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Advice after Heart Surgery


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
I had Quad Bypass surgery around Christmas, without any signs and warning. I went for check up after some breathing trouble and was kept at the hospital. My weight has always been normal. The surgery, that was on live heart went well and I am now recovering full speed. Physical functions are fine, however can not lift heavy weights yet. Important functions needed for a Terbite are at an A grade.
Any expert advice on do's and don'ts will be very helpful.
Best regards. Saliksalik
If your medical professionals have not suggested cardiac rehabilitation at the hospital, they should have. Do the rehab which is supervised cardiac exercise and they do not go easy on you. After finishing their program, get a membership at the gym and walk, cycle, run or swim as much as possible. No doubt if you had a bypass your leg is the most sore spot where they ripped out the vein. Eat well and screw as much as possible. No one ever died from fucking!


Average Sized Member
Oct 21, 2005
By "live heart", did you mean "beating heart surgery"?
The fact is, you still have coronary artery disease and need to follow the doctor's instructions regarding diet and meds. Do moderate exercise, even just walking around the block will help a lot. There is not much you can do about family history.
Bypass surgery is not a cure, it just alleviates your symptoms. Your grafts, primarily the venous ones, may block off again. If your grafts make it past 5 years, then you are probably good for life. You do not want to have to go back for a redo operation. Redo's are very dangerous because of adhesions that have formed. One of your grafts was most likely from the LIMA which is the left internal mammary artery which runs along your chest wall. This graft and the heart itself are in danger of being cut by the sternal saw during redo's.
Any signs of infection in the sternal incision means you call your doctor immediately. You will probably have more pain in the leg incision then the chest.


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
I had Quad Bypass surgery around Christmas, without any signs and warning. I went for check up after some breathing trouble and was kept at the hospital. My weight has always been normal. The surgery, that was on live heart went well and I am now recovering full speed. Physical functions are fine, however can not lift heavy weights yet. Important functions needed for a Terbite are at an A grade.
Any expert advice on do's and don'ts will be very helpful.
Best regards. Saliksalik
here is my expert to your doctor..


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Any expert advice on do's and don'ts will be very helpful
Okay, here ya go.

DO: Seek real medical advice from sayyy........ A DOCTOR
DONT: Seek serious medical advice on sayyy......... A escort review board

Take care


New member
Sep 18, 2002
If you are seeking serious legal advice from TERB members, can I be named in your will? I have a feeling that I would not have to wait long for my inheritance. Go talk to your cardiologist.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
I think the OP is asking for any suggestions from those that have gone through a similar operation. Doesn't hurt to get as much info as possible, even if it's on an escort board, and then obviously he should talk to his doctor, I don't think he will act on any advice on this board, lol, but at least he'll be more informed. That's why there are lots of support groups in many health areas, they exchange info and look for support from people in similar circumstances.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I think the OP is asking for any suggestions from those that have gone through a similar operation.
Back in the day when I was married, I had a small heart attack (only in the hospital for one week, no surgery). My wife and I went to the cardiologist for a follow up a short while later. At that appointment he specifically said to us:

"No sex for 4 weeks, unless I was with another woman, in which case I had to wait 8 weeks."


Jan 31, 2005
Heart disease, while far too common, is one of the things the modern medical system understands best. Your cardiologist will give you excellent advice.
Jun 20, 2005
Go see your cardiologist. If his advice sounds vague it is because you will know when you over do it. You need rehab in order to find your limits. Then you have to recognize that you need to exercise for the rest of your life. I hate cardio, but if I don't do enough of it I won't need TERB.


Active member
Feb 11, 2006
my advice to you is to go see your wife,kids and friends and take life one day at a time. Tell those around you that you love them. What the doctors don't tell you is that the average life expectancy after a quad bypass is approx. 6 years. so you ask how do i know...well after years of research on the subject it was the one statistic I found out after
someone very close to me passed away. If I could give anyone advice after a heart operation it would be live life to its everything you wanted to do now and if you have
children get a picture taken with them and write on it that you love them so they have it when you are gone. Get your affairs in order and then spend everyday with those you love.
that's my 2 cents. Don't worry about the scar on your chest it might hurt but it will remind you everyday how important life is.


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
Thanks Rockslinger,
I am not EI. Cheers


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
If your medical professionals have not suggested cardiac rehabilitation at the hospital, they should have. Do the rehab which is supervised cardiac exercise and they do not go easy on you. After finishing their program, get a membership at the gym and walk, cycle, run or swim as much as possible. No doubt if you had a bypass your leg is the most sore spot where they ripped out the vein. Eat well and screw as much as possible. No one ever died from fucking!
Thanks . I am following all of the above. Yes a vein from the thigh and one from the forearm. And will be returning to TERB reviews soon.


Active member
Sep 16, 2004
my advice to you is to go see your wife,kids and friends and take life one day at a time. Tell those around you that you love them. What the doctors don't tell you is that the average life expectancy after a quad bypass is approx. 6 years. so you ask how do i know...well after years of research on the subject it was the one statistic I found out after
someone very close to me passed away. If I could give anyone advice after a heart operation it would be live life to its everything you wanted to do now and if you have
children get a picture taken with them and write on it that you love them so they have it when you are gone. Get your affairs in order and then spend everyday with those you love.
that's my 2 cents. Don't worry about the scar on your chest it might hurt but it will remind you everyday how important life is.
Hello Tightfit, and all other kind terbites,
I recieved great advice, inspiration, and insight from all who sahred. Yes I am grateful for the second chance and would do all to live well, and return the blessings to the best of my ability. I am in the Trillium system, and all people from surgeon, cardiologits, nurses, and rehab people are great. I am grateful that the system has worked in my favor!

On the lighter vein, I need to know, if the SPs will be scared of my scars, and if they will turn me away. That is the real Terb question. Cheers.


Feb 22, 2011
Here is an advice. Do not give your Driver's Licence to the physican because he'll report it to the Ministry of Transportation for suspension. Just tell him that you do not drive in this country
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