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Australian Prime Minister sounds off...WOW!!!


Just Me
Dec 5, 2008
And even though I do not respect your stance, because we live in Canada, I support your right to say it.
I must agree but the proper quote is;
Voltaire said:
I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Maybe someone should tell Americans and Canadians of British or French descent. I don't think either the pilgrims or the voyageurs had any intention of going native. They even had the nerve to call their new homes "New England" and "New France".
Feel free to play the historical revisionist game, however, do not expect me to waste any time on it.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Feel free to play the historical revisionist game, however, do not expect me to waste any time on it.
neither will many of us waste time on requests for changing our behaviour and attitudes to match those of the british who immigrated before us.


Jul 31, 2008

I don't usually send on these kinds of emails. But for sure I agree completely with this one.

Australian Prime Minister does it again!!
Great, too bad it's all fake. First of all the Australian Prime Minister is no longer Kevin Rudd, it's Julia Gillard. And even during the time Rudd was PM, he'd never give such a speech, as he was a diplomat, and a socialist. This is more akin to something a right-wing nut would say.


May 1, 2008
The speech represents a very redneck attitude. Immigration is a two way street. western countries NEED immigrants. IMHO immigration is HUGELY improved Canada. (the natives may disagree...but I am talking about the last 20-30 years). Expecting large scale immigration to not change the culture of a country is simply STUPID.
I agree, however, when you come to another country you should adapt to there laws, there way of life, not make waves because you can't wear your ceremonial dagger under your ceremonial head dress. When you apply for a job, such as the RCMP, then you wear THERE uniform, don't bitch and call racism, you wear what the uniform is.

If we don't bend to people who want US to change for them, don't pull out that visa card call racism and us it at will to get what YOU want.
Name me one other country who bends over backwards to accommodate immigrants, at the expense of our Canadian Heritage, as much as Canada dose?


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Australian Prime Minister does it again!!
Whole world needs a leader like this!
Prime Minister Kevin Rudd - Australia
Am I missing something here? I thought the Aussie PM was a red-headed, Dana Scully like female from the X-Files?
That's right: Julia Gillard.

Hmmmm.......which MP?

Gyaos Baltar.


May 1, 2008
Great, too bad it's all fake. First of all the Australian Prime Minister is no longer Kevin Rudd, it's Julia Gillard. And even during the time Rudd was PM, he'd never give such a speech, as he was a diplomat, and a socialist. This is more akin to something a right-wing nut would say.
Points taken. I still agree with the thought behind it. I don't think I'm a nut, just a person who dosen't want New Canadians calling us racist because we, or I, think that we shouldn't bend our heritage to please anyone.


The Ideal Terbite
Aug 6, 2003
I agree, however, when you come to another country you should adapt to there laws, there way of life, not make waves because you can't wear your ceremonial dagger under your ceremonial head dress. When you apply for a job, such as the RCMP, then you wear THERE uniform, don't bitch and call racism, you wear what the uniform is.

If we don't bend to people who want US to change for them, don't pull out that visa card call racism and us it at will to get what YOU want.
Name me one other country who bends over backwards to accommodate immigrants, at the expense of our Canadian Heritage, as much as Canada dose?
I don't think any other countries "bends over backwards to accommodate immigrants, at the expense of our Canadian Heritage."



New member
Jan 19, 2006
neither will many of us waste time on requests for changing our behaviour and attitudes to match those of the british who immigrated before us.
There is a slight difference between liking pickled herring and feeling that you should be free to kill your daughter because she decided to date the nice young man down the road who happens to be from a UEL family. Or offering your neighbors pickled herring at a cocktaill party and insisting that everyone the entire country should be forced to eat pickled herring.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Needless to say (legal) immigration brings new things to the states which welcome it (and frequently positive thing). However, how is it wrong to say that emigrating with the intention of remaking your new state into a mirror of your old state is stupid?
very few immigrants do that, in fact, most want a new life. They just act in a way that is familiar to them so they try to have what they liked back home that was good. Culture is not static, it is always changing. Immigrants are just one element of the mix.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
very few immigrants do that, in fact, most want a new life. They just act in a way that is familiar to them so they try to have what they liked back home that was good. Culture is not static, it is always changing. Immigrants are just one element of the mix.
Which goes to #32


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
very few immigrants do that, in fact, most want a new life. They just act in a way that is familiar to them so they try to have what they liked back home that was good. Culture is not static, it is always changing. Immigrants are just one element of the mix.
Actually, Canada's official position is that immigrants play an important role in bringing diverse cultural traditions to Canada. It was expressed to me in a letter from the minister of Immigration and Citizenship as follows: " You have chosen to make Canada your new home and in doing so have enriched our nation with your energies, talents and cultural traditions."r


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Actually, Canada's official position is that immigrants play an important role in bringing diverse cultural traditions to Canada. It was expressed to me in a letter from the minister of Immigration and Citizenship as follows: " You have chosen to make Canada your new home and in doing so have enriched our nation with your energies, talents and cultural traditions."r
Yes that is part of Canada's multiculturalism philosophy. I think on the whole it has made Canada a MUCH better place.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
yes, immigrants should learn english and we should not have to bend over backwards to allow them to bring backward customs like sharia law here...........but i disagree with all the christian rhetoric. We, in Canada are losing our religion and that is part of our evolution, as is the fact that we will become a melting pot of cultural influences due the number of different peoples now here, which is also fine by me.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Don't any of you rednecks expect harper to echo that speech ...he's too busy kissin' ass in Bramladesh, hoping to elect a con or 2 to cement his majority.


Nov 20, 2010
you guys are so NAIVE! there is no melting pot here, only segregation, as the result of multiculturalism policy. look around toronto, most ethnic communities stick together, chinese with chinese, indians with indians, russians with russians, white canadians with white canadians, blacks with blacks. parents don't encourage their kids to hang out or date kids from other culture. so where is the melting pot?

in theory, it could work, just like communism, it looks good on paper. but in long run, i see racial seperation, conflicts, misunderstanding, and resentment.

St Nick

Mar 28, 2005
I've been saying it for years! Stop trying to please everybody! Get rid of the "holiday tree" and please bring the "Christmas tree" back! I absolutely love other cultures and the fact that Canada has so many represented, though we are loosing our own.

I recently went to Buenos Aires, where the cross is seen absolutely everywhere.. Including gaudy (pun intended) gold crosses and jesus stickers i'n the public transit system. And their city has so many religions, but none of them are complaining.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
Actually, Canada's official position is that immigrants play an important role in bringing diverse cultural traditions to Canada. It was expressed to me in a letter from the minister of Immigration and Citizenship as follows: " You have chosen to make Canada your new home and in doing so have enriched our nation with your energies, talents and cultural traditions."r
All feel-good B.S. talk. The capitalism/population growth machine doesn't care about culture or traditions (it usually gets wiped out or extremely diluted after the 1st Canadian-born generation anyways).
We all accept it as fact, but does anyone actually think about or really know the reason we/you/I "NEED" immigrants? Is our current society just a ponzi scheme that needs an increasing amount of warm bodies for fuel?


Nov 20, 2010
All feel-good B.S. talk. The capitalism/population growth machine doesn't care about culture or traditions (it usually gets wiped out or extremely diluted after the 1st Canadian-born generation anyways).
We all accept it as fact, but does anyone actually think about or really know the reason we/you/I "NEED" immigrants? Is our current society just a ponzi scheme that needs an increasing amount of warm bodies for fuel?
We need new immigrants to drive taxi, dry clean your jackets, and make delicious yet inexpensive chinese food. Once they rise above the poverty and move onto become doctors and accountants, we need yet more new immigrants to fill these low paying jobs. when immigrants start taking "good jobs" from canadians, and canadians start complaining - such as "too many asian students in medical school". Multi-culturism is in fact a sugar-coated segregation policy - which encourages immigrants to stay within their own cultural circle, instead of fully integrating with Canadians. Not only is inter-cultural dating / marriage is not encouraged by immigrant's parents, but also frowned upon by Canadians themselves. Given the cultural barrier being maintained by the official policy of Canada, and popular resentment of immigrants taking "good jobs" away from native Canadians, it is only matter of time for there to reach a critical mass for total conflict.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Feel free to play the historical revisionist game, however, do not expect me to waste any time on it.
It's not revisionism; it's labelling hypocrisy for what it is.

When you say, "Having fucked the original inhabitants long and hard to steal this great land from them we long-established immigrants have no intention of allowing any newercomers the same freedom or goodwill our forebears took unprincipled advantage of. Mouth our pious platitudes and shut up.", then you can at least claim to be honest, presenting a face like the crap in the OP to the world.

If you're gonna swan about smugly boasing about being the 'land of freedom and equal opportunity', you gotta live by it or you'll be called on it. As the world increasingly has done.

Just revise it down to 'freedom for us not you, and equal when we say you've earned it, Uncle Tom'. and at least it'll be honest.

Just leave the imaginary friends and their offspring out of the offocial texts OK.
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