First Mosad shark now spy vultures


Jan 31, 2005
Wrong, at double levels last reported it would be nearly 30%.
Not according to any report I've seen. All we know for sure is that it's "risen" from 7%. You suggested it had risen to 14% but your source was not credible. Even at 14% it's below the level where it's anything but a minor health issue.

Nope, I trust Al Jazeera on this one. If you doubt it prove me wrong.
Re-read my comment you failed to understand it. We need to know who it was reported by, the Al Jazeera article does not say.

Gaza is under the control and responsibilty of Israel.
But it's not Israel proper you fucking moron. It's a poverty stricken shithole. It was a poverty stricken shithole when it was under Arab control, and it's still one now. The reason why it's a poverty stricken shithole is that it is governed by a group that is more interested in fighting a war against Israel than in public health.


Aug 18, 2009
Not according to any report I've seen. All we know for sure is that it's "risen" from 7%. You suggested it had risen to 14% but your source was not credible. Even at 14% it's below the level where it's anything but a minor health issue.
So you agree that stunting has risen by 7% as a result of Israel's blockade.
And you still call permanently disfiguring 14,000 tottlers through policies a minor health issue?


Jan 31, 2005
So you agree that stunting has risen by 7% as a result of Israel's blockade.
Nope. I think it's as a result of the poverty in Gaza, which has multiple causes, chiefly the insanely stupid 60 year losing war that the Palestinians have been fighting against their neighbour. The blockade is just one small part of that.

And you still call permanently disfiguring 14,000 tottlers through policies a minor health issue?
I don't--WHO does. Stop trying to attribute the statements of the World Health Organization to me, I'm just the one pointing it out to you.


Aug 18, 2009
Nope. I think it's as a result of the poverty in Gaza, which has multiple causes, chiefly the insanely stupid 60 year losing war that the Palestinians have been fighting against their neighbour. The blockade is just one small part of that.
Not according to WHO.
WHO reports it as being a major part, and certainly with a doubling of the amount of stunting, they have a good case.
Stunting is only one minor part of their report, lets just go back to their conclusion.
The present situation in the Gaza strip can best be described as a complex disaster of catastrophic proportions, getting steadily worse and with no prospect of improving as long as the present lack of basic security, the almost total blockade and the factitious internal strife among Palestinian political fractions continue.
Complex disaster of catastrophic proportions.
That's not a minor problem.

I don't--WHO does. Stop trying to attribute the statements of the World Health Organization to me, I'm just the one pointing it out to you.
No, that's you.
If you can find any WHO report anywhere that says a doubling of rates of stunting in less then a decade is acceptable, I'll retract that statement.
Until then, its only you and Netanyahu who believe that.


Jun 6, 2009
Not according to WHO.
WHO reports it as being a major part, and certainly with a doubling of the amount of stunting, they have a good case.
Stunting is only one minor part of their report, lets just go back to their conclusion.

"The present situation in the Gaza strip can best be described as a complex disaster of catastrophic proportions, getting steadily worse and with no prospect of improving as long as the present lack of basic security, the almost total blockade and the factitious internal strife among Palestinian political fractions continue."

Complex disaster of catastrophic proportions.
That's not a minor problem.

No, that's you.
If you can find any WHO report anywhere that says a doubling of rates of stunting in less then a decade is acceptable, I'll retract that statement.
Until then, its only you and Netanyahu who believe that.
Of course FD, you misreading or misleading things because those words in the quote are being use to described the whole Gaza situation, not just the malnourished children, but we're use to you doing this.


Aug 18, 2009
Of course FD, you misreading or misleading things because those words in the quote are being use to described the whole Gaza situation, not just the malnourished children, but we're use to you doing this.
I've been talking about the whole situation, but Fuji keeps trying to derail any serious discussion by suggesting that policies that double stunting are acceptable. I'd love to carry on and discuss the whole situation.


Jan 31, 2005
Not according to WHO.
Yes, according to WHO, the issues in Gaza are the result of poverty. They explicitly say that you idiot. They blame a variety of causes, explicitly, including Palestinian in-fighting among several other causes.

Complex disaster of catastrophic proportions.
That's not a minor problem.
The stunting is a minor problem.

If you can find any WHO report anywhere that says a doubling of rates of stunting in less then a decade is acceptable, I'll retract that statement.
What the WHO report says is that the level was at 7%, and that anything under 20% is a minor problem. You can double, almost triple, that figure and it's minor.


Jan 31, 2005
That's what we were talking about, you sycophant.
No we weren't. We were specifically talking about stunting. You made some wrong assertions about stunting and I called you out on it. You cited the WHO report to defend yourself, but it turned out to say the opposite of what you claimed.

You wrote this:

Show me a report where the WHO says it is ok with policies that stunt 10% of children.
Show me a report from the WHO that says increasing stunting by 10% over a few years is ok.
Show me either of those and I'll take it back, until then, you're backing disfiguring kids.

And you were wrong according to YOUR OWN link no less: WHO called it a minor problem.


Aug 18, 2009
No we weren't. We were specifically talking about stunting. You made some wrong assertions about stunting and I called you out on it. You cited the WHO report to defend yourself, but it turned out to say the opposite of what you claimed.

You wrote this:

Show me a report where the WHO says it is ok with policies that stunt 10% of children.
Show me a report from the WHO that says increasing stunting by 10% over a few years is ok.
Show me either of those and I'll take it back, until then, you're backing disfiguring kids.

And you were wrong according to YOUR OWN link no less: WHO called it a minor problem.

WHO calls 10% a minor problem in poor countries.

I'm still waiting for you to show me a report from the WHO that says an increase, like the doubling we've seen in Gaza over less then a decade and the result of policies put in place by Israel, is ok.

You haven't shown any such thing.

But that was still one minor point of the report.
If you insist on maintaining your Gish Gallop form of arguing, then we can keep coming back to this point forever, if you like.
Go ahead, show the WHO statement that says doubling of stunting is just hunky dory with them, especially if its a war crime. I'm sure they have no problem with disfiguring totllers, as long as its done for political reasons. I'll just go back and check it out and see if there is a cross reference that says stunting kids is always ok if its part a program of collective punishment. I'm sure its there.


Jan 31, 2005
WHO calls 10% a minor problem in poor countries.
WHO called it a minor problem in Gaza in infants, and insignificant in older children.

I'm still waiting for you to show me a report from the WHO that says an increase, like the doubling we've seen in Gaza over less then a decade
WHO calls anything less than 20% a minor problem.

and the result of policies put in place by Israel, is ok.
WHO has not singled out Israel for blame, but instead has blamed the entire situation, including Palestinian in-fighting, the state of war, etc.


Aug 18, 2009
WHO called it a minor problem in Gaza in infants, and insignificant in older children.
So you cannot back up your claim that the doubling of stunting is a minor problem according to WHO.
I now call you a liar, sir, and a cheapskate to boot.

WHO has not singled out Israel for blame, but instead has blamed the entire situation, including Palestinian in-fighting, the state of war, etc.
Uh, excuse me.
Let me give you the first line of their 2009 report:
The 124th session of the EB in January 2009 discussed the deteriorating health and humanitarian situation in the occupied Gaza strip, and on 21 January 2009 it passed Resolution EB 124.R4. The Resolution recognized the grave health and humanitarian consequences of the Israeli blockade and expressed deep concern about the consequences of the Israeli military operations that had started on 27 December 2008.
Grave health and humanitarian consequences.
I don't think they liked it at all.


Jan 31, 2005
So you cannot back up your claim that the doubling of stunting is a minor problem according to WHO.
I can back up the claim that WHO considers anything less than 20% to be a minor problem, yes. It's in your own citation....

Grave health and humanitarian consequences.
I don't think they liked it at all.
Once you've admitted you were wrong in your claim about stunting we can discuss this new and different topic.


Aug 18, 2009
I can back up the claim that WHO considers anything less than 20% to be a minor problem, yes. It's in your own citation....
I've asked three times now, and all you do is repeat the wrong statement, as the question is about the increase.
You cannot back up your claim that the doubling of stunting is a minor problem according to WHO.


Jan 31, 2005
WHO has an operational definition which they state in the report: Anything under 20% is a minor problem. Period. End of discussion.


Aug 18, 2009
WHO has an operational definition which they state in the report: Anything under 20% is a minor problem. Period. End of discussion.
Fail again.
No mention of increase or a doubling of rates.
Still failing.

Its still a:
Complex disaster of catastrophic proportions.


Aug 18, 2009
WHO has an operational definition which they state in the report: Anything under 20% is a minor problem. Period. End of discussion.
Fail again.
No mention of increase or a doubling of rates.

Its still a:
Complex disaster of catastrophic proportions.
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