I have a very good knowledge of our 'system' and can quite catagorically state it is broken. For both refugees and immigrants. Too many people that should not be allowed in are - and the ones that should be let in are either delayed or denied. Once in it takes entirely too long to render a decision (years in some cases). Those that should be kicked out (serious criminality etc...) are allowed to stay and appeal, appeal, appeal.... Just look at the recent case of the guy that had hiv/aids - he should have been deported ages ago and yet he was allowed to stay. He comitted assault and was still allowed to stay. He raped and murdered a women and now we are stuck paying for a trial and then (hopefully) prison.
There is no effort at all to help immigrants / refugees 'fit in' with us. No requirement to learn either of our languages, no effort to educate them on our 'ways'. They can come here once in a while for our free health care and then go back 'home'. They can obtain Canadian citizenship with little effort and without having to speak a word of English or French.
Worse still - when a concerned citizen speaks up about any of these things they are labelled racist and the Gov rushes to put out 'cultural awareness' programs so we can better 'accept' those that are taking advantage of us.
I believe we NEED immigration. We just need the RIGHT immigrants. Those that want a better life, those that will work hard and contribute to society, those that will not insist that WE change to suit THEIR needs. We should NOT allow criminals / slackers to come here (we have enough of our own). We need to STOP being so bleeding hearted that we allow ourselves to be taken advantage of. Sometimes the right answer is "NO - you may not stay here".