Police arresting innocent bystanders for no reason


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
Innocent bystanders? Bull shit! Don't even try to brainwash us. It only works on kids.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
I dont need to try and brain wash you, it seems you already have been.
Open your eyes! See the reality! No innocent people, and I mean NO INNOCENT PEOPLE is dumb is enough to go to downtown on the Sunday after the despicable violence happened the very day before. The ones who are there trying to get the police to free the thugs are the thugs themselves! They are just in their plain clothing pretending to be those peaceful protesters. Unfortunately, they forgot one thing, the peaceful protesters stand for something that help their community. They have signs about abortion, gay rights, oil, etc. The thugs got nothing! (when they got arrest, they just go, "Oh, I was just watching" <---said by a 29-year old fully grown up man)

Torontonians are not stupid. We see through those bull shit these black bloc thugs are pulling. I hope the cops hold those thugs accountable for what they caused.

Torontonians WILL NEVER FORGET the violence, pain, and sufferring these black bloc thugs brought to our city.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
Open your eyes! See the reality! No innocent people, and I mean NO INNOCENT PEOPLE is dumb is enough to go to downtown on a Sunday after the despicable violence happened the very day before. The ones who are there trying to get the police to free the thugs are the thugs themselves! They are just in their plain clothing pretending to be one of those peaceful protesters. Unfortunately, they forgot one thing, the peaceful protesters stand for something that help their community. They have signs about abortion, gay rights, oil, etc. The thugs got nothing! (when they got arrest, they just go, "Oh, I was just watching" <---said by a 29-year old fully grown up man)

Torontonians are not stupid. We see through those bull shit these black bloc thugs are pulling. I hope the cops hold those thugs accountable for what they caused.

Torontonians WILL NEVER FORGET the violence, pain, and sufferring these black bloc thugs brought to our city.
I fully agree with your last sentence but I will also add, i will not forget how stupid the government was for having the summit here, knowing the violence, inconvinience and destruction it would cause.
I am just glad this is over with, hopefully our city can get back to normal as soon as possible.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
I fully agree with your last sentence but I will also add, i will not forget how stupid the government was for having the summit here, knowing the violence, inconvinience and destruction it would cause.
I am just glad this is over with, hopefully our city can get back to normal as soon as possible.
True, the Federal government made an unwise decision and they too have to be accountable for losses we suffered.

Unfortunately, getting back to normal may not be any time soon. After the blazed-up of police cruisers, street thugs would think the police are weak, and in away, it will make it more dangerous for our police officers to do their jobs. Police will seek to hire more officers to keep everyone safe (including themselves), and this will eventually going to impact us financially. Thanks to the thugs who burn up our police cruisers.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I will repeat..


1)Mischief -(Against the Criminal COde) - "Impeding others from enjoyment of public property"


3)About to commit the Offence of "Breach of the Peace'

All legitimate and fair charges against these people!!!

Johnny I suspect you THINK like the rest of the hoodlums...ie: your a small man of small character, with littl emeans, and you have decided to take it out on THE MAN!!


New member
Feb 12, 2002
I will repeat..


1)Mischief -(Against the Criminal COde) - "Impeding others from enjoyment of public property"


3)About to commit the Offence of "Breach of the Peace'

All legitimate and fair charges against these people!!!

Johnny I suspect you THINK like the rest of the hoodlums...ie: your a small man of small character, with littl emeans, and you have decided to take it out on THE MAN!!
Nope, i wasnt at the protest, i dont get involved in them,not a hoodlum, i just enjoy my democtratic rights and i liek to stand up for them.
I was appauled to see the violence on saturday and i was appauled to see the misuse of police power on sunday night and queen and spadina. I do not blindly support police, like most of society does rather i support them when they deserve it and critisize them whe i see fit.
I hava decent job in a conservative environment where i am forced to keep my opinions quiet. mabey thats why i vent here....? lol

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
I have 0 sympathy for anyone arrested over the last week.


You should not have been there. There was no need to part of a riot and a riot was what it was.

The Feds should have rented Downsview and said to EVERYONE, "you want to protest, fine, here is your free speech zone, we'll build you a stage, supply some Johnny on the Spots, and here's some free water" "Protest all you want"

"But come downtown and you're guilty of inciting a riot and we'll bust your ass."

How much you wanna bet that NOT ONE of those arrested woudl have taken the Downsview route. They wanted to be where the fun was and they got busted. Suck it up. You knew that that was a risk. No-one took the rubber hoses to you.
But they didn't rent Downsview nor did they make ultimatums, so the police and the G20 leadership was a complete and utter failure. Similar to your posted ideas. Speculate all you like, but that is like me saying "if the government didn't choose downtown Toronto" or "if police did their job on Saturday..." so it's meaningless. Like your post here.

The city still belongs to its citizens, not the cops or the federal government. I wasn't consulted before a "no protest area detention centre" was placed 5 minutes from my house. So my message is simple, don't tell me where I can and cannot go in my neighbourhood and city.


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Being too passive on Saturday allowed the police to lump everybody together on Sunday. Sad but true.
Yeah but are you implying that this is something the cops desired?

If they crushed anybody the moment they crossed the line on Saturday, there likely would not have been a mass indiscriminate arrest on Sunday.
There probably would have been very few arrests at all on Sunday.

The cops' passive excessive tolerance on Saturday fed and emboldened the assholes to do way more shit and it brought other wannabe assholes into the game.
It would have been very unpleasant but I still say they should have stamped out the fires as soon as they started instead of letting them spread and run unchecked.

We had a chance to set a precedent of zero tolerance for these assholes and we blew it.


New member
Feb 12, 2002
I would also add that the city doesn't belong to the protestors either.

BTW: I think that the cops and/or government can tell you where to go if your safety is at risk.
Nice discussion, glad it has not degenrated into name calling. The thing with Charter rights is there are many cases were there are competing rights.
I am glad to see there is some good coverage and calls from people to investigate the sunday night event. The police knew that they had screwed up soon afterwards. SGT McGuire held a news conference and you could tell with his body language and some of his statements that he was uncomfortable with what happened. The whole g20 was a fiasco and its too bad that this had to happen i our city, lets hope it doesnt happen again.
Just look at the gay bathhouse raids of the 80's...those protests lead to the creation of the Pride Parade and now police would never raid a gay bath house unless there were extenuating circumstanes because they know the outcry that woudl come from the comunnity. Same thing when peoples rights are abused...the cops dont want to do it bcause they know the coverage it will get. I am now satisfied that the police have learned a lesson in all of this adn i think our basic Charter rights have been leefft strong and intact. which make me happy enough to go get a decent nights sleep.


Apr 24, 2005
I am now satisfied that the police have learned a lesson in all of this adn i think our basic Charter rights have been leefft strong and intact. which make me happy enough to go get a decent nights sleep.
I think we all learned a lesson. Let's respect EVERYBODY'S rights. Peace.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I have 0 sympathy for anyone arrested over the last week.


You should not have been there. There was no need to part of a riot and a riot was what it was.

The Feds should have rented Downsview and said to EVERYONE, "you want to protest, fine, here is your free speech zone, we'll build you a stage, supply some Johnny on the Spots, and here's some free water" "Protest all you want"

"But come downtown and you're guilty of inciting a riot and we'll bust your ass."

How much you wanna bet that NOT ONE of those arrested woudl have taken the Downsview route. They wanted to be where the fun was and they got busted. Suck it up. You knew that that was a risk. No-one took the rubber hoses to you.

It was at Queen and Spadina....Reasonably far from the G20 security zone...
People can't walk and enjoy Toronto's streets...
I was at Bathurst and Queen (only 5 minutes walk from Spadina) the day before enjoying dinner with my brother in law and sister (that area was peaceful with a lot of regular people walking around enjoying the night - you could see the smoke from the burning police cars)...

A lot of people live in that area...Should they be forced to stay in their homes for the whole 3 days?

One news channel interviewed people who got caught in the Police Barricade:
One guy was walking his dog and got caught in it....
Two guys were coming from watching a World Cup game from a Pub and got caught in it...

There were a few others who were interviewed who just walking and some watched and got caught in the Police action....


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Open your eyes! See the reality! No innocent people, and I mean NO INNOCENT PEOPLE is dumb is enough to go to downtown on the Sunday after the despicable violence happened the very day before. The ones who are there trying to get the police to free the thugs are the thugs themselves! They are just in their plain clothing pretending to be those peaceful protesters. Unfortunately, they forgot one thing, the peaceful protesters stand for something that help their community. They have signs about abortion, gay rights, oil, etc. The thugs got nothing! (when they got arrest, they just go, "Oh, I was just watching" <---said by a 29-year old fully grown up man)

Torontonians are not stupid. We see through those bull shit these black bloc thugs are pulling. I hope the cops hold those thugs accountable for what they caused.

Torontonians WILL NEVER FORGET the violence, pain, and sufferring these black bloc thugs brought to our city.
Do you even live in Toronto?
Are you even in familiar with that area?
Do you know how many people live in that area? There's a shit load of people who live in that area (pretty much there's a shit load of people who live all over downtown Toronto)...And you except to stay away from the area that they live in?
Is every Torontonian who lives Downtown supposed to stay in their homes for the whole long weekend?

You would be singing a different tune if you lived in that area and got caught in it by accident....

The police mishandled the situation...


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Being too passive on Saturday allowed the police to lump everybody together on Sunday. Sad but true.
I also agree with this statement....

The police mishandled the whole situation...

By the way...This might have been asked already....

But why the fuck did the cops abandon their police cars in the middle of a mob?
For fuck sakes the cops will tow an illegally parked car within minutes!!! They couldn't have towed their cars out of there? I saw on the news that showed the cops had the Police Cars at Spadina & Queen surrounded and secured and then they took off and abandoned the cars?
They should have known the cop cars were gonna be vandalized and torched if left alone with an unruly mob!!!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It was at Queen and Spadina....Reasonably far from the G20 security zone...
People can't walk and enjoy Toronto's streets...
I was at Bathurst and Queen (only 5 minutes walk from Spadina) the day before enjoying dinner with my brother in law and sister (that area was peaceful with a lot of regular people walking around enjoying the night - you could see the smoke from the burning police cars)...

A lot of people live in that area...Should they be forced to stay in their homes for the whole 3 days?

One news channel interviewed people who got caught in the Police Barricade:
One guy was walking his dog and got caught in it....
Two guys were coming from watching a World Cup game from a Pub and got caught in it...

There were a few others who were interviewed who just walking and some watched and got caught in the Police action....

It sucks, but that’s the way it goes. It was a riot and in a riot the rules go out the window. Don’t blame the cops, blame the criminals.

As to living in the area, go away from the riot, not towards it. If you live on one of the streets running perpendicular to Queen, walk north away from the riot, not into the thick of it and you would be fine. You KNOW there is trouble ahead, find a way around it. (There are plenty.) People are used to being able to do what they want, when they want, and I understand that, however, these are extra-ordinary circumstances and you need to acknowledge that and work with the cops.

Besides, being held for a couple of hours is not the end of the world in this situation.
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