Pretty lame Haus.If a God or Gods exist, I think I will challenge the premise that they care about us human living on this planet Earth.
I remember reading this example out of this classic Chinese text from this philosopher who has been made deity like figure in Daoism. (Certainly he didn't start the religion, just others had decided to take advantage of his ideas to start a reglion of a sort.) He wrote a story/example that really get you to question if God would care about us. Anyway, the story goes something like this.
There is a really really massive big bird living in the north pole, it is so big that a little jump can take it to the south pole. Imagine this bird start to take off and fly off. In this bird's eyes it would see you as individual people moving, then it would start to blurr out where an entire town just become a patch, then it will become a dot, then it will see the continent as a patch, then (probably had to be in outer space by now) see Earth as from as far as the moon or Mars. If this bird's time scale as compare to us is like 1 season of our time is maybe equivalent to 1 second to it. So, in it's eyes, all it see is the Earth change it's colour from season to season, the cloud cover goes and comes, just a beautiful looking 'ball'. Really, all it see is energy and matter shifting and changing from one end of the spectrum to the other. If there is some kind of super being exist that have super power to create, destroy or change anything in this 'existence' or 'world' or 'universe'. This super being can change all things with a snap of a finger or a blink of an eye. And this super being have a time scale like this bird does. Why would it care of the little specks on Earth that is us?
It is like why would we care about the individual ants on the ground? Cause to the ants, we are like a 'super being' with awesome power beyond their imagination....we can kill any of them at will...we can create natural disaster for them at will (flood them)......we can dug out their home and transport it to another place at will.....we can bring them food at a instant.....Are we not like God to the ants? Do you care about the lives of these individual ants or the entire colony? For most of us (unless you study ants for a living or as an hobby), you wouldn't give a damn!
So why would God care about your praying or wishes or your suffering or your happiness?
I think the concept of a God is just 'superiority' complex of the human mind. In this regard, we can compare it to the world of astronomy. We are like stuck before Galileo's time when it is the Earth that is at the center of universe.....everything revolve around it. Applying this analogy to the God concept, we are still thinking 'human kind' is the center of this universe and everything will revolve around us, that's why God have to focus his/her attention on us and take care of us or do our bidding?! Wishful thinking?!! Maybe?! Big maybe?!?! You can decide.
You argument is basically, I can read God's mind and he thinks like us like we think about ants. Not much more than that. your argument is at least as "human centric" as the concept of a caring god.
Doesn't do much of a job of "disproving" that God would be interested in us.