Is the police funeral over the top?


Active member
Apr 1, 2004
IMHO, the guy died doing a job that he knew from the get go had it's risks. After all one does not become a dentist without understanding he might get bit once in a while. Death is / was (by any number of methods) only one of the risks of his chosen occupation. Cops get shot at, if this wasn't the case then why would they issue them bullet proof vests and give them firearms? Cops deal with dangerous individuals all the time, if this wasn't the case then why would they issue them batons, pepper spray, tazers and hand cuffs? High iron workers understand that they could fall to their death at the jobsite at any time. Doctors understand that they could be exposed to deadly communicable diseases at their workplace. My point is that every job has it's own particular risks that the employee understands and accepts as part of his day to day job assignments. Sure it's a shame for the family that a father and husband has passed away but like THEY say "if you can't do the time then don't do the crime". That works both ways. I think today's funeral was more of a political 3 ring circus than it was an opportunity for his family and friends to say goodbye. IMHO


Dec 30, 2009
The guy died and it's a tragedy. But does it warrant shutting down half the city, thousands of cops from all over and speeches by Fantino and others?

Young men die in Afghaniustan almost weekly and no equiivalent fuss is made.

It looks like a giant effort to take spotlight off the G20 excesses and save Blair's job.
I agree its over the top.

Its always unfortunate when theres an unfortunate situation involving death.

However I can confirm from a friend who has a husband thats a cop that the reason for the whole big funeral and over the top fuss is simply because cops have this whole "brotherhood" thing where they pledge their lives to enforcing the law and considering everyone who are in law enforcement their brothers and sisters.

So when one of their own dies they take it "personal".

Personally I have no opinion about the situation.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
For which he got paid very well, much better than those infantry overseas.
It is far from straight forward comparing what a police constable in Toronto receives as compensation and an infantryman serving in Afghanistan.

Yes the pay for a trained private in the Regular Force is slightly less, however, they are also receiving housing (which the constable is paying for from compensation) and further is receiving a Field Operations Allowance, and I believe a Joint Task Force Allowance.

Bottom line: I don't believe the difference if there even is one, is nearly as great as you are attempting to make it out to be.


Nov 10, 2003
A show of Brotherhood is admirable and expected so long as it is not at the taxpayer's expense. In the new age I think a website where officers around the world could log in to show their condolances would be prudent. No disrespect to the fallen officer. If I want to pay my respects I have to pay.


Active member
Feb 28, 2005
Is the police funeral over the top? It all comes down to who paid for it. If we paid for it, it's over the top. Imagine asking taxpayers, "Should we club together to pay for 12000 cops to attend this dead hero's funeral?" If the 12000 each pay their own expenses, then its not over the top. I don't know whether cops do or do not pay their own way on these occasions, and I really dont know how to find out -- and anyway, surely, someone here knows whether they pay their own way??


New member
Dec 19, 2009
It's funny because I was thinking the same thing. Yes it's tragic, but why is it more tragic then the guys who parish due to their scaffold falling?
who are we to say whats more tragic???? was it your loved one that died??? was it your friend that went to work one day and never returned???? are you the little child that will never get to know your father????
Aug 17, 2001
Just as it has been said. They join the force not to become a public servant but for their own reasons. What might those reasons be? Money, not being able to hack it in the real world, a life-long power trip. Should I go on? Of course I feel bad for the wife and the kid but I don't give a shit that he died in the line of duty Blah Blah Blah...Seen too many crooked-cops to care. It's absolutely ridicilous the amount of publicity this is getting.


Dirty (Not So) Old Man
Jun 13, 2009
North of GTA
It is very difficult for me to understand why there is even a need for this type of ranting thread. Sure the brave soldiers in Afghanistan do not receive the same type of funeral as a police officer killed in the line of duty, but this thread is not about comparing funerals, it is about whether or not a fallen police officer deserves this type of funeral.

This officer did not die as a result of a car accident that was previously mentioned in this thread. He was murdered by a man using a stolen snowplow as a deadly weapon. There is no other way to describe what happened. This was an honourable man that was senselessly slain while trying to protect the lives and property of the residents. Police across North America all realize that the manner in which this man was killed it could have been them on any day. That is why they feel it is their duty to show respect and mourn with officers that knew this man personally.

Many say that he is just doing his job and he does not deserve this type of funeral, but I say that he was just doing his job and he did not deserve to die. I only wish that this country had more officers like Sgt. Russell Ryan.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Just as it has been said. They join the force not to become a public servant but for their own reasons. What might those reasons be? Money, not being able to hack it in the real world, a life-long power trip. Should I go on? Of course I feel bad for the wife and the kid but I don't give a shit that he died in the line of duty Blah Blah Blah...Seen too many crooked-cops to care. It's absolutely ridicilous the amount of publicity this is getting.
can you speak for every cop or everyone that chooses their career of choice? who are you to say its about money ???? you don't know why someone decided to pick their career you shouldn't comment on it why are u stereo typing all police officers or other front line workers on there ?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Sergeant Russell was a good cop by all accounts and the vast majority of them aren't crooked.

preciate it

Mar 15, 2007
yes it's over the top.

The guy deserves a big and generous funeral. But not this big.

Thank you for posting this question. TERB is the only place I could say this without being ostracized.
Aug 17, 2001
can you speak for every cop or everyone that chooses their career of choice? who are you to say its about money ???? you don't know why someone decided to pick their career you shouldn't comment on it why are u stereo typing all police officers or other front line workers on there ?
Was this guy some kind of war hero? Did he find the cure for cancer or something? Was he a public figure? He was a regular cop that 99.9% of the people who attended or watched the funeral today did not even know. He knew one of the risks of his job (that he gets generously paid for, for doing nothing most of the time) is the fact that he could get killed. Again, he deserves a good funeral but not any better than anybody else. Certainly not what was done today. If the city / govt wants to do something good for him, they should have put all the money that was spent today into a trust fund for the son. But as usual, everybody has their own agenda.

If you want to feel sorry for someone, there are thousands of more incidents much worse than this that happen every day. The original question was "is the funeral over the top". I say waaaayyyy over the top.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
He seemed a good guy and I feel sorry for his wife and family, but the "Event" is way over the top. A friend told me that there were HOURS of live coverage of the show on TV.

A little respect is one thing and deserved. To be idolized like this is not necessary.


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Was this guy some kind of war hero? Did he find the cure for cancer or something? Was he a public figure? He was a regular cop that 99.9% of the people who attended or watched the funeral today did not even know. He knew one of the risks of his job (that he gets generously paid for, for doing nothing most of the time) is the fact that he could get killed. Again, he deserves a good funeral but not any better than anybody else. Certainly not what was done today. If the city / govt wants to do something good for him, they should have put all the money that was spent today into a trust fund for the son. But as usual, everybody has their own agenda.

If you want to feel sorry for someone, there are thousands of more incidents much worse than this that happen every day. The original question was "is the funeral over the top". I say waaaayyyy over the top.
what does his paid have to do with anything???? is this money helping him now??
how do you know hes not a hero to someone out there? he could have prevented rape stop a suicide attempt help a old lady cross that street he might not be your " hero" but he could be a hero to people out there. If everyone decided not to do a job because of the risks who would we have out their as front line workers?? you have your opinion I have mine
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