prisons, like the military, they spend like drunken sailors.

Note that the Liberal party has always been a party of fiscal responsibility. That's always been core to the Liberal platform, throughout the entire history of the party--they have always been socially liberal and fiscally conservative.


Mar 31, 2006
i'm just having fun with my socialist fellow terbites. all in jest. to each their own, the process is what makes canada so darn fun!
Thanks :) I'm just a lil' pissed today at the lack of choice we had yesterday. I'm not a socialist by the way - not in the truest sense. I will 'own' having a social conscience, I do however appreciate fiscal conservatism. My dream is a candidate with a strong social conscience who doesn't care what I do in my bedroom but, can also balance the books LOL


Love Goddess
I am actually really inspired by this election's results. Seeing a country turn from Red to Blue and Orange overnight gives me faith in democracy and our electoral process. It also looks like a record # of voters turned out.

I think Harper will be well-advised to focus on the economy, and leave social issues aside, with the possible exception of the larger scale introduction of private health care, which is way overdue in this country. I think he's smart enough not to touch abortion and gay issues, and, should the current court case force his government to finally address the prostitution issue, I highly doubt he stands any chance of making prostitution illegal, especially with the NDP as official opposition.

There is at least one NDP MP who openly supports sex workers' rights. Layton hobbied (yey!) (glad to see that didn't dissuade many voters Lol, probably just the opposite!!). Les Quebequois are traditionally known to be pretty liberal (or is that just Montreal?) -- the largely NDP Quebec will likely vote pro-sex-work. And even if we forget about Conservatives themselves hobbying, we can assume many of the newly elected ones, especially here in the GTA, are likely to be socially pretty progressive -- being any other way would be out of touch with our city's reality.

I am looking forward to seeing how things unfold.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
The religious right in Canada!!!!!! Shaking in my boots with fear.... might as well tell me that the boogey man in under my bed..... The religious right in Canada is so far left that they can barely walk properly.
I know. Anyone who bought that as a legitimate fear exhibits diminished capacity for indepenent intelligent thought. The greatest numbers still controlled by a religious group is propably the voters in rural Quebec and they went NDP.

The Conservatives now have more ridings in the GTA than they have in Alberta. They defeated the last religious nut MP when the Liberal anti-abortionist Mississauga South’s Paul Szabo went down to defeat last night.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
I am actually really inspired by this election's results. Seeing a country turn from Red to Blue and Orange overnight gives me faith in democracy and our electoral process. It also looks like a record # of voters turned out.

I think Harper will be well-advised to focus on the economy, and leave social issues aside, with the possible exception of the larger scale introduction of private health care, which is way overdue in this country. I think he's smart enough not to touch abortion and gay issues, and, should the current court case force his government to finally address the prostitution issue, I highly doubt he stands any chance of making prostitution illegal, especially with the NDP as official opposition.

There is at least one NDP MP who openly supports sex workers' rights. Layton hobbied (yey!) (glad to see that didn't dissuade many voters Lol, probably just the opposite!!). Les Quebequois are traditionally known to be pretty liberal (or is that just Montreal?) -- the largely NDP Quebec will likely vote pro-sex-work. And even if we forget about Conservatives themselves hobbying, we can assume many of the newly elected ones, especially here in the GTA, are likely to be socially pretty progressive -- being any other way would be out of touch with our city's reality.

I am looking forward to seeing how things unfold.
Finally a rational comment from someone who has thought it through and not just taken whatever the Toronto Star feeds them.


Jan 31, 2005
The Conservatives now have more ridings in the GTA than they have in Alberta. They defeated the last religious nut MP when the Liberal anti-abortionist Mississauga South’s Paul Szabo went down to defeat last night.
Was the Conservative MP who claims he was personally responsible for getting Harper to defund abortion re-elected?


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
yup, and we gave one a majority ...lol..(ahh,just havin fun RM)
I know! Sucks doesn't it! That's my problem with the political process in Canada! THEY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF LYING THIEVES! And once the election is over, there's no way to hold our politicians accountable when they do fuck up.

In this case, Canadians chose to go with the devil we know rather than the devil we don't know.

When Harpo fucks up, and he will, we will be stuck with him until Oct. 19th 2015.


Mar 31, 2006
Oh please,

The so called "religious right" has been dying off for years and is no longer a significant threat. Harpo won't do a dam thing about our hobby. It serves him no purpose to.
If only this were true.


Social policy

Aboriginal affairsThe Reform Party called for major changes in the federal government's relations with aboriginal peoples, which included dismantling the Department of Indian Affairs and transferring its responsibilities directly to aboriginal governing bodies to lessen aboriginal peoples' dependence on the federal government.[8]

AbortionThe Reform Party took a strong pro-life stance on the issue of abortion rights, calling for abortion to be made illegal.[9] (quote is an opinion. this was never party policy) However, Manning himself declared that his party would be based on the representation of the people, therefore distancing himself from his party's official stance on abortion.

Gay and lesbian rightsThe Reform Party strongly opposed extending rights to gays and lesbians such as the right to marriage. Many Reformers saw homosexuality as a moral wrong. Reform leader Preston Manning himself once publicly stated that "homosexuality is destructive to the individual, and in the long run, society".[10]

Immigration policy, language, and minority rightsThe Reform Party advocated an immigration policy based solely on the economic needs of Canada.[11] Reform's early policy proposals for immigration were seen as highly controversial in Canada including a policy pamphlet called Blue Sheet that was issued in mid-1991 stating that Reformers opposed "any immigration based on race or creed or designed to radically or suddenly alter the ethnic makeup of Canada".[12] The statement was considered too controversial and subsequent Reform Party policy documents did not declare any similar concern for a radical alteration of the ethnic make-up of Canada.[13] However this controversy and others raised the question over whether Reform was intolerant to non-white people and whether the party harboured racist members.[13] Subsequent repeated accounts of xenophobic and racist statements by individual Reform party supporters and members spread this concern, though the party itself continuously denied that it supported such views.[7]

The Reform Party declared its opposition to existing government-funded and sponsored bilingualism and multiculturalism.[13] Reformers claimed that efforts to create a bilingual country had not worked and that language policy should be a provincial issue. Reformers criticized government-sponsored multiculturalism for creating a "hyphenated Canadian" identity, rather than a single Canadian identity.[14]


Prime Minister Stephen Harper is damned if he does talk about his evangelical beliefs and damned if he doesn't. If he continues to avoid answering questions about his religious convictions, political observers say he appears secretive, like he's hiding something. But, at the same time, most Canadians do not share the moral convictions of his evangelical denomination, the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church.

The Alliance Church, to which Harper has belonged for decades, believes Jesus Christ will return to Earth in an apocalypse, won't ordain women, strongly opposes abortion and divorce, condemns homosexuality as the most base of sins and believes those who aren't born-again are "lost."

Now again, please tell me why you are saying that the Conservatives will not change the social landscape of Canada! I don't want a religious fanatic as my leader. I haven't been to church for decades and don't intend on having someone elses religious views crammed down my throat or imposed on the way I choose to live my life.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
LMFAO @ Lord_Rambles_on_too_much!

Thanks for making my point for me! The Reform party died 11 years ago! Get over it. Ideals change, people mature.

Although, If memory serves, they did have a pretty good policy called "Recall" which states if a constituency was unhappy with their MP's performance they could in effect, fire him or her.


Mar 31, 2006
LMFAO @ Lord_Rambles_on_too_much!

The Reform party died 11 years ago! Get over it. Ideals change, people mature.

Although, If memory serves, they did have a pretty good policy called "Recall" which states if a constituency was unhappy with their MP's performance they could in effect, fire him or her.
Why should I get over it? Harpers ideals haven't changed - he still a avid Evangelist Also Harper turned 52 on Saturday - I think hes already mature LOL


The Alliance Church, to which Harper has belonged for decades, believes Jesus Christ will return to Earth in an apocalypse, won't ordain women, strongly opposes abortion and divorce, condemns homosexuality as the most base of sins and believes those who aren't born-again are "lost."

Would you like a link to Americas best known Evangelists? Billy Grahem comes to mind ;)

Put me on ignore LOL I'm gonna be pissed until the next election in 2015.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
Still LMFAO @ Lord_Rambles_on_too_much

Put me on ignore LOL I'm gonna be pissed until the next election in 2015.
Why would I put you on ignore? You are highly entertaining and when you even help me make my point for me, well, I do appreciate that. Thanks.

Again, Harper was not mature enough at the age of 41 when he was leader of the CA to separate his personal ideals with his professional obligations.

It would be political suicide to try shit like that now, and he knows this. And so do, apparently, the voters of Canada.

You guys and your hidden agenda's! :rolleyes:

(BTW, "Harper's" should have an apostrophe in it, and its Billy "Graham". :p)


Apr 14, 2011
I know! Sucks doesn't it! That's my problem with the political process in Canada! THEY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF LYING THIEVES! And once the election is over, there's no way to hold our politicians accountable when they do fuck up.

In this case, Canadians chose to go with the devil we know rather than the devil we don't know.

When Harpo fucks up, and he will, we will be stuck with him until Oct. 19th 2015.
okay , i can agree on that... let's hope this devil doesn't start thinkin like an angel, and make some of my favourite things end up behind bars....that's all...


New member
Dec 23, 2005
Why should I get over it? Harpers ideals haven't changed - he still a avid Evangelist Also Harper turned 52 on Saturday - I think hes already mature LOL


The Alliance Church, to which Harper has belonged for decades, believes Jesus Christ will return to Earth in an apocalypse, won't ordain women, strongly opposes abortion and divorce, condemns homosexuality as the most base of sins and believes those who aren't born-again are "lost."

Would you like a link to Americas best known Evangelists? Billy Grahem comes to mind ;)

Put me on ignore LOL I'm gonna be pissed until the next election in 2015.
So does the Catholic Church , and yet that didn't change the minds of those politicians.


Mar 31, 2006
Still LMFAO @ Lord_Rambles_on_too_much

Why would I put you on ignore? You are highly entertaining and when you even help me make my point for me, well, I do appreciate that. Thanks.
I'm glad to see I've gone from being an asshole to entertaining LOL I've had a few cups of coffee now - it took the edge off. It seems you may be a Church going fella' - thats fine :) I just don't want someones extreme religious views shaping the country I live in.

Only time will tell what Harper has in store for us. I will be the first one to come back and apologize to the forum if I was wrong.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
So does the Catholic Church , and yet that didn't change the minds of those politicians.
Exactly! That's because politicians need to mature enough to learn how to separate his personal ideals with his profession obligations.
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