Is the police funeral over the top?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Really? So the Union President, Press Secretary, Minister of Social Services, Police Cheifs from different municipalities, Commanding Officers, Sergents, Acting Sargent etc etc etc communte to this event, it is at their own expense? Nevermind the several people behind the scenes to ensure their safe passage thru the city, accomidations, vehicle rentals or the units/platoon own vehicles. Who pays for the gas, the mileage, the drivers, the insurance of the vehicle, the hotels. Think about it before, does the Cheif do all this himself and his side kicks....NO.

My statment above is actual knowledge from dating a cop for over 2 years, and I still can't get over all the "previllages" they have! You would be amazed!
Sal, Go transit and TTC were free for any Officers, EMS, Corrections Officers, Firefighters, Border Guards travelled free. Hamilton Police sent 200 officers by bus, not paid. Usually it is a brigade that attends or off duty officers. You just sound awfully angry at the world. That Commanding Officer you dated got under your skin.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
I don't see soldiers on your list and have no idea what the point you are trying to make is.
Soldiers was not on that list so I am not sure what that means

Also consider a number of police deaths are due to the fault of the officer

My point is if a fisherman dies in the line of duty to feed us no one hears about it so yes the funeral was over the top IMHO


New member
Feb 15, 2006
I really can't believe this thread was started, how can we understand what they go threw when they go to work.

No they don't get paid to attend the funeral, lets all respect what is going on here.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
CP24 Sue Scambati reports there are 12,000 Police Officers in attendance.
Since there are only 19,500 regulars in Land Command perhaps that answers some earlier questions. Further, I dare say that some of the 12,000 are from the U.S. and elsewhere.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Who covers all the travel expenses for the cops? Police union? Personally I think the way this funeral is being handled is very exploitative. All the Police are doing is setting up for the upcoming contract negotiation. They are exploiting the grief and loss of this family for their own means.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
it is completely ridiculous. totally un-needed to throw this type of thing for 1 dead person.

and lets not bullshit ech other here, we are all grown, and if you.. if you actually believe for even 1 second that cops become cops to "serve and protect" our city/people/property, then you are stupid beyond belief. Sure, theres a few that actually solidly belief in that but its extremely rare.

did you guys know that police is not even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs? people die everyday with workplace related incidents.. miners, timber cutters, hydro workers, and those guys that fix signs on the highways.. just the other week some poor fellow was killed fixing a sign.
not even military gets this type of reaction. he knew the repercussions of becoming a cop the day he took the job, if he wanted a job with less risk he should have gotten another job.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Not that any of this matters to you anyways as you likely don't give a shit about any of them unless it directly interferes with your life.
Actually I do give shit

I resent that worker ants are sent to work without all the safety protection possible

For example, most of the 9/11 fireman would not have died if they had available communication equipment

They still do not have it !

Same with fishermen needlessly forced into dangerous seas to beat the competition ( watch The Perfect Storm)

As far as police go some police officers have to buy their own bullet proof vests and the criminals are better armed yet politicians refuse to give them the legal powers to take down known criminal gangs

I am grateful we live in a country that allows workers to unite in order to make their jobs safer and have respect for people who died fighting for these rights ( how many of these workers who gave up their lives so you can work in safety can you name ? I can only name a few because the subject was never taught in history class )

I have been fired from jobs ( truck driving) for pointing out safety violations ( log book violations, unsafe equipment ) and have spent money on lawyers defending my position so the rest of the drivers would be safer and to ensure my job record was not slanted out of spite


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Is a officer life more precious then a doctor who saves lives everyday ??? Do police join the force cause they want to defend our city or do they do it cause it is a great high paying job ?? My post is not to belittle police and their lives but the excess which is going on here makes one believe the loss of this human is a far more tragic then all the lives we see that were lost when we look at the obituaries
I think it has less to do with the money, and more to do with a joint incentive of helping people and the prestige and authority that comes with being a police officer.

Every life is equal in my books, and I still don't understand why the death of a police officer is regarded as more tragic than any other. Police officers aren't alone in saving lives, nor bettering our society.


Nov 20, 2006
Wow all these people thinking it is reasonable because he died protecting our property and lives. For which he got paid very well, much better than those infantry overseas.

I guess all of you grow all your own food on your farms with stone tools and live in sod homes.

If I had a choise of having all the cops die, or getting rid of truckers, or farmers or miners or sanitation. Pig gotta die. I'll take having to protect myself in the 20th century over having cops protect my 15th century or even stone age life and stuff.

Sadly as we all learned from 9/11 some peoples lives are more important than others, and generally for no rational reason other than people's sheeple nature.

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CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
who's paying for all of this?
If you really wanted to know—and not just stir some personal pot—you'd ask a cop. Lotsa them around. Ask your Councillor, write to the Mayor if you think you have a point. Citizens should be involved and deserve answers to such questions. If you don't pusue it, you're just whining.

But on the day of the funeral, let those serving officers remember their fallen, and remind themselves why they do that awful job, in spite of us.


Jan 31, 2005
Given there's no equivalent for soldiers who die fighting for our country: Yes it's over the top. WAAAAAAY over the top.


New member
Oct 20, 2007
If the cops in Toronto spent more time fighting crime than hiding in speed traps, then I might give a damn.

All the Tim Horton's managers must be jizzing in their pants right now, seeing all the potential revenue for this week! :)

Steve Harper

Mar 30, 2009
who's paying for all of this?
Will Mayor Rob Ford cut this expense from the budget? The hotels, overtime, wages, etc.?

Whether or not the cost is justified is not the issue for me. That's for each one to decide. But if Mayor Gravy Train Stops Here wants to do a line-by-line look at all of the city's costs & expenses .....

Let's see how brave he is.

Yoga Face

New member
Jun 30, 2009
If you really wanted to know—and not just stir some personal pot—you'd ask a cop. Lotsa them around. Ask your Councillor, write to the Mayor if you think you have a point. Citizens should be involved and deserve answers to such questions. If you don't pusue it, you're just whining.

But on the day of the funeral, let those serving officers remember their fallen, and remind themselves why they do that awful job, in spite of us.
Always an intelligent reply from OJ


New member
Oct 12, 2010
Given there's no equivalent for soldiers who die fighting for our country: Yes it's over the top. WAAAAAAY over the top.
Ambivilant and evasive as usual.

Are you suggesting that the military funerals should get more attention or the police less?


New member
Nov 4, 2006
I have a lot if respect for police. I have a problem them being called heroes. They choose to do the job they do, get well paid for it.

This guy deserves a proper send off but it does seem a little over the top. My heroes comment replies to all first responders not just police.

Nuff Said
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