Australian Prime Minister sounds off...WOW!!!


New member
Oct 12, 2010
naive . to think that a multi-cultural society can function peacefully in long run. look at mideast and other countries in war, it's all about difference in religion and ethnicity.
Ah...another top notch history student.

Let me think...can I recall any multi-cultural societies or countries that have thrived...think hard now my apocolyptic friend...


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Ah...another top notch history student.

Let me think...can I recall any multi-cultural societies or countries that have thrived...think hard now my apocolyptic friend...
Well even Switzerland is a federation of regions not a mélange, and even so to say that those regions don't always get along is to put it mildly.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
well i'm a born white canadian and i reject christianity, though i'm fine with christmas trees ( a pagan custom).
TVA: You must be living in a white cultural ghetto yourself if you fail to see that for the most part and compared to other cities in the world, toronto is a success story of rich cultural mingling which most of us appreciate and enjoy.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Well even Switzerland is a federation of regions not a mélange, and even so to say that those regions don't always get along is to put it mildly.
If 'getting along' was a criterion for anything people do, no society would pass muster. Even if we broadened the rule to allow any version of dispute expression and resolution short of violence.

That would exclude the US, Canada, Mexico, all of Europe just about everyone of every race colour or creed. We're all equally mad, bad, and dangerous to know. But if we're going to ponce about the world stage preaching about democracy to folks like Ghaddafi, we damn well owe it to the world and out=r own self-respect to practise what we preach.

Not getting along is the human condition; we invent concepts like democracy—you know, letting everyone have a voice and a vote, so they'll accept losing without going to the barricades—to make the not getting along thing works for us and bring us new citizens from all over the world. Even if, they brought a bit of Naziism, or the Cosa Nostra. Dictating the acceptable religion and rules works too; it just isn't our way. Though it suits some posting here and the guy who wrote the OP.

Nothing wrong with changing the message, if that's what we prefer, but lets not mock the democracy we continue to preach with crap like the Original Post and various simple-minded repackagings others have 'thought up'—using the term very loosely—and posted.


Nov 20, 2010
well i'm a born white canadian and i reject christianity, though i'm fine with christmas trees ( a pagan custom).
TVA: You must be living in a white cultural ghetto yourself if you fail to see that for the most part and compared to other cities in the world, toronto is a success story of rich cultural mingling which most of us appreciate and enjoy.
Wrong. I am not white, my parents were immigrants in fact but I embrace Canadian culture. It is not about race, it's about culture. I experienced first hand cultural segregation by my own community when I was young. I was discouraged to make friends or date girls outside my own ethnic community. I do not like it. I rebelled and left my community. I pitty those still stay behind in their comfort zone. some of my friends who were born in Toronto speak English with noticeable accent because of this.

When I walk in to convinient store or gas station, I would like to be able to talk to someone who speaks English, and not having to repeat myself or ask them to repeat.

How is Toronto a success story? Highest crime rate in Canada, worst traffic conjection. Everyone from Ottawa and London tells me Toronto are not very friendly , women are cold. This must be because residents developed fear of talking to strangers in case they are not culturally compatible with you, it's easier just to stay within your own social circle.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Wrong. I am not white, my parents were immigrants in fact but I embrace Canadian culture. It is not about race, it's about culture. I experienced first hand cultural segregation by my own community when I was young. I was discouraged to make friends or date girls outside my own ethnic community. I do not like it. I rebelled and left my community. I pitty those still stay behind in their comfort zone. some of my friends who were born in Toronto speak English with noticeable accent because of this.

When I walk in to convinient store or gas station, I would like to be able to talk to someone who speaks English, and not having to repeat myself or ask them to repeat.

How is Toronto a success story? Highest crime rate in Canada, worst traffic conjection. Everyone from Ottawa and London tells me Toronto are not very friendly , women are cold. This must be because residents developed fear of talking to strangers in case they are not culturally compatible with you, it's easier just to stay within your own social circle.
You sure have some fucked up logic. I think our educational system has failed you.

You list a number of generally subjective unpleasant observations and then suggest they are caused by your pet cause, without any evidence or logical reason for the connection. Sloppy thinking like this makes me ill.

Firstly Toronto does not have the highest crime rate in Canada. Not even close.

So were you lying about this or just badly informed?

Let's go a step further shall we. The crime rate in Toronto has been trending down for over a decade, over the same decade the number of non-whites in Toronto has been going up. Does that allow me to argue that multiculturalism reduces a crime rate? Nope, because there is no evidence of a causal connection or mechanism.

Try this on. My dog is getting older. The distance between the earth and the Voyager satellite is getting larger. See the connection?

Is your argument that our traffic is getting worse because of multiculturalism? Or could there be a population/resource issue.

And if you plan to base your "great race war" theory on some observations of people from Ottawa or London that people in TO are not friendly you are a sad excuse for someone with reason.

Even if people in Toronto are "less friendly" there are a multitude of reasons other than multiculturalism.

And do you realize that your own personal story is the reverse of what you are arguing? Did you miss that?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Wrong. I am not white, my parents were immigrants in fact but I embrace Canadian culture. It is not about race, it's about culture. I experienced first hand cultural segregation by my own community when I was young. I was discouraged to make friends or date girls outside my own ethnic community. I do not like it. I rebelled and left my community. I pitty those still stay behind in their comfort zone. some of my friends who were born in Toronto speak English with noticeable accent because of this.

When I walk in to convinient store or gas station, I would like to be able to talk to someone who speaks English, and not having to repeat myself or ask them to repeat.

How is Toronto a success story? Highest crime rate in Canada, worst traffic conjection. Everyone from Ottawa and London tells me Toronto are not very friendly , women are cold. This must be because residents developed fear of talking to strangers in case they are not culturally compatible with you, it's easier just to stay within your own social circle.
Toronto's crime rate is quite low. Don't know where you're coming from with this.

I believe Saskatoon is Canada's most violent city.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
For the record, I distrust to dislike all relgions. I certainly do not see them as a force for good in this world - ever.

I believe in a secular society.


Nov 20, 2010
Fine, forget about crime rate and unfriendly people. And stop interpreting me as anti-multi-racial. I am definately for multi-racial. But multi-cultural is something else completely.

Let's examine what you mean by "mingling" of cultures in Toronto. I don't really see much mingling at all. people of different cultural background still prefer to stay with their own. How often do you see Jewish kids hang out with India or Pakistani kids? After school, they all go back to their own community centre / groups. Some adult immigrants never even bother to learn English because they can work and live in their community speaking their own language just fine.

This kind of stuff serves to seperate people, rather than bring them closer.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Fine, forget about crime rate and unfriendly people. And stop interpreting me as anti-multi-racial. I am definately for multi-racial. But multi-cultural is something else completely.

Let's examine what you mean by "mingling" of cultures in Toronto. I don't really see much mingling at all. people of different cultural background still prefer to stay with their own. How often do you see Jewish kids hang out with India or Pakistani kids? After school, they all go back to their own community centre / groups. Some adult immigrants never even bother to learn English because they can work and live in their community speaking their own language just fine.

This kind of stuff serves to seperate people, rather than bring them closer.
So the stuff about highest crime rate was either a lie...or you making shit up to make a false point.

Why should we take your argument seriously again?

And it is a long walk from cliches in school to the racial conflict you were predicting.

Personally, I have friends of many races and religions, but I don't live in Toronto.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
If you don't see " "mingling" of cultures in Toronto",come to my neighborhood and watch the kids at the local high school mingle-the white girl holding hands withe Arab boy.In fact go anywhere in Toronto and just observe with "unbiased eyes" and you will see every culture in the world interacting, socializing, working together, holding hands, etc, etc.You really have to be blind to not see it.


Jan 31, 2005
Feel free to play the historical revisionist game, however, do not expect me to waste any time on it.
What? You think the french and british colonists came here expecting to adopt native culture? perhaps then you can explain why no native language is an official language of either canada or the united states?.

If it was ok for the french and british to import their culture why is it not ok for others?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
What? You think the french and british colonists came here expecting to adopt native culture? perhaps then you can explain why no native language is an official language of either canada or the united states?.

If it was ok for the french and british to import their culture why is it not ok for others?
See # 44

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
What? You think the french and british colonists came here expecting to adopt native culture? perhaps then you can explain why no native language is an official language of either canada or the united states?.

If it was ok for the french and british to import their culture why is it not ok for others?
They weren't importing it, they were imposing it. If the natives had been stronger, then the British and French would have had to learn their language and culture to get what they wanted instead of taking it by force.

Fast forward to today, there is a strong entrenched ruling population who generally will not allow anyone to forcefully impose outside influences.

The Native Indians didn't have a choice, they were dictated to, in many cases cheated and overpowered. They did not have government offices with quotas and checklists for desired "immigrants", they arrived unchecked by the shipload until they populated the land.


New member
Dec 30, 2010
you guys are so NAIVE! there is no melting pot here, only segregation, as the result of multiculturalism policy. look around toronto, most ethnic communities stick together, chinese with chinese, indians with indians, russians with russians, white canadians with white canadians, blacks with blacks. parents don't encourage their kids to hang out or date kids from other culture. so where is the melting pot?

in theory, it could work, just like communism, it looks good on paper. but in long run, i see racial seperation, conflicts, misunderstanding, and resentment.

It's not supposed to be a melting pot that's the American policy Canada's policy is a mosaic of different cultures aka what we have in Toronto and I think ours is a much better system than the American's melting pot. You can't just expect new immigrants to come into this country and adapt the traditional Canadian way of life. Imagine immigrating to India with maybe a moderate understanding of language and customs and then being expected just to jump right in and start living like an Indian, impossible. You’d be searching for the first Canada town to feel at least a little normalcy.

I think a successful immigration policy makes the immigrant feel welcome and one that doesn’t just expect them to melt into the dominate culture. It may take a generation of two but eventually (beside from the skin colour) their really won’t be that big of a difference in their children’s culture to ours.

That being said there are a few things that are part of the Canadian culture that you need to know in order to have a chance of being successful here
-be respectful of everyone’s culture and religions
-If you have a job or responsibility show up on time
-work hard
-don’t run around having a child with every woman in the neighbourhood and then expect others to raise them while your ass sits in jail
-have a basic understanding of English
-follow our laws.
If you can’t manage this you have no place in Canada


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
All feel-good B.S. talk. The capitalism/population growth machine doesn't care about culture or traditions (it usually gets wiped out or extremely diluted after the 1st Canadian-born generation anyways).
We all accept it as fact, but does anyone actually think about or really know the reason we/you/I "NEED" immigrants? Is our current society just a ponzi scheme that needs an increasing amount of warm bodies for fuel?
Of course 2nd gen changes. Multiculturalism is not meant to rigidly preserve anything. It is there to promote tolerance and understanding. Yes Canada is a ponzi scheme, look how well Japan is doing without immigration and a rapidly aging population.


Jan 31, 2005
That'll be my reply to you, too, when your country adopts Spanish as its official language--which is not far off. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people bringing their culture along with them when they immigrate. My family did. Why not others?

English displaced native languages. If Spanish displaces English cry me a river. It's the way things go--learn to speak a second language, it's good for the brain.

Plainly some things are beyond the pale, like "honour killings", but most other things are fine. In fact, I'd prefer to see Canada adopt a few more cultural traditions from other parts of the world. I think British culture is kind of boring.


May 1, 2008
My point is very simple. Want to come to Canada and start a new life. fine.
Want to help build up your community, fine
Want to work,fine
Then you better adopt our customs and our beliefs....not the other way around !
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