Poll: Ford and Smitherman in a dead heat


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Why do you feel it's necessary to emphasize that he's homosexual and reference "butt fucking" and "cock sucking" in every post about Smitherman?

You and I both know the reason why you do that is that you are a foggy minded bigot.
There is nothing in my post is bigot and false! What I am stating are facts nothing is a lie or bigtory. Just because you do not like what I post ... you started screaming bigiot. You look like a fool. You need your head examined!!! Your posting used to be intelligent but not anymore when it come to Ford posting.

PS I went to the advance polling at Toronto Reference Library today and voted for Ford in order to nullify your vote. Which I enjoyed immensely. Time to clean up city hall and show the taxpayer some respect. Politican work for the taxpayer and they are accountable to the Taxpayer.

People like you are some blind ... just refusing to see the truth! I have a feeling you probably work for the city or related to Smitherman.

PPS if I had used a bigot term example the N word ( Nig*er) for black or (fa**ot for) homosexual or fatso then you can called me bigot. Where in the dictorary is the word homosexual is a bigot word or cocking sucking / butt fucking (anal sex) is a bigot term!!!

Also there are some terbite at terb enjoy visiting the greek island/ butt fucking with the lady escort... does not mean it is bigot!

GO Ford GO
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Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
I agree that we underpay the mayor and city councillors and that the low pay is what fails to attract better quality candidates. That, and the abuse that we love to toss at politicians.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
One of the falicies that has been run out frquesntly is that govt has to pat better to attract " high quality " people. For teh most part most elected officials are far from the top people in their fields. They are at best second rate . The really top people that you want to attract are busy working in the private sector creating jobs and generating income, for that they get paid very well. The only time one of these people moves into public life is when they have retired, for one of two reasons, one is a sense of responsibility to give something back, the second is an anger about how things are going.

Go down the list of elected officials anywhere see how many of them are ex business owners or high end executives the number will be small. The vast majority of poltiticians are politicians for life never having been off the public teat, JAck LAyton, Proffessor, to city hall to Mp. is an example , I used him simply because I was reading an article about him earlier.

Civil Servants have the same malady, very few of them are actually good at their jobs, departmental inertia and job guarnetees keep them there. In earlier generations people took government jobs for hte security, the pay was lower , the benefits were marginal but the job security was there. Now civil servants pay and benefit packages average 40% higher than private industry, the private industry that generates the tax money they waste.

The concept of paying people what they are worth would probably balance all the govt deficiets in teh counrty if it was applied to the civil service and elected officials.,


Jan 31, 2005
Just because you do not like what I post ... you started screaming bigiot
Nope. I called you a bigot because you are one, as very clearly evidence by the words you choose to write in your own posts. You know it, and I know it.

You think there is something wrong with homosexuals, you think being a homosexual is a strike against Smitherman, you like to highlight his homosexuality in course terms because that's how your foggy mind works.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
There is nothing in my post is bigot and false! What I am stating are facts nothing is a lie or bigtory. Just because you do not like what I post ... you started screaming bigiot. You look like a fool. You need your head examined!!! Your posting used to be intelligent but not anymore when it come to Ford posting.

PS I went to the advance polling at Toronto Reference Library today and voted for Ford in order to nullify your vote. Which I enjoyed immensely. Time to clean up city hall and show the taxpayer some respect. Politican work for the taxpayer and they are accountable to the Taxpayer.

People like you are some blind ... just refusing to see the truth! I have a feeling you probably work for the city or related to Smitherman.

PPS if I had used a bigot term example the N word ( Nig*er) for black or (fa**ot for) homosexual or fatso then you can called me bigot. Where in the dictorary is the word homosexual is a bigot word or cocking sucking / butt fucking (anal sex) is a bigot term!!!

Also there are some terbite at terb enjoy visiting the greek island/ butt fucking with the lady escort... does not mean it is bigot!

GO Ford GO
I don't like Smitherman either (nor Ford), but your posts are clearly bigoted. It's not about what you're saying, it's about HOW you're saying it. I.e. "Context"

You seem really hung up on the fact that Smitherman is a homosexual. Big deal. There's lots of homosexuals around and it surely doesn't preclude them from being successful or working responsible jobs - which you seem to suggest in your posts.

And I agree with Fuji, the Mayor's salary and the Councillor's salaries are a joke considering the level of responsibility of the job.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Both Smitherman and Ford are a pair of idiots. I can't in good conscience vote for either of them. I see both as incompetent, both as substance abusers, both as unintelligent.

Smitherman is a High School Drop-out and Ford dropped out of Political Science from University (sorry, Poly Sci is not a challenging field of study).

As much as I despise David Miller - I would vote for him in a second flat before I'd vote for either of these idiots.


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
There are a lot of voters who are prejudiced against George Smitherman -- not because he's gay, but because he was a member of the McGuinty cabinet.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
AS I have stated over and over and over...

Forget the polls lads!!!


I am the only one on the TERB board...who takes passion and favouritism out of the equation and just states FACTS.

No name calling...no shouting.....just...



New member
Apr 1, 2007
AS I have stated over and over and over...

Forget the polls lads!!!


I am the only one on the TERB board...who takes passion and favouritism out of the equation and just states FACTS.

No name calling...no shouting.....just...

Umm.. polls are facts, so if you're talking about stating facts, well, you should probably include polls, doncha think?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
AS I have stated over and over and over...

Forget the polls lads!!!


I am the only one on the TERB board...who takes passion and favouritism out of the equation and just states FACTS.

No name calling...no shouting.....just...

Not necessarily. It's no secret that you are Ford Supporter - so your prediction is really more your desire than anything else.

If Joe Pants drops out - his votes will amost surely go to Smitherman and if that happens - Ford will lose.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
I don't like Smitherman either (nor Ford), but your posts are clearly bigoted. It's not about what you're saying, it's about HOW you're saying it. I.e. "Context"

You seem really hung up on the fact that Smitherman is a homosexual. Big deal. There's lots of homosexuals around and it surely doesn't preclude them from being successful or working responsible jobs - which you seem to suggest in your posts.

And I agree with Fuji, the Mayor's salary and the Councillor's salaries are a joke considering the level of responsibility of the job.
Bullshit stating a person sexually orientation is not bigtory... example if a stated a person is causican or example oriental does not means that person is a racists.

Go see by prior post on prime minister of canada salary and Supreme Court of Canada salary. The Mayor and councillor are extremely well paid.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Nope. I called you a bigot because you are one, as very clearly evidence by the words you choose to write in your own posts. You know it, and I know it.

You think there is something wrong with homosexuals, you think being a homosexual is a strike against Smitherman, you like to highlight his homosexuality in course terms because that's how your foggy mind works.
You know nothing... your are a bullshitter... Plus stating a person sexually orientation is not bigtory... example if a stated a person is causican or example oriental does not means that person is a racist. You are so full of shit ... that how your feeble mind work ... you are making an assumption. Meaning an ass out of yourself!!! I hope you work for the city and when Ford become Mayor of Toronto ...he take a meat cleaver and start cutting the waste at city hall. Then you will realize how hard the average Joe blow/ John Doe work in the private sector for their money as compare to the lazy civil servant at the city hall.


Jan 31, 2005
Bullshit stating a person sexually orientation is not bigtory... example if a stated a person is causican or example oriental does not means that person is a raceists.
Stop lying. If you're going to be a bigot, at least own up to it.

You didn't just include his sexual orientation in your post, you felt compelled to use the phrases "cock sucker" and "butt fucking" repeatedly throughout your posts.

You're a bigot.


Jun 6, 2009
Stop lying. If you're going to be a bigot, at least own up to it.

You didn't just include his sexual orientation in your post, you felt compelled to use the phrases "cock sucker" and "butt fucking" repeatedly throughout your posts.

You're a bigot.
On this we agree Fuji. PA is acting like the poster boy for bigotry. I just can decide whether to picture him in a brown shirt, and black shirt, or a a double breasted suit and Foo Manchu mustache.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I think the PM is also grossly underpaid.

p.s., I find your bigotry against homosexuals to be a little offputting, such bigotry is often a sign of limited intellect, which would explain your support for Ford too--I guess it's all related
And your support of Smitherman suggests what? I suspect you will keep your near perfect record of always being on the losing side. God help the city no matter who wins.


Jan 31, 2005
And your support of Smitherman suggests what? I suspect you will keep your near perfect record of always being on the losing side. God help the city no matter who wins.
Where have I expressed support for Smitherman?

I think your record of always being wrong will continue unbroken.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Stop lying. If you're going to be a bigot, at least own up to it.

You didn't just include his sexual orientation in your post, you felt compelled to use the phrases "cock sucker" and "butt fucking" repeatedly throughout your posts.

You're a bigot.
Butt fucking and cock sucker is not a bigot phrases or bigot word... proved to me in any of the dictionary that is a bigot word or bigot phrases.
You are full of shit... because you cannot find me any proved that is a bigot word or bigot phrase. If I had called you a fatso and if you were fat then that would be a bigot statement. Because "fatso" is a bigot word. If I had called you "white trash" then that would have been a bigot word. Like I said before I had called you a nig*er or fa*got then that would have been bigot! If you were British and I called you a limey that would be a bigot word. If you were Jew and called you a kite that would be bigot. If you were chinese and I called you a chink chink you stink that would be bigot.
I have chosen my word carefully when describing homosexual dirtbag criminal sociopath Smitherman.
That slimy scumbag Smitherman cannot even get along with his own brother... which show how dysfuntional he is noting that he is a "thief" and a criminal who is responsible for countless of death in ontario regard in C difficle situation. Smitherman exhibits a personality traits of a sociopath!
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