The NHL's real problem is!

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
PS It wasn't all that clever of a comment so there was no need to yell. In fact it was a dumb statement - if you don't care why are you even in the thread?
I don't go into the hockey posts in the Sports Forum. I leave that to the members who want to chat about that particular topic.

This one is posted in The Lounge so it's fair game for everyone.

It's despicable how a physical assault of this severity can be classified as 'sport'. This is the reason why NHL hockey is nothing more than a carnival sideshow in the same vein as 'The Honkey Tonk Man' or ten clowns who get out of a tiny car at the same time.

So long as this sub-standard culture of competition continues to be encouraged by the NHL establishment, this freak show of an event will continue without any credibility whatsoever.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
I watched a movie in my younger days, mid 70's I believe, called Rollerball with James Caan. I remember seeing guys, out in the future, 2018, in a sport whereby anything goes, hits to the head, body, groin, motorcycles in the arena, fires, etc... with heavy metal, sharp knuckles and bats, you name it, all allowed. After seeing blood flying from their mouths, noses, head, etc.. carried off on stretchers, and yes even some were killed. The sport was run by greedy businessmen and the crowd cheered everytime someone was hurt badly. I said thank goodness it's only a fantasy, there's no possible way in a civil society would we ever allow that to happen. Am I wrong? 2018 is not far away.......


Jun 6, 2009
I don't go into the hockey posts in the Sports Forum. I leave that to the members who want to chat about that particular topic.

This one is posted in The Lounge so it's fair game for everyone.

It's despicable how a physical assault of this severity can be classified as 'sport'. This is the reason why NHL hockey is nothing more than a carnival sideshow in the same vein as 'The Honkey Tonk Man' or ten clowns who get out of a tiny car at the same time.

So long as this sub-standard culture of competition continues to be encouraged by the NHL establishment, this freak show of an event will continue without any credibility whatsoever.
So what sports do you like, beside the obvious expected response involving naked women?


New member
Jul 13, 2009
Bettman is a arrogant, pompous, belligerent prick. Hate his attitude.
Exactly... here's part of Bettman's response to Air Canada saying they would pull thier sponsorship from the NHL if the violence issue was not addressed:

""It is the prerogative of our clubs that fly on Air Canada to make other arrangements if they don't think Air Canada is giving them the appropriate level of service," Bettman said."


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Do penalties reduce hits?
The right ones, along with significant fines and suspensions, will.

Right now 3 and 4 game suspensions are a joke. I believe the NFL is giving 4 game (25% of the season) suspensions for violent hits to the head plus big fines. A player losing 25% of his income for a first offence could make a difference. If not, then keep increasing it.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Meh, racist white guy sport.



New member
Jul 13, 2009
You don't realize who pays Cherry's salary? We pay for every moronic comment he makes on the CBC that encourages violence.
Guess I never stopped to think about that but, you're right. I can't stand the guy and trun him off anytime he comes on the radio or televison.

Wizard Merlin

Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
It really is a shame because hockey is the greatest game in the world. I did not grow up with hockey but grew to love it. I play, my kids play and I also coach.

That hit on Max by Chara was just horrendous. I think it's a travesty that he didn't get a suspension, but surprisingly enough some of my buddies don't think the hit was dirty or deserving of a suspension.

I really think it's completely unnecessary to have any hitting in this sport, It's a great game without it. Yet many kids including my oldest love hitting. My oldest does a lot of head hunting which I despise. I always tell him make sure it's clean.

I don't like the fact that kids are looking up to these goon players and try to emulate them. There's enough violence in the world, we don't need it in any sport.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
It really is a shame because hockey is the greatest game in the world. I did not grow up with hockey but grew to love it. I play, my kids play and I also coach.

That hit on Max by Chara was just horrendous. I think it's a travesty that he didn't get a suspension, but surprisingly enough some of my buddies don't think the hit was dirty or deserving of a suspension.

I really think it's completely unnecessary to have any hitting in this sport, It's a great game without it. Yet many kids including my oldest love hitting. My oldest does a lot of head hunting which I despise. I always tell him make sure it's clean.

I don't like the fact that kids are looking up to these goon players and try to emulate them. There's enough violence in the world, we don't need it in any sport.
When I lived in Oakville, many boys played hokey when they were little. When they got bigger, and had to start hitting, they stopped, and started to play soccer instead.

I have a solution to the violence problem. Do like in Soccer. Fighting is an automatic red card and so is a bad hit. Mind you, under my rules, the penalties are real. No substitution. Red card means that the team will be one man short the rest of the game.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Exactly... here's part of Bettman's response to Air Canada saying they would pull thier sponsorship from the NHL if the violence issue was not addressed:

""It is the prerogative of our clubs that fly on Air Canada to make other arrangements if they don't think Air Canada is giving them the appropriate level of service," Bettman said."
thats a good way to treat sponsors


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Cherry is a dinosaur who thinks he knows everything. Bettman has a Napoleonic complex and never admits there is a problem of any kind. Hundreds of head injuries? No problem! Half the teams losing money? No problem!

Here is what needs to be done....1) bigger better helmets that won't come off in a fight.
2) Banning of "Finishing the check"
3) clearly marked "no hit zone" around benches
4) smaller , softer shoulder and elbow pads


Mar 31, 2009
Same thing with the mandatory helmet rule. None of the old time hockey players seem to be suffering from these post concussion ailments or at least the ones we hear from. It's always said how there was more physical respect amongst the players in the old days.
Helmet or no helmet, hockey has always been a violent game.
Eddie Shore almost killed Ace Baily.
In 1950 Gordie Howe collided with Ted Kennedy and was in the ICU for days.
Boom Boom Geoffrion was speared by Ron Murphy and given last rites.
Howie Morenz broke his leg in 4 places and died at the age of 34.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Guess I never stopped to think about that but, you're right. I can't stand the guy and trun him off anytime he comes on the radio or televison.

It's about time he got the cane already. All he's missing is the red rubber nose and squeeze horn.


Oct 29, 2003
I just heard on the news today that Gary Bettman got his contract renewed for another 5 years by the idiotic owners.
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