Australian Prime Minister sounds off...WOW!!!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
My point is very simple. Want to come to Canada and start a new life. fine.
Want to help build up your community, fine
Want to work,fine
Then you better adopt our customs and our beliefs....not the other way around !
And that seems entirely logical since there is a world of difference between maintaining culture (eating pickled Herring, wanting your children to speak your native language as well as one of the Canadian Offical Languages) and refusal to accept law and custom (honour killings are acceptable, Shiria should be the law of the land).


New member
Sep 27, 2010
And that seems entirely logical since there is a world of difference between maintaining culture (eating pickled Herring, wanting your children to speak your native language as well as one of the Canadian Offical Languages) and refusal to accept law and custom (honour killings are acceptable, Shiria should be the law of the land).
Why are you generalizing Shiria law to a whole group when most muslim canadians denounce the pratice. Who in Canada consider honor killing ok, except the extremist? Judging a whole culture by a fucked up fraction group is...fucked. The vast majority of immagrints are very civil, hard working and decent people.Why are you focusing on those that are at the extreame????


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Well, honour killings are not accepted in Canada and very rarely occur and when they do, they are prosecuted amidst immense media attention and no respectable leaders of the communities involved objects. And Sharia Law was rejected resoundingly a couple of years ago and no respectable member of the Islamic community in Canada objected. And the preference of some Islamic women to wear the veil when appearing in court is currently under scrutiny in the Court of Appeal and no respectable leaders of the Islamic community has objected.

So by and large, the immigrant communities have accepted the law and customs of the country they have immigrated to. Islamic terrorism in this country is apparently restricted to a couple of dozen malcontent post adolescent ne'er do wells. Who have been arrested, convicted and sentenced to extremely long prison sentences by courts composed of Christian and Jewish judges and no respectable leader of the Islamic community has objected to this.

It would be my suggestion that the people who create the problems at this point are racist, bigoted white Christian conservatives who - despite the evident attempt by the immigrant communities to blend in - still seek to target these newcomers with their vile and stomach-turning rants and abuse.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
Well, honour killings are not accepted in Canada and very rarely occur and when they do, they are prosecuted amidst immense media attention and no respectable leaders of the communities involved objects. And Sharia Law was rejected resoundingly a couple of years ago and no respectable member of the Islamic community in Canada objected. And the preference of some Islamic women to wear the veil when appearing in court is currently under scrutiny in the Court of Appeal and no respectable leaders of the Islamic community has objected.

So by and large, the immigrant communities have accepted the law and customs of the country they have immigrated to. Islamic terrorism in this country is apparently restricted to a couple of dozen malcontent post adolescent ne'er do wells. Who have been arrested, convicted and sentenced to extremely long prison sentences by courts composed of Christian and Jewish judges and no respectable leader of the Islamic community has objected to this.

It would be my suggestion that the people who create the problems at this point are racist, bigoted white Christian conservatives who - despite the evident attempt by the immigrant communities to blend in - still seek to target these newcomers with their vile and stomach-turning rants and abuse.
Well said Oagre,I bought a truck this week from early 20's guy from the middle east and guess what his first name was??? Ross! Why did his parents name him Ross? Well ,it should be clear! In fact it's common for immigrants to give their children english names to help them fit in.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Why are you generalizing Shiria law to a whole group when most muslim canadians denounce the pratice. Who in Canada consider honor killing ok, except the extremist? Judging a whole culture by a fucked up fraction group is...fucked. The vast majority of immagrints are very civil, hard working and decent people.Why are you focusing on those that are at the extreame????
Since that seems to be what is being said, that immigrants shouldn't adapt to Canadian or U.S. society but maintain themselves apart. Otherwise even as you wrote
The vast majority of immagrints are very civil, hard working and decent people
and I entirely agree with that statement about legal immigrants!


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Well, honour killings are not accepted in Canada and very rarely occur and when they do, they are prosecuted amidst immense media attention and no respectable leaders of the communities involved objects. And Sharia Law was rejected resoundingly a couple of years ago and no respectable member of the Islamic community in Canada objected. And the preference of some Islamic women to wear the veil when appearing in court is currently under scrutiny in the Court of Appeal and no respectable leaders of the Islamic community has objected.

So by and large, the immigrant communities have accepted the law and customs of the country they have immigrated to. Islamic terrorism in this country is apparently restricted to a couple of dozen malcontent post adolescent ne'er do wells. Who have been arrested, convicted and sentenced to extremely long prison sentences by courts composed of Christian and Jewish judges and no respectable leader of the Islamic community has objected to this.
Indeed, I agree with what you wrote. Further I see no contradiction between what I have previously written and what I have quoted.
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