
Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
According to CBC Newsworld a flotilla of ships, carrying Tamil refugees, is crossing the Pacific and heading for Canada. One ship has already been confirmed with 200 refugees on board. Considering that Sri Lanka has just gone through an extremely bloody 30 year Civil War and it's human rights record is atrocious; what should we do?

We cannot ignore human suffering, however, Canada has a long tradition of providing sanctuary to South Asian terrorists. What should we do?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
I would think our big concern is that many of them are Tamil Tigers, a recognized terrorist group, who want to continue their war with Sri Lanka from a Canadian base.

We have the largest Tamil diaspora in the world already...other countries should step up, screen out the bad guys (if possible) and take any legitimate refugees.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
The question to ask is not what we should do but what
the rules we are to follow. My understanding is that the
refugee policy dictates a foreigner once step on the soil
of this country has the right to claim asylum here.
So long as the application is under review a refugee
claimant has the right to stay in this country. If there is
any provision to deny a refugee status application I would
like to know.

So if these Tamil ships ever manage to unload the refugees
onshore they will all come under protection from persecution
in their country and become eligible to apply for immigration in
the refugee category. I guess they can always jump ship
if they can't get close enough to the coast.
Whether you like it or not it is the law that
requires us to provide shelter to these Tamil refugees at least
until they are rejected by the Immigration and Refugee Board of
Canada. If you don't like it console yourself with the knowledge
that we have such a policy because we are a compassionate
people who can't bear human suffering.


New member
Sep 15, 2001
We cannot ignore human suffering, however, Canada has a long tradition of providing sanctuary to South Asian terrorists. What should we do?
I agree with the first part of this statement. However, the last part is a bit of a stretch. How many of these terrorist that we have a long tradition providing sanctuary to have been convicted of terrorism? Or perhaps some crime that is directly related to terrorist activities? Yes, I am aware that a few Tamil organizations have been known to raise funds for the Tigers. But I also know that the Tigers were the de facto government for years in Northern Sri Lanka and not everything they did was terrorism.

The long civil war in Sri Lanka has a complex history with many violations of human rights on both sides. The same can be said of the Israelis and Hamas. But I don't think anyone is labeling the many synagogues that raise money here in Toronto to support the state of Israel as terrorists. Perhaps I missed the many convictions of Tamils for terrorism here in Canada. I invite you to educate me about this long tradition of providing sanctuary to terrorists.

Somebody pass me some popcorn please.


Well-known member
May 25, 2002
I have a very good knowledge of our 'system' and can quite catagorically state it is broken. For both refugees and immigrants. Too many people that should not be allowed in are - and the ones that should be let in are either delayed or denied. Once in it takes entirely too long to render a decision (years in some cases). Those that should be kicked out (serious criminality etc...) are allowed to stay and appeal, appeal, appeal.... Just look at the recent case of the guy that had hiv/aids - he should have been deported ages ago and yet he was allowed to stay. He comitted assault and was still allowed to stay. He raped and murdered a women and now we are stuck paying for a trial and then (hopefully) prison.

There is no effort at all to help immigrants / refugees 'fit in' with us. No requirement to learn either of our languages, no effort to educate them on our 'ways'. They can come here once in a while for our free health care and then go back 'home'. They can obtain Canadian citizenship with little effort and without having to speak a word of English or French.

Worse still - when a concerned citizen speaks up about any of these things they are labelled racist and the Gov rushes to put out 'cultural awareness' programs so we can better 'accept' those that are taking advantage of us.

I believe we NEED immigration. We just need the RIGHT immigrants. Those that want a better life, those that will work hard and contribute to society, those that will not insist that WE change to suit THEIR needs. We should NOT allow criminals / slackers to come here (we have enough of our own). We need to STOP being so bleeding hearted that we allow ourselves to be taken advantage of. Sometimes the right answer is "NO - you may not stay here".


New member
Feb 28, 2007
I first heard about this one 10 days ago or so, at least one ship was turned away from australia, and there are rumoured to be a number of Tamil tigers on board include the 2nd in command of the group. Realistically the ships should be stopped outside of our terretorial waters and inspected the people on board should be identified and if there are real refugees on board aid should be given. If there are terrorists on board they should be sent back to where ever they came from.

Unfortunatly that will not happen, the chattering classes in the political world will not allow it.


Nov 13, 2003
Anyone know roughly what percentage of refugee claims are completely bogus? Just how badly are we being taken advantage of here?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Anyone know roughly what percentage of refugee claims are completely bogus? Just how badly are we being taken advantage of here?
I'd guess that 50% of successful claims are bogus.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Even if the refugee claim is bogus the claimant can still find a
way to seek immigrant status. Refugee status application
could take months to process and the claimant are granted work
permit. In some way it is easier for a refugee to become an
immigrant than for a student or vistor on visa. One case I know of
is a Chinese woman from Malaysia who just looked for
and found a recent immigrant in the local chinese community
to marry.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Send them back, I have no problem with that.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Drop some aid off on the ship, see if anyone is in medical distress and treat them, then send the boat back. Do we have to take in everything that washes up on our shores?


Wanting more!!
Sep 7, 2001
Your place!!
Oh well done TB. You mean like trash is washed up on shore? We here in Canada are so much better than the trash that washes up on our shores.
Check Canada lately Questor? There is a lot of trash that has been allowed into the country, people who think their home country is so BAD that they have to leave but bring all the things they want to leave behind with them. I have to think that if the customs and religion and other things were so GOOD why did they leave in the first place?
Pass the popcorn.
Last edited:

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I agree with the first part of this statement. However, the last part is a bit of a stretch. How many of these terrorist that we have a long tradition providing sanctuary to have been convicted of terrorism? Or perhaps some crime that is directly related to terrorist activities? Yes, I am aware that a few Tamil organizations have been known to raise funds for the Tigers. But I also know that the Tigers were the de facto government for years in Northern Sri Lanka and not everything they did was terrorism.

The long civil war in Sri Lanka has a complex history with many violations of human rights on both sides. The same can be said of the Israelis and Hamas. But I don't think anyone is labeling the many synagogues that raise money here in Toronto to support the state of Israel as terrorists. Perhaps I missed the many convictions of Tamils for terrorism here in Canada. I invite you to educate me about this long tradition of providing sanctuary to terrorists.
Canada has been a safe haven for South Asian terrorists:

The Tamil Tigers ran a lucrative money laundering ring in Toronto throughout the 90's. Kidnapping and extortion was commonplace in areas where Tamils resided (Old Cabbagetown), Metro Police had trouble bringing it under control since they were not getting help from the provincial or federal level. That changed in the wake of 9/11, but the Tigers were not officially recognized as a terrorist group until 2006.

Sikh sectarian violence within the community and in opposition to Hindus has continued to the present day. The 1983 Kuldip Singh Samra shootings turned Osgoode Hall into an armed camp. The Air India Massacre initiated a sequence of conspiracy trials that were guarded by heavily armed RCMP officers. Unfortunately the perpetrators of Air India, have never been convicted due to lack of evidence (disappearance of witnesses). Those whom justice was served, were executed by Indian Special Forces when they were found within India.

There is much more, look it up and pass the popcorn.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts