Why Religion Fails

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New member
Dec 23, 2005
That article is terrible. Sad that this is even accepted by the editor.

As for Hitchens...
It is not relevant as to what might have happened to prompt him to question the existence of god and the terrible impact of religion.
His points of reason are exceptional and not a single person of faith has ever addressed those points. They simply puke up empty rhetoric and the masses gobble it down. They never actually address his points.

I think people are simply to scared to be accountable for themselves.

Thank god, god is dying. Sooner the better.
Actually it is relevant , for it brings into question wether or not he is in fact using reason in his arguments, or is fueled by a more emotional motive.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I dont care much for the atheism vs. religion debate.
I just always wondered where he got his anti-religion obsession from. Now I know, its personal for him
a reaction to religious types enacting theocratic laws, dehumanising non-believers, bullying non-believers, etc


May 28, 2010
Religion fails for a number of reasons...
1- There is no god (Really, there is no god. No proof what so ever. None. Zippo.)
2- Religion is created by man to hold power over others
3- Religious leaders are, for the most part, immoral.
4- Morals come from us not god.

From NYT earlier in 2010. Apologies if this has been posted.

Top Vatican officials — including the Pope Benedict XVI — did not defrock a priest who molested as many as 200 deaf boys, even though several American bishops repeatedly warned them that failure to act on the matter could embarrass the church, according to church files newly unearthed as part of a lawsuit.

One priest - 200 boys. The catholic church, as usual, is more concerned about being embarrassed. On a happier note, 'Jesus loves little boys too.'

The pope, shows that while church officials tussled over whether the priest should be dismissed, their highest priority was protecting the church from scandal.

Tussled over whether the priest should be dismissed. This from the man that claims to know god's will. All praise Jesus Christ our saviour.

The documents emerge as Pope Benedict is facing other accusations that he and direct subordinates often did not alert civilian authorities or discipline priests involved in sexual abuse when he served as an archbishop in Germany and as the Vatican’s chief doctrinal enforcer.

The chief doctrinal enforcer covered up crimes of priests fucking little boys. Praise be to god.

The Wisconsin case involved an American priest, the Rev. Lawrence C. Murphy, who worked at a renowned school for deaf children from 1950 to 1974. But it is only one of thousands of cases forwarded over decades by bishops to the Vatican office called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, led from 1981 to 2005 by Cardinal Ratzinger. It is still the office that decides whether accused priests should be given full canonical trials and defrocked.

Thousands of cases over decades (that we know about). Arguably a small percentage of the incidents of priests licking and fucking the assholes of little boys. Oh god that is holy we ask for your blessings for we are the leaders of your divine holiness. We claim to do your will. Thy will be done. Not just Will but little Johnny and Sam and .... we'll do them all.

In 1996, Cardinal Ratzinger failed to respond to two letters about the case from Rembert G. Weakland, Milwaukee’s archbishop at the time. After eight months, the second in command at the doctrinal office, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, now the Vatican’s secretary of state, instructed the Wisconsin bishops to begin a secret canonical trial that could lead to Father Murphy’s dismissal.

Secret trials to cover up the filth. God is love.

But Cardinal Bertone halted the process after Father Murphy personally wrote to Cardinal Ratzinger protesting that he should not be put on trial because he had already repented and was in poor health and that the case was beyond the church’s own statute of limitations.

“I simply want to live out the time that I have left in the dignity of my priesthood,” Father Murphy wrote near the end of his life to Cardinal Ratzinger. “I ask your kind assistance in this matter.” The files contain no response from Cardinal Ratzinger.

'In the dignity of my priesthood.' Priests are the vessels of christ. Praise be to god.

The New York Times obtained the documents, which the church fought to keep secret, from Jeff Anderson and Mike Finnegan, the lawyers for five men who have brought four lawsuits against the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The documents include letters between bishops and the Vatican, victims’ affidavits, the handwritten notes of an expert on sexual disorders who interviewed Father Murphy and minutes of a final meeting on the case at the Vatican.

Fought to keep it a secret. Didn't simply try to keep it a secret, they FOUGHT to keep it a secret. Oh god on high we are your servants.

Father Murphy not only was never tried or disciplined by the church’s own justice system, but also got a pass from the police and prosecutors who ignored reports from his victims, according to the documents and interviews with victims. Three successive archbishops in Wisconsin were told that Father Murphy was sexually abusing children, the documents show, but never reported it to criminal or civil authorities.

Never disciplined for fingering, licking and fucking the anus' of 200 boys. Making 200 boys suck his penis and eat his priestly cum. Three successive Archbishops reported to their holy boss and subsequently covered it up. How many are there, I wonder? Jesus loves us and protects us.

Instead of being disciplined, Father Murphy was quietly moved by Archbishop William E. Cousins of Milwaukee to the Diocese of Superior in northern Wisconsin in 1974, where he spent his last 24 years working freely with children in parishes, schools and, as one lawsuit charges, a juvenile detention center. He died in 1998, still a priest.

After fucking 200 boys, Father Murphy was rewarded with 24 years of unencumbered access to more children. Jesus Christ rewards those who are faithful and protects the weak. Praise Jesus Christ.

Even as the pope himself in a recent letter to Irish Catholics has emphasized the need to cooperate with civil justice in abuse cases, the correspondence seems to indicate that the Vatican’s insistence on secrecy has often impeded such cooperation.

Seems to indicate. Seems to indicate. Oh Lord give us strength. I will need strength to fuck so many children. They squirm around a lot. Especially when I slide my penis into their little love hole.

At the same time, the officials’ reluctance to defrock a sex abuser shows that on a doctrinal level, the Vatican has tended to view the matter in terms of sin and repentance more than crime and punishment.

The vatican's reluctance has nothing to do with sin vs crime. It has to do with keeping their image nice and pious to maintain their power. How else do you keep a religious stranglehold on the sheep? Or were they doing god's will?

The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, was shown the documents and was asked to respond to questions about the case. He provided a statement saying that Father Murphy had certainly violated “particularly vulnerable” children and the law, and that it was a “tragic case.” But he pointed out that the Vatican was not forwarded the case until 1996, years after civil authorities had investigated the case and dropped it.

We are innocent I tell you! Never mind that we knew about the investigation. We were not 'officially' given the case until 1996. We have no sin. Let god be our judge.

Father Lombardi emphasized that neither the Code of Canon Law nor the Vatican norms issued in 1962, which instruct bishops to conduct canonical investigations and trials in secret, prohibited church officials from reporting child abuse to civil authorities. He did not address why that had never happened in this case.

It can only be that most priests are covering up or participating in the debauchery. They are all doing god's will of course.

As to why Father Murphy was never defrocked, he said that “the Code of Canon Law does not envision automatic penalties.” He said that Father Murphy’s poor health and the lack of more recent accusations against him were factors in the decision.

Yes... he became too old to get an erection and that slowed him down. Naturally you can't take action against a poor old priest. He has given so much of himself. Buckets.

Tip of the iceberg. The reason the church covers it up is because they know about THOUSANDS of cases. They can't possibly be honest about that now can they? It would hurt business. The amazing thing is, it wouldn't destroy the business


May 28, 2010
Actually it is relevant , for it brings into question wether or not he is in fact using reason in his arguments, or is fueled by a more emotional motive.
It is most certainly not relevant. His arguments need, and do, stand on their own merits as anyoine's must do, regardless of emotional involvement. The reason why so may religious hucksters are easily debunked. They are all bluster and no substance.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
See, this is a perfect example of denigrating the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument the person is making!

You say you don't care about the debate. yet you feel the need to chime in that you found a reason why you don't like the guy.

Unless you are going to marry the guy or become roommates or have him run your country, who cares?

Analyze the points of the argument and you WILL learn something.

If you are are not smart enough to analyze the stated points of the argument you are certainly not smart enough to divine the nuances of his psychology and come to learn anything of importance to your own life.

One of my favourite sayings is to the effect:

"Common people talk about people and things, exceptional people speak of ideas"
Oh relax Drama Queen, I was just curious why he was so obsessed


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
check this out , I'm sure there's a correlation between religion and education as well. it would be interesting to see if he did a similar video and factored in those two. Religion gives hope to the poor uneducated , desperate. When all else fails people will turn to prayer for answers. They're prime targets for false prophets to prey upon.This is also why I don't think the 'war on terrorism' will ever be won by force. Guys like Bin Laden will always have an endless pool of recruits to draw from as long as there's massive poverty and a large gap between the rich and the poor in the world.

Humanity will have to overcome some major hurdles if our species is to survive without self destructing. Rising populations and dwindling natural resources is going to cause huge conflicts. Our consumption of energy, clean water and food at the rate we're going at is unsustainable. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/best-four-minutes-human-development-ever-watch-20101217-144340-739.html



Active member
Jun 7, 2003
check this out , I'm sure there's a correlation between religion and education as well. it would be interesting to see if he did a similar video and factored in those two. Religion gives hope to the poor uneducated , desperate. When all else fails people will turn to prayer for answers. They're prime targets for false prophets to prey upon.This is also why I don't think the 'war on terrorism' will ever be won by force. Guys like Bin Laden will always have an endless pool of recruits to draw from as long as there's massive poverty and a large gap between the rich and the poor in the world.
There is a lot of empirical evidence on this. Basically, if you measure religiosity in terms of beliefs (e.g. does a person believe in god, take the bible as literal truth, etc.), you generally find a negative relationship between religious beliefs and education. If you measure religiosity by behaviour (e.g. how often someone goes to church) you find a positive relationship. In other words, education makes to less likely to believe but significantly more likely to go to church if you do believe despite your education. Likewise, martyrs tend to be more educated than the populations they come from.
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Active member
Oct 9, 2002

CALGARY - A study predicts there will be havoc akin to a big-budget Hollywood disaster movie in the next 1,000 years even if people stop emitting all carbon dioxide into the atmosphere now.

Researchers from the University of Calgary and Environment Canada's climate centre at the University of Victoria say coastal areas will flood and the Earth's land mass will shrink as global sea levels rise by at least four metres.

They also believe parts of North Africa will dry out by up to 30 per cent and ocean warming is likely to trigger widespread collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet, a region the size of the Canadian Prairies.

"It's probably slower playing than some of the disaster movies," said Shawn Marshall, a geography professor at the University of Calgary who holds the Canada Research Chair in Climate Change.

"We were kind of surprised by the result, actually. Even if we change behaviour and totally change society, we're still in store for a lot of bad scenarios. I feel a bit defeatist from it."

The team used computer modelling to speculate how the world would change by the year 3000 in a "zero emissions" scenario. The results are published in Sunday's advanced online publication of the journal Nature Geoscience.

The Northern Hemisphere fares better than the south in the model with patterns of climate change eventually reversing within the 1,000-year time frame in places such as Canada.

"Canada and Russia would fare the best," Marshall said. "I don't think you'll find many people really complaining about a five-degree warming. Canada is in a good position globally — there's no question about that."

The continued heat in Africa will create food shortages, however.

"In Africa, it just gets worse, but then other countries like Russia and Canada could get better. It's just a matter of whether we can reach some kind of model of global co-operation."

Since zero emissions is not going to happen in the foreseeable future, the researchers also plotted out what will happen if the world keeps a "business as usual" approach.

"If we drop dead with emissions right now, the Arctic sea ice gets worse for another 10 or 20 years but then it comes back — so by 2100 it's back to what we're used to.

"If we keep business as usual, the sea ice in the Arctic is mostly gone."

Marshall said the most realistic scenario probably falls somewhere in the middle.

He hopes people will take away from the study that serious efforts to cut greenhouse gases need to be made now to mitigate the damage.

"There's a lot of legacy in the choices we make this century. We're seeing a lot of the early signs of climate change. If you're looking at a risk analysis, just realize that these changes we're making to the atmosphere do have a long-term effect."


New member
Dec 23, 2005
no i do not
"we keep porn, prostitution, sex, politics, alcohol away from children why should religion get a free pass? "

Yes you did.. attacking athiests for their beliefs is wrong, but attacking those that do have religious beliefs is also wrong.

Both athiests and Believers (for lack of a better term) are Human. Many mistakes have been caused by both, the one common factor is that they are human.

gallo negro

Active member
Dec 17, 2004
Simple, religion is man made.
The most high gave us laws, statues and commandments to follow not religion.
The messiah did not come detroy the old prophets but to fullfill the law. He comes in the volume of the book not just the new testament.
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