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Poll: Ford and Smitherman in a dead heat


Jun 6, 2009
Butt fucking and cock sucker is not a bigot phrases or bigot word... proved to me in any of the dictionary that is a bigot word or bigot phrases.
You are full of shit... because you cannot find me any proved that is a bigot word or bigot phrase. If I had called you a fatso and if you were fat then that would be a bigot statement. Because "fatso" is a bigot word. If I had called you "white trash" then that would have been a bigot word. Like I said before I had called you a nig*er or fa*got then that would have been bigot! If you were British and I called you a limey that would be a bigot word. If you were Jew and called you a kite that would be bigot. If you were chinese and I called you a chink chink you stink that would be bigot.
I have chosen my word carefully when describing homosexual dirtbag criminal sociopath Smitherman.
That slimy scumbag Smitherman cannot even get along with his own brother... which show how dysfuntional he is noting that he is a "thief" and a criminal who is responsible for countless of death in ontario regard in C difficle situation. Smitherman exhibits a personality traits of a sociopath!
The problem PA is that you didn't use these word in isolation. You used them in a sentence or phrase and as such they could be construed as bigoted comments, certain ignorant. If you stood up in an audience at an all candidates meeting and yelled out just those words at Smitherman, Do you not think you would ushered out, chastised by the media and others in the audience and possibly have a charge leveled against you. i'll bet on two out of three as I don't know who's in the audience. You'd certainly be tagged by somebody as a class A jerk.

Here's your words;

Where in the post it show that it is bigotry!!! I guess it show you are the one who have extremely low IQ.
Fact are he is a homosexual.
Fact are homosexual suck cock!
Fact are homosexual enjoyed anal sex receiving(butt fucking or giving)!


Jan 31, 2005
Butt fucking and cock sucker is not a bigot phrases or bigot word...
They way you use them they are. You included them in a list of other words that you plainly considered to be insulting. Plainly you meant it as a slur. Your continued denial of the obvious just ruins your reputation--if that's possible.

Fess up.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
All three are incompetent to the extreme.
I don't know about that. I would not normally support a guy like Rob Ford, but the other candidates are so weak. I cannot believe that people in the City of Toronto would elect
Smitherman to lead this city, because we will only get more of the same as Miller.

Ford is at least trying to bring some fiscal responsibility to our politicians. If that scares people and other politicians, then people are really dumber than a bag of hammers.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
What a choice we have.

On the one hand, an idiot who is largely responsible for jacking up our electiricity rates, wasting a billion dollars., apparently behaving boorishly with his underlings while minister (I really really hate bullies). A man so slippery that even this late in the campaign nobody really has a handle on any vision he might have for the city. I don't trust that cocksucker as far as I could throw him; it's just a vibe smitherman gives off that creeps me out.

On the other hand, we've got a rude, uncouth, stupid, useless loudmouth that brings to my mind that same penny pinching niggardly presbyterian attitude that has produced our atrocious public spaces, ugly mediocre architecture, and mickey mouse 'transit system' that made a german tourist I met recently laugh in derision while being jostled at Union station. Ford might get something done if he prioritizes, but by and large he'll just shed more light than heat while he bumbles around being the unreconstructed douchebag he was born to be. At least it'll be fun to watch. I'll enjoy it.
Not only is this funny, but I think it is true for the most part. The winner for me is that Smitherman seems pretentious while Ford is a bit closer to the working man. I believe that this city really needs to start over, and running a surplus is not a bad way to start.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
The problem PA is that you didn't use these word in isolation. You used them in a sentence or phrase and as such they could be construed as bigoted comments, certain ignorant. If you stood up in an audience at an all candidates meeting and yelled out just those words at Smitherman, Do you not think you would ushered out, chastised by the media and others in the audience and possibly have a charge leveled against you. i'll bet on two out of three as I don't know who's in the audience. You'd certainly be tagged by somebody as a class A jerk.

Here's your words;

Where in the post it show that it is bigotry!!! I guess it show you are the one who have extremely low IQ.
Fact are he is a homosexual.
Fact are homosexual suck cock!
Fact are homosexual enjoyed anal sex receiving(butt fucking or giving)!

You are the one who have the low IQ.. Nothing I said is false or bigot....and I am not denying what I said or wrote. I stand by on every word on all my posting !

PS. I am fine if you called me a class A jerk or tagged me as a class A jerk. At least not a slimball or a have sociopath trait like Smitherman or Sliverslimyman


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
It would have been nice to have had a solid credible candidate either on the left or on the right. I suspect that perhaps we don't pay the mayor and the city councilors enough and that's why the jobs only attracts buffoons like Ford.

I'd be in favour of doubling the salaries of council and the mayor--but only for those who win the next election after that decision is made, so that the high salaries are earned by the better people who apply for the job, and not the current crop of field mice.

Ford says he wants to cut council in half--OK, but only if we double the salaries and budgets of the remaining councilors so that the jobs attracts some high profile people.
When the city amalgamated, it was to reduce costs and streamline services. Neither has been done.
If they reduce the # of councillors, it might not be a bad idea to increase salaries.

I do believe that the problem is the system itself creates the type of people who become elected. I believe that many good people leave public service because they become frustrated at the waste and incompetence.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
You are the one who have the low IQ.. Nothing I said is false or bigot....and I am not denying what I said or wrote. I stand by on every word on all my posting !
Come on Rob, stop it, we all know that you are a member of Terb.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
What is Justin Trudeau doing endorsing Smitherman...what does he know about Toronto politics?


Jan 26, 2010


Jun 6, 2009
You are the one who have the low IQ.. Nothing I said is false or bigot....and I am not denying what I said or wrote. I stand by on every word on all my posting !

PS. I am fine if you called me a class A jerk or tagged me as a class A jerk. At least not a slimball or a have sociopath trait like Smitherman or Sliverslimyman

If you read my post a little more slowly, you'll see that I didn't call you a class a jerk. Now at least we understand part of the problem. You don't read english very well.


Active member
Nov 13, 2008
I cannot believe that there are enough people out there in Toronto that would vote for Rob Ford. If Toronto votes him in, then I wish them luck. They will need it.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
When the city amalgamated, it was to reduce costs and streamline services. Neither has been done.
If they reduce the # of councillors, it might not be a bad idea to increase salaries.
Amalgamation does not reduce cost; it achieved a universal pay scale for municipal employees based on the municipality with the top wages (City of Toronto), furthermore it also swelled the bureaucracy with borough employees now working for the amalgamated city. It was cheaper to insure further employment then to issues buyouts. Of course there was the problem of social downloading, without the powers of taxation, that the Harris government implemented.

The worst Mayor Toronto has ever had is Art Eggleton; our waterfront is a testament of the level of corruption he oversaw. By contrast David Miller has been a relatively good Mayor, the city is better now than it was in 2003. Smitherman was part of a mediocre government that implemented too much regressive taxation. I like Ford's fiscal plan but he's not a negotiator and he's never had to take on responsibility. Tom Ford was already running the family business when their father Douglas Ford became terminally ill.

It's a tough choice.

PornAddict is that you underneath the fake beard?


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Many posters claim that Smitherman was the health minister who oversaw the formation of e-health and the handing out all those untendered contracts. He's also been accused of wasting $1B on electronic health records. I've heard that so many times, I believed it myself. But, apparently it is a false claim.

Smitherman moved to Energy and Infrastructure 3 months before e-health was even created so he had nothing to do with the untendered contracts or the exorbitant consultant fees. And that $1B that Smitherman supposedly wasted is actually the entire amount spent on creating electronic health records from 2002 to 2009 when the auditor's report was published. The Smart Sytems for Health Agency (SSHA) was created by the PC gov't in 2002 and began operations in April 2003. McGuinty and Smitherman got elected in October 2003.

Smitherman should probably have gotten a handle of that SSHA project sooner but it is absurd to think he'd be up to speed on it immediately. The SSHA had been active for only about 7 months when Smitherman took the job and it was just one very small part of the overall health portfolio. I don't think any minister would have chopped or reinvented a new project like SSHA without first giving it a year or two to get off the ground. At some point, he should have realized that the electronic records weren't being implemented fast enough but it was new technology and probably wan't very high on his list of priorities. The big initiative in the health ministry was to reduce wait times - not an easy task. The health ministry is a huge portfolio and, realistically, I doubt that anyone could get a good handle on it in less than 3 years if they started from scratch.

Smitherman has plenty of faults but I think this one has been exaggerated out of all proportion.

The eHealth scandal, if it can be called that, unfolded in two chapters. In the first, newspapers revealed that the provincial government’s eHealth agency had awarded millions in untendered contracts to private consultants, some of whom had (horrors of horrors) charged expenses for things like tea and Choco Bites while collecting hundreds of dollars an hour.

Mr. Smitherman had no direct role in this. He was provincial health minister for 4 1/2 years, but Premier Dalton McGunity moved him to the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure in June, 2008, three months before the government launched eHealth, to work on creating electronic health records for Ontarians. He was in no position to scrutinize eHealth when it handed out handsome contracts to consultants, much less to direct the money to his “lobbyist friends” – a slur if there ever was one.

The second chapter came when Ontario Auditor-General Jim McCarter issued his report on eHealth in October, 2009. Apart from criticizing eHealth for handing out consulting contracts without competitive bidding, Mr. McCarter reported that the government had spent an eye-popping $1-billion since 2002 to create electronic records. Despite all that time and money, he said, the network set up by the government still has relatively few users, so “the value of this investment, at least to date, has not been realized.”

Appendix—Chronology of Events Relating to the
Electronic Health Record Initiative
April 1996
• Ontario government forms a Health Services Restructuring Commission to provide a framework and make recommendations for restructuring Ontario’s public hospitals and health service delivery system
• Commission identifies lack of integration, lack of health information, and difficulty in sharing health information as key problems
June 1999
• Commission submits the Ontario Health Information Management Action Plan to Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
• Action Plan recommends acceleration of information and technology investments so that health-care information can be better captured, shared, and analyzed
• Action Plan envisions “an integrated health information network with an electronic consumer record at its core”
• Action Plan also recommends creation of an independent, arm’s-length entity to provide strong central leadership, manage implementation of action plan, and allocate financial resources
September 2000
• First Ministers agree “to work together to strengthen a Canada-wide health infrastructure to improve quality, access, and timeliness of health care for Canadians”
• First Ministers also commit to develop Electronic Health Records and the common standards necessary to ensure the future compatibility of all the jurisdictions’ health-information networks
• government of Canada creates and funds Canada Health Infoway as an independent, not-for-profit Shared Governance Corporation
• Infoway’s members are Canada’s 14 federal, provincial, and territorial deputy ministers of health
• Infoway’s mission is to accelerate the development of electronic health information systems (such as Electronic Health Records) on a pan-Canadian basis
• Infoway’s goal is that 50% of Canadians will have an Electronic Health Record by 2010 and 100% will have an Electronic Health Record by 2016
• Ontario government creates the Smart Systems for Health Agency (SSHA) by regulation under the Development Corporations Act
• SSHA begins operations in April 2003 with a mandate to support Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care programs; it begins to build a private network to connect Ontario’s medical community
• Ministry’s eHealth Program Branch created to establish and maintain an eHealth strategy and oversee its delivery, including the development of EHR applications and databases
• SSHA’s mandate clarified by regulation to one of providing and operating secure infrastructure to enable secure transfer of personal health information among sector providers and hosting personal-health-information applications
November 2006
• Deloitte Consulting completes critical operational review of SSHA, commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and SSHA’s board of directors—by this time SSHA has some 1,400 network circuits deployed, costing more than $500,000 monthly to maintain
March 2007
• Infoway’s 2007/08 corporate business plan projects that, in terms of EHR progress, Ontario will be ahead of Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut but behind all provinces by March 31, 2008
August 2007
• Office of Auditor General of Ontario reviews SSHA’s efforts to address certain of Deloitte’s key recommendations and notes progress made in some areas while more work required in others
• Auditor General’s review identifies lack of an overall government eHealth strategy and Ontario’s slow progress in overall Electronic Health Records achievements as continuing issues
• federal and provincial Auditor Generals discuss possibility of collaborative audit of electronic health records
September 2007
• Ministry and SSHA sign an Affirmation of their Memorandum of Understanding
• SSHA’s mandate is to provide “the secure, integrated, province-wide information technology infrastructure to allow electronic communication among Ontario’s health service providers”
June 2008
• SSHA strikes a client experience task force to improve services to and relationships with clients, which identifies SSHA’s poor understanding of its customers and poor performance issues as key problems
August 2008
• Ministry makes submission to Management Board of Cabinet, seeking and obtaining approval for “the establishment of an Electronic Health Record of clinical information for every patient, and that could be controlled by the patient, by 2015”
September 2008
• federal and five provincial Auditor General offices agree to conduct a collaborative audit on Electronic Health Records initiatives across Canada, with each jurisdiction issuing its own report
• federal Auditor General is to combine observations from these reports with its own work on Canada Health Infoway operations and issue a Canada-wide report in 2010
• Ontario government creates the eHealth Ontario agency to combine the activities and responsibilities of SSHA and Ministry’s eHealth Program Branch into one organization responsible “for all aspects of eHealth in Ontario, including creating an Electronic Health Record for all Ontarians”
• Ontario government also forms the eHealth Ontario agency’s first board; no members from SSHA’s board are invited to join the eHealth Ontario agency’s board; Premier appoints board Chair
October 2008
• Premier supports Chair’s request regarding appointment of CEO after meeting with Chair’s recommended candidate
• Order-in-council is issued making CEO’s appointment official
March 2009
• Canada Health Infoway’s 2009/10 corporate business plan shows Ontario still lagging behind all provinces (although ahead of Northwest Territories, Yukon, and Nunavut) in developing Electronic Health Records
• Canada Health Infoway’s business plan indicates that 17% of Canadians have an Electronic Health Record available to their health-care provider
• Ontario government’s eHealth Strategic Plan published
• Strategic Plan describes activities to be undertaken from 2009 through 2012 and sets target of delivering a fully functional Electronic Health Record system by 2015
April 2009
• Ministry and eHealth Ontario sign a Memorandum of Understanding and a Transfer Payment Agreement setting out their respective accountability
May/June 2009
• significant controversy over possible sole-sourcing of consultants and related costs erupts in the Legislature and the media
June 2009
• eHealth Ontario agency’s CEO and board Chair resign

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Ford is a bit closer to the working man
Trust me, Ford has no idea of what the term "working man" means. The Fords live a very UMC lifestyle with access to the political elites. The only thing that Rob knows about the working man is that his brother has to pay too much every pay period.
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